A newborn cannot go big: - what to do?

After the baby was born, in his body the processes of adaptation to the as yet unfamiliar world begin. Most often they are associated with an imbalance in the digestive system. While getting used to a new type of food, the baby’s stomach and intestines begin to work unstably, which makes his parents worry. The most common consequence of this is a situation where a newborn cannot go big for several days. What to do in this case and where to go? Let's try to answer this important question.

Constipation as a result of breastfeeding

newborn can't go big

Many young mothers repeatedly wonder why a newborn is not pooping. There are actually several reasons for constipation in a baby of the first year of life, and the most relevant of them is the reaction to breastfeeding. Among pediatricians, the period from 1 to 10 days is the norm for bowel movement in a child who feeds exclusively on mother’s milk. Parents in this case do not have to resort to supporting measures and force the crumbs to get rid of accumulated waste. Usually, a newborn cannot go big because the body processes almost all trace elements received from breast milk, and excess fluid comes out with urine. If a delay in emptying causes intestinal colic in a child, then consult a doctor for advice.

Artificial feeding newborn : causes of constipation

why not pooping newborn

The opposite is the situation when the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding. If in this case the newborn does not poop for 3 days or more, this may be the cause of intestinal dysbiosis, which is a fairly common cause. Perform any auxiliary actions in the form of enemas, the use of vent tubes and laxatives, again, can not be done without prior consultation with the pediatrician. It is possible that parents will have to abandon the baby formula that they feed the baby, because it was precisely its composition that could cause a delay in emptying. If the newborn cannot go big, the leading pediatrician most likely recommends taking the baby's feces for analysis to determine the percentage of bacteria and prescribe one or another medication to improve his digestion.

What to do when a newborn cannot go big because of a lack of enzymes?

the newborn does not poop 3 days

Another common cause of constipation in a child of the first year of life may be pancreatic enzyme deficiency. If your baby has been given just such a diagnosis, then you should not panic, because there are excellent drugs that perfectly replace natural enzymes and promote better digestion. The amount of substances usually replenishes over time, so this ailment is unlikely to annoy your child after introducing vegetable foods into his diet.

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