What is DM or SAMP role-playing basics

Many novice SAMP players on role-playing servers encounter obscure abbreviations such as DM, DB, SK, MG, TK, RP, ZZ, RK, but do not know what this means. Today we will dwell on these abbreviations in more detail, find out what they mean, and also deal with issues that may arise when visiting roleplay servers. Mostly for violating such punishments you are deprived of the game for a short period of time. Often this is 15 minutes (depending on the severity of the misconduct).

Basic concepts of RP games

Let's look at what DM, DB, SK, TC, RP and other abbreviations are, for many beginners it is incomprehensible:

  • DM - killing a player for no good reason.
  • DB - killing a player from the driver's seat of a car. There is punishment for this violation, because firing from a car is a big advantage.
  • SK - killing a player at the site of his spawn (respawn).
  • TK - killing allies.
  • RP is a role-playing game where you need to beat your character. There is also the concept of nonRP - this is a game without a role.
  • PG - a raid on a large number of players. For such a violation give varn.
  • MG - transfer of information from real life to game chat.
  • BH - movement around the area using jumps.
  • GM - cheat, thanks to which the player becomes immortal.
  • RK - kill a player for killing you.
  • - cheat on viewing through walls.

All these concepts are quite simple and do not require long memorization and retelling.

The penalties for violating such rules on servers are different, but most often you end up in demorgan - a place to serve time for violating RP rules, but you will be banned for cheats. With what Dm, SK, etc. are, we figured out, let's move on to the next.

Punishment for violation

Other concepts

OOC - information from real life.

IC - information that relates to acting out a role and in no way should it relate to real life.

Basic teams for RP games

An example of working on servers

Let's move on to the basic commands that come in handy for playing on such servers. They are few, but they are very important.

/ me - a game of actions of your character. For example, / me took a passport from his back pocket and handed it to the person opposite.

/ Me example command

The beginning of the character’s actions should begin with a small letter, and end with a period.

/ do is a third-person game. For example, / do In the hand of the policeman there was a packet with the inscription “Proprietary docks”.

The game of circumstances with the help of this command should begin with a capital letter, at the end the point is not required.

/ b - chat with real-life information (OOC). In such chats, mats and insults are prohibited.

/ todo - a similar command is not present on all servers, but it is very useful. It is used with text, as well as with the participle. For example, / todo Well, he raised his hands up! * pointing the gun at the person opposite.

Direct speech in the wagering is written with a capital letter, a dot at the end is not put. And the participle turnover begins with the * sign. It is written with a small letter, and a dot is put at the end.

/ try - an action that may be successful or unsuccessful. For example, / try took out a speck stuck in the eye. This command is played out just like / me, starts with a small letter, and ends with a period.

/ coin - toss a coin that issues an eagle or tails. It can be used when you are wearing a helmet, but they hit your head.

What is nubo RP, light RP, full RP?

These terms can be easily understood if you have English at least at the minimum level.

Nubo-RP - such servers are made by people with a small budget and meager experience of playing on such resources. Almost everything is bad in them, from players and gaming systems to administration. It is strongly discouraged to enter such servers because of the nerves spent in the future and the poor impression of entertainment in general. Indeed, most participants playing on such servers do not even know what DM is. However, the final decision is yours.

Noobo rp

Light RP is the most common type of server designed to have a good time. Here, as you might have guessed, everything is at an average level. On such servers you can relax and not really bother with the wagering account. However, more experienced players will still make comments if you, when working as a doctor, treat your broken arm with aspirin. Such servers are suitable for beginners who are little versed in acting out their roles.

Full RP - a game on such servers is not for beginners. Everything is very serious here. You need to win back everything, but on such servers you can not meet a person who will not know what DM, SK and so on. If you want to play on such resources, you will have to gain experience on light RP and go from a beginner to a professional.

How? And it's all?

Yes, that’s all for now. In this article, we learned in detail about the concepts of role-playing game, examined what MG, DM, etc. are, and learned that it is better not to violate such rules. If you still violated the requirements, be prepared for punishment. If the project administration did not notice you by a miracle, then this is just luck, nothing more. We also examined in detail teams for acting out their roles and exchanging information with OOC and IC players. We learned the types of servers, figured out which ones are worth playing, and which ones aren’t.

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