Today it is rarely possible to meet a couple who decided to have more than two babies. Despite this, there are still large families. At the same time, a woman is faced not only with difficulties of upbringing. Many problems appear already during the period of gestation during the third and fourth pregnancy. In this article we will tell you what a woman may face in this situation.
The optimal reproductive period, according to most experts, ends after 30 years. In this case, the fourth pregnancy in the majority of the fairer sex, as a rule, proceeds at an older age. At the same time, the risk of complications for the mother and the child increases significantly. Of course, it cannot be argued that all women over 30 years old will necessarily encounter trouble after conception. However, it is necessary to register immediately as soon as signs of a fourth pregnancy appear. Well, if even before the onset of conception it will be possible to undergo a complete examination of the body. In this case, the risk of complications will be significantly reduced.
Pregnancy with a fourth child may occur with problems if there is a predisposition to genetic complications. It’s worth considering if the previous babies were born with one or another vices. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, it will not be out of place to undergo an examination with a geneticist.
Each subsequent pregnancy is aggravated also in the event that a Rhesus conflict is diagnosed. The most problematic blood group is the fourth negative. Pregnancy, if it occurs, can be interrupted in the early stages. To prevent such a situation, a woman is given a special immunoglobulin intravenously.
Even if the previous periods of gestation have passed without complications, it is recommended to register the expectant mother as soon as possible. The optimal period is 7 weeks. An earlier examination will eliminate the risk of complications. If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, the patient will be referred for surgery.
What is the difference between the fourth pregnancy?
Each haunting pregnancy creates a serious burden for the female body. In this case, unpleasant symptoms can develop in any system of life. The fourth pregnancy can lead to exacerbation of chronic ailments. The features of this process are a more vivid manifestation of all unpleasant symptoms. A significant deterioration in well-being can be observed if a representative of the weaker sex decided to become a mother again closer to 40 years.
The abdomen during the fourth pregnancy begins to increase much earlier. Already at the 10th week of pregnancy, others, as a rule, notice the interesting situation of the expectant mother. Moreover, the size of the abdomen may be larger. Moreover, the weight of the baby does not always matter. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the press are already stretched, which allows the uterus to freely grow in size.
An interesting fact is that a woman begins to guess her position much earlier. Many expectant mothers even before the delay know that there have been changes in their bodies. Much earlier observed and movement in the fourth pregnancy. The future mother will feel the shocks closer to the 13th week of the gestation period.
Due to the fact that the risk of complications with each subsequent pregnancy increases significantly, it is recommended that the expectant mother observe a number of rules. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights. In this regard, the fourth pregnancy should be planned when the older children are a little older. Any physical activity can lead to premature labor.
Childbirth during the fourth pregnancy
The expulsion of the fetus in this situation also has its own characteristics. If the representative of the weaker sex complies with all the doctor's prescriptions, the fourth pregnancy will end in a successful birth. Symptoms that a baby has decided to be born may be blurry. Abdominal prolapse during repeated pregnancies is far from always observed, and the mucous plug begins to recede just a few hours before the start of labor. The need to collect the bag in the hospital can suggest a decrease in puffiness. What else could be the precursors of childbirth during the fourth pregnancy? Reviews show that a few hours before the baby is born, it becomes much easier to breathe. This is due to the advancement of the fetus to the cervix. Around the lungs, space is freed.
Pregnancy with a fourth child often ends in a rapid birth. Only half an hour can pass from the beginning of the first contractions until the baby is born. In this case, there is a serious risk of complications for the life of the mother and child. A future mother may experience a rupture of the soft tissues of the birth canal. A baby may be diagnosed with intracranial hemorrhage. To avoid unpleasant consequences, closer to the end of the fourth pregnancy, it is recommended to go to the hospital before the onset of labor (closer to the 37th week).
Each repeated pregnancy also increases the risk of poor labor. In this case, the woman will feel intense contractions against the background of a slight opening of the cervix. In this case, the doctor may decide on the stimulation of labor by the drip of Oxytocin. If such actions do not show a good result, delivery will be performed by cesarean section.
What week give birth for the fourth time?
The calculation of the timing of the onset of labor is influenced by many factors. At the same time, it does not always matter whether a woman carries the first baby or the fourth. Of great importance is the full-term baby. Some babies fully mature by the 37th week. It often happens that at the 41st week the child is in no hurry to be born. In this case, the absence of labor can indicate hormonal disorders in the mother's body. If the birth does not begin at week 42, the doctor decides to conduct stimulation. In this case, it is often enough to open the fetal bladder, as full-fledged contractions begin.
Artificial labor is carried out with extreme caution. The doctor makes sure that after joining the dropper with Oxytocin, contractions do not come more than once every 5-7 minutes. Stimulation often leads to rapid delivery with subsequent complications.
If the stimulation at the 42nd week of pregnancy does not show good results, labor does not occur, the baby is born through surgery.
The fourth pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for a woman. The absence of contractions at the 40th week, pain in the lower abdomen, decreased fetal activity - all this may be the reason for going to the hospital.
