Conception of a child of a certain gender - techniques and opportunities

Conception of a child and his birth are hotly desired events for most young couples. But sometimes it happens, regarding his future gender, potential parents have certain preferences. Well, for example, when a family already has a boy, and you want a second child, a girl, or vice versa. Quite often there is the option that the husband wants a boy, and the spouse would be happy to give him the “heir”, but does not know how to do this, because the sex of the unborn child is unpredictable.

However, there are still methods based on long-term and even centuries-old observations that make it possible to conceive a child of a certain gender with a high degree of probability. Of course, they will not give a 100% guarantee, but hitting the target is quite high for some of them - from 60 to 90%. There are a lot of similar ways to try to “program” the conception of a child of a certain gender, but judging by reliable reviews, only a few of them deserve attention. This is the sex of the child according to the date of conception according to the ancient Chinese calendar, according to the signs of the zodiac (Lunar calendar) and according to the date of ovulation. All three methods are simultaneously the most common, in some cases they can be combined.

To determine approximately the sex of the child by the date of conception according to the ancient Chinese table can be quite simple. The table itself contains a column of the age of the future mother and the months of the year. Each year of a woman’s life corresponds to a month a certain month of the year when the conception of a child of one sex or another is higher. The tablet is freely available on the Internet, finding it and downloading it will not be difficult. In extreme cases, you can buy the appropriate brochure.

With the signs of the zodiac of the lunar calendar, the situation is also quite simple: if you plan to conceive a child, it matters what sign of the zodiac the moon is in. If this is one of the six male characters, then the likelihood of giving birth to a boy outweighs and vice versa. To get the corresponding lunar calendar is also not difficult.

The most troublesome, but also having at least some scientific justification, in addition to just statistical data, is the conception of a child of a certain gender with reference to the date of ovulation. Scientifically proven, sperm containing the XY (male) set of chromosomes are more mobile than those containing the XX (female) set. Therefore, they reach the egg faster and if it is ready, then the conception of a boy occurs . But if the egg is not yet ripe, then the advantage is for “female” spermatozoa, which in the fallopian tube can “wait for a moment” for several days, while the “male” ones die. Sexual proximity immediately after ovulation or in the first 2-3 days after it increases, thus, the likelihood of boys being born.

You can determine the day of ovulation by measuring basal temperature. 3-4 days before ovulation, it decreases by 0.4-0.5 degrees. On the day of ovulation, it rises by 0.6 - 0.7 degrees, which is caused by the release of the hormone progesterone, then, usually after two to three days it normalizes again. But in order not to miss the moment, it is necessary to strictly observe certain measurement rules. First, determine the place of measurement - orally, rectally or intravaginally and in the future do not change it in any case. The thermometer is better to take on a mercury basis and it is desirable that it be the same. Measurements are carried out strictly at the same time, best of all, right after a morning sleep. It is better to shake off the thermometer in the evening. You need to start the measurement on the first day of the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In the first month of measurements, it is better to refrain from conceiving a child, and draw up a "temperature line". In the future, sexual intimacy during a decrease in basal temperature (before ovulation) or its normalization (after ovulation after 2-3 days) is more likely to lead to the birth of a girl, and in the period of an increase in basal temperature - to a boy.

In conclusion, we should once again draw attention to the fact that these methods do not guarantee the desired result, so future parents should not blindly rely on them and accept a child of the same sex that has already “turned out”, loving it simply for what it is.

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