Evil rottweilers - character traits or parenting mistakes?

"The Rottweiler is an evil dog!" This stereotype has long been popular among people. However, only those who are not familiar with this breed think so. These dogs are actually serious animals with a balanced character. The main thing is not to anger the dog.

angry rottweiler dog

Reasons for hierarchical aggression

Even those dogs that live at home and sleep in bed with their owners, continue to exist on the principle of a pack. For a dog there is no such thing as equality. That is why from the moment of birth she needs to clearly know her position in the pack. If a person correctly educates her, then when she becomes a big dog, no problems with behavior will arise.

Accordingly, depending on the behavior of the owner, there may be two options for the development of events. Either the owner will let the dog understand that he is the main one, or the dog himself will determine the places in the pack. If you do not show that the leader is a person, the dog will definitely try to take the main position.

You need to understand that the evil Rottweiler is the result of improper upbringing. A dog cannot by itself begin to rush at the owner, disobey and growl. If the puppy is allowed to behave incorrectly, then in adulthood the dog will not listen.

Harmless things, for example, letting the dog go eat first, sleep wherever he wants, lead to undesirable consequences. It is after such a dog begins to be considered himself a leader.

Preventive measures

The sooner the owner thinks about the correct education of the dog, the less problems there will be with hierarchical aggression. You need to understand that it is considered one of the most dangerous. From the first day the dog is in the house, you need to show that the leader is a man.

Be sure to decide on the place where the dog will sleep. She needs to be prohibited from settling down where every family member rests and sleeps.

In the event that the dog lay on the floor, blocking the road, do not step over or go around. Carefully push the dog with his foot. In no case should you hurt. If the dog growls, then there are problems with aggression. You need to continue to behave until the dog without objection will not budge.

Rottweiler aggression

Correction of the situation

If the rottweiler is evil, then you need to take action. One fact should be noted: an unfriendly puppy will never grow up to be a good and kind dog. It will be a danger to both the family and ordinary passers-by on the street. You can correct the situation at the age of the puppy, and already in adulthood. Before you begin to take measures, you need to assess the situation: the dog can be more energetic and strong. In no case should you start a “battle” if a person is not sure of his victory. Refusing and retreating is not the best solution. So the dog will only once again make sure that she is the leader.

First, you can try to re-educate yourself. This is done with the help of physical influence, castration, punishment, encouragement. If this does not help, you should give the dog for re-education to a professional. In neglected cases, when the dog ignores absolutely all commands, it should be euthanized.

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