Features of the fourth multiple pregnancy
The risk of complications is significantly higher if two or more fetuses develop simultaneously in the womb. Under the close supervision of medical personnel should be, if it comes to the fourth pregnancy. Fetal movements, an increase in the abdomen, deterioration in well-being - all these signs will appear much earlier. Double pregnancy creates a huge burden on the body. Starting from the middle of the second trimester, a woman will spend almost all the time on conservation (in a hospital). This is the only way to avoid dangerous complications.
It is worth remembering that with multiple pregnancy, babies develop on the basis of competition. Therefore, a woman should have enough strength so that both babies receive the necessary amount of nutrients. With age, the probability of having healthy babies with multiple pregnancies is significantly reduced. Already at the 6th week of the expectant mother, it is recommended to register.
Special attention deserves food. You will have to eat a little more than with a singleton pregnancy. It is worth remembering that with age, the risk of obesity increases. It will be useful to turn to a professional nutritionist who will develop a diet on an individual basis.
It should be prepared for the fact that labor in a multiple pregnancy can begin much earlier.
Why are late births dangerous?
It should be understood that a fourth pregnancy after the age of 35 carries a certain risk to the health of the mother and the unborn baby. Statistics show that children with Down syndrome more often appear in old-born mothers. Every year, the risk of exacerbation of chronic pathologies will significantly increase, which can also affect the development of the fetus inside the womb.
Those who decide on a fourth pregnancy closer to 40 years old need to be prepared for a spontaneous abortion. The risk of miscarriage increases significantly due to chromosomal defects of the fetus. The body of a woman thus gets rid of a child who develops inferiorly.
Against the background of late pregnancy, problems with the placenta often appear. Chronic placental insufficiency often leads to premature birth. In this case, the baby is born with pathologies.
Pregnancy immediately after childbirth
Signs of a fourth pregnancy may be blurred if a woman recently gave birth to a third baby and breastfeeds. Often, the expectant mother learns about her situation when the gestation period reaches 12 or more weeks. At the same time, it is too late to terminate the pregnancy.
A serious threat arises primarily for the life of the unborn baby. The female body has not yet had time to fully recover. As a result, all the necessary substances will get to the baby in a limited amount. In addition, the mother’s body is set up to feed an already born baby. In the fourth pregnancy, immediately after the third, children can be born prematurely. If the baby was born after the 30th week of pregnancy, he has every chance of a full life. He will be able to regain his strength thanks to artificial feeding.
The fourth pregnancy immediately after birth can cause a significant deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother. The period of gestation in this case is quite difficult. A woman needs to make a decision, pay attention to an already born baby or completely entrust it to his relatives and maintain a fourth pregnancy. It is possible that almost all nine months will have to be spent in a hospital on preservation.
If you can no longer give birth
With complex fourth births, a specialist can recommend a woman to bandage the fallopian tubes. Surgery is done if the fairer sex is no longer recommended to give birth. Intervention can be carried out in a gynecological clinic. In this case, the likelihood of complications and side effects is minimized. The operation gives 98% protection against pregnancy. Despite this, the menstrual cycle is not violated, and the libido of a woman does not suffer.
A full pregnancy after surgery can not occur. However, there is always a risk of ectopic development of the ovum. If menstruation did not arrive on time and the test shows two strips, you should seek help immediately.
In addition to the complex fourth pregnancy, there are other indications for tubal ligation. These include: leukemia, severe diabetes mellitus, the active form of hepatitis, renal failure, advanced form of hypertension.
With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of late toxicosis increases significantly. Gestosis is a pathological condition in which dangerous symptoms occur, such as swelling, a significant increase in blood pressure, a rapid deterioration in well-being. Such complications are observed in 20% of cases in the fourth pregnancy. In the most difficult cases, eclampsia develops. This condition is characterized by convulsive seizures. A pregnant woman may fall into a coma. There is already a serious threat to the life of the future mother and child.
Dropsy is one of the first manifestations of late toxicosis. Initially, a woman begins to suffer from swelling of the hands and feet, then excess fluid appears in the lower abdomen. At a late stage of the pathological process, edema appears already on the face. Unpleasant symptoms develop against a background of decreased urine output. In addition, a woman can detect protein in the urine. Such a symptom will indicate a defective kidney function.
A dangerous increase in blood pressure is also considered dangerous. An increase in diastolic rate may indicate a decrease in placental circulation. The pathological process leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus. As a result, the baby may die or be born prematurely.
Women in the fourth pregnancy with gestosis must be hospitalized. Thanks to round-the-clock monitoring, it is possible to eliminate violations in the vital systems of the body. If the risk of eclampsia increases late, the doctor decides to stimulate labor.
The fourth pregnancy poses a serious threat to the life of the woman and the unborn baby. However, it is not worth interrupting the life of the fetus. If the expectant mother is registered in a timely manner and follows all the instructions of a specialist, there are many chances to bear a healthy child without complications.