Spotted cats immediately stand out from their regular counterparts. They are distinguished by graceful movements and relatively large sizes. All this gives them an incredible resemblance to wild animals. In today's article, we will talk about the main features of cats that look like a leopard.
America is considered the birthplace of this relatively young breed, bred in the 80s of the past century. It was obtained by crossing an ordinary domestic cat with a wild serval. Officially, these animals were recognized only in 2001, and since then they have remained popular among connoisseurs of exotic.
Savannahs are large cats that look like a leopard. The length of their body can reach 1.35 m, and the mass varies between 7-15 kg. On the small graceful triangular head of these animals there are high-set ears widened at the base and huge eyes of a copper, yellow or green hue. The graceful, stretched body of a typical savannah is covered with short, stiff, spotted coat.
Representatives of this breed of cats are similar to a leopard, not only externally, but also in character. They are very jumping, active and playful. Savannahs love to hunt and do not like enclosed spaces. Therefore, it is better to keep them in a private house with the possibility of free movement in a fenced area.
Bengal cat
This relatively young breed was bred a little over fifty years ago. She appeared due to the crossing of spotted Thais with ordinary cats. Subsequently, mestizos born from such mating were paired with Egyptian Mau, Burmese, American Shorthair, and Abyssinians. In the process of breeding bengals, breeders had to overcome many difficulties. For successful completion of the work, more than one DNA study was carried out and a whole strategy was created, which allowed to bring the work begun to a logical end.
Bengals are relatively small domestic cats, similar to a leopard. Depending on the gender, their weight varies between 4-7 kg. On the massive wide-mouthed head there are huge oval eyes and neat little ears. The muscular stretched body of such an animal is covered with a thick, shiny, tight-fitting coat of spotted or marble color.
Bengals are affectionate and playful creatures, very attached to their masters. They do not require special care and perfectly adapt to life in urban apartments. They love to jump and are not at all afraid of water.
America is the birthplace of this rare leopard-like cat breed. A resident of sunny California decided to create a pet that looks like wildlife. To achieve her goal, she crossed bengals and shorthaired orientals. Maine coons, Abyssinians and ordinary domestic cats also took part in the formation of the new breed.
Serengeti are long-legged, muscular animals with strong bones and a wedge-shaped head. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with a thin, shiny, tight-fitting spotted coat. Also, the standard allows the existence of black and smoky individuals.
Serengeti is a breed of cat similar to a leopard. Photos of these animals cannot convey all their external and internal beauty. Therefore, it is possible to form an opinion about them only by talking to them live. Serengeti are active and playful. They rarely sit in one place and love jumping. These cats are very attached to their owners and do not tolerate long separation.
This is one of the youngest breeds. She was bred in 1999 thanks to the efforts of an Israeli woman named Doris Pollachek. It was she who came up with the idea to get a new breed of pets. To achieve her goal, she crossed wild steppe Libyan cats with bengals and orientals. Also for these purposes, ordinary domestic cats were used.
Kanaani are relatively large and yet elegant creatures. On a triangular head with a developed chin and pronounced cheekbones there are wide pointed ears and almond-shaped, slightly slanting eyes. Their whole body is covered with a short stiff awn under which there is no undercoat at all. The spotty color makes this cat breed look like a leopard.
Kanaani are calm and independent creatures who love active games. They are suitable for living in urban apartments, but need regular walking.
Egyptian Mau
Despite the rich history, this ancient breed received official recognition only in 1977. Egypt is considered its homeland, and among the ancestors are cats that lived during the time of the Pharaohs. In Europe, they became famous thanks to Natalia Trubetskoy. The Russian princess was so impressed by the sight of these graceful beauties that she acquired several kittens from the Egyptian ambassador. Subsequently, she began breeding these animals, trying to maintain their inherent features.
Egyptian Mau is a cat breed similar to a leopard. These animals are relatively small in size. Their maximum weight is 5-6 kg. The elongated slender body of the Egyptian Mau is covered with short, shiny, soft, spotted hair.
Representatives of this breed are distinguished by an energetic and active disposition. They are extremely playful, curious and agile. Mau are considered excellent jumpers and have a strong hunting instinct.
All these breeds are united not only by color, giving them a special resemblance to a leopard, but also by character traits. They differ from their counterparts not only in their beautiful spotted fur coat, but also in their graceful habits.