What are parrot cichlids?

Among lovers of tropical fish , small parrot cichlids are very popular. Their breeding does not present any particular problems, in addition, these fish are brightly colored and easily distinguished by gender. Otherwise, they are also called "cichlids red parrots." Typically, these fish are associated with bloodthirsty monsters that attack neighbors in the aquarium, as well as dig and devour aquatic plants. But the described horrors, fortunately, do not apply to parrots.

cichlids parrots

They are the best option for aquariums in which live-bearing vultures or characins are adjacent. Guppy fry are not dangerous to live with cichlids, unless, of course, do not forget to feed the latter. Cichlids, although they respect their territory, do not cause any harm to other residents of the home reservoir. As shelters, algae also do not attract them. In their way of life, parrots resemble lamprologus or yulidochromis, although with a more peaceful disposition.

The taxonomists divide these fish into species and subspecies depending on color options. Most often, the name pelvicachromis is found, for example, pelvicachromis pulcher - a fish 8 cm long. Some experts distinguish camelina pelvicachromis - a baby with a golden back.


cichlids red parrots

Parrot cichlides prefer clean old water with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, although it is worth noting that salted or slightly alkaline water will not cause any problems either. The basis of their food is small invertebrates, as well as grown on algae. Especially unpretentious and omnivorous fish are cichlids, parrots. Their reproduction is quite active.


By eight months, the fish become sexually mature. In order to lay eggs, parrot cichlids find shelter, a cave, which may be a coconut shell or a flower pot. Once the female is able to lay up to 60 eggs. Both the female and the male take care of the offspring on an equal footing, never allow themselves to devour their babies. The fry are patronized for a rather long time, until they grow to 1 cm. After this, the fish are ready for the next clutch.

cichlids parrots breeding

Parents help babies in search of food by rocking the ground, and sometimes chewing large pieces, as the settled particles of food are most preferred for fry in contrast to dust. Flocks of parrot fry, under the guidance of their parents, are looking for food that is in the form of plaque or sediment in the ground. Preference in the feed of cichlids should be given to ciliates, brine shrimp, various micro-foods of artificial origin.

If there is a sufficiently large aquarium at home, parrot cichlids can live in a whole flock. But in this case it is necessary to remember that these are monogamous fish, although males also manage to sweep with a strange female. Apparently, for this reason, females protect their males from rivals. In these cases, the male tries to stay away from the females finding out the relationship. It is the females of the parrots that play the main role in choosing the place of spawning, as they are more determined and aggressive. Maybe that is why this is a rare species of fish in which females have a more spectacular color than males.

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