World contraceptive day: when and how is it celebrated

Unfortunately, not all modern youth know how to protect their health. Therefore, in many countries of the world there are special days that are dedicated to a particular disease. In this article, I want to talk about the fact that there is World Contraceptive Day, designed to educate people on the topic of protection during sexual intercourse.

world contraceptive day

New day"

It's no secret that the problem of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies is new. It has existed for many years, regardless of where a person lives. However, contraceptive day arose recently. He is completely young, but has already earned special interest from not only doctors, but also ordinary people. "When is World Contraceptive Day?" - a logical question arises. This holiday is celebrated annually on September 26, but for the first time this happened just recently, in 2007.

Who is the organizer?

Very interesting is the problem, which nevertheless pushed to create such an interesting holiday. It arose on the initiative of a number of organizations that are involved in the reproductive health of women. The reason for this was a huge number of unplanned pregnancies among adult women and very young girls from developed countries, which alerted the organizers. This day arose rather as a long informative campaign aimed at fixing this problem. However, over time, this trend has changed somewhat, and World Contraceptive Day should now solve not only women's but also men's health problems, first of all educating young people about sexual caution and protection.

when is world contraceptive day


Why did World Contraceptive Day first still have to fix the situation with unplanned pregnancies? The answer to all is terrifying statistics. According to figures, around 80 million women in the world face an unplanned pregnancy problem and a fourth of them, 2 million of them, have an abortion (which, by the way, is not always done legally in medical institutions and sometimes ends in very bad shape). As a result, nearly 70 thousand women die as a result of an improperly performed operation or complications after it.

And the worst thing is that these figures do not apply only to women who live in the countries of the so-called "third world". Unfortunately, this trend is observed in developed countries. Scary figures are also available for teenage pregnancies. Only in Europe, the number of legal abortions among girls from 15 to 19 years old is increasing annually. As for illegal ones, it’s even scary to think about it. The leaders in such a problem are Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Finland, France.

contraceptive day September 26


Knowing when World Contraceptive Day is, you can try in each city to hold small events dedicated to this topic. So, first of all, these are educational lectures, which should concern not only schoolchildren, but also adults. Indeed, among them, far from everyone is familiar with modern methods of contraception, using only condoms or spirals (in cases of women).

Little known to most today is the use of oral contraceptives. The main fear is taking hormones, which can provoke a huge number of problems, including a strong increase in the weight of a woman. This is one of the myths, because such a problem with the competent selection and use of modern OK simply does not exist.

Conversations are also required by such a topic as the first sexual contacts of youth. Here again there is a myth that it is impossible to get pregnant for the first time. Moreover, young people are unlikely to think and know that they are carriers of various sexually transmitted diseases. You can talk and talk a lot about anything. The main thing is to introduce, as a rule, at least once a year, doctors, who will be willing to introduce everyone to the nuances of various issues, to schools at various levels. And if possible it would be nice to organize lectures for the adult population, the hall would most likely be crowded with people.

world contraception day


How else to celebrate World Contraceptive Day? Why not do some educational action? All sorts of methods would be appropriate here. It can be small quizzes for passers-by, just skits or miniatures, you can make a picture on the asphalt according to this topic. It is also good to distribute various literature relating to this issue. Many will like the free distribution of condoms. However, in order to receive such a small present, you will need to answer a few questions and thus learn something new for yourself. It is worth saying that stocks are a great way to attract public attention to this problem.

contraceptive day

Flash mob

Another option is how to celebrate contraceptive day September 26th. You can gather young people and make a thematic flash mob. It is worth saying that this is one of the new methods of "conversation" of people with the public, which has gained some popularity. And if it is not initially clear to everyone, it will definitely attract attention and in this way will make at least a few familiarize themselves with this problem and ways out of it.

Sex education

It’s good that there is World Contraception Day. So you can familiarize people with some important nuances and details in the field of intimate life. However, this problem must not occur at all. What can be done? Everything is simple: from early childhood, children need to be educated correctly, without avoiding such a question as the sexual component of each person’s life.

As for the countries of the post-Soviet space, there is a huge problem. After all, it’s simply not accepted to speak openly with children about sexuality, which subsequently creates a huge number of different problems. And you need to do this from the very youngest years. Moreover, there are many different literature, tips on how to do this correctly. I want to believe that soon everything will change, and the Day of Contraceptives will not be something surprising or even somewhat shameful for our people.

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