From the moment a child is born, parents strive to exclude diseases, stresses, and serious feelings from the baby’s life. This is because they understand that negative phenomena in human life, and especially in children, do not pass without a trace. Each family has its own methods and techniques for maintaining the mental balance of the baby. Someone does this through confidential conversations, observing the daily routine.Creating the conditions for a reasonable combination of the child’s physical activity with calm games, dosed watching TV shows also give a positive result. But sometimes you still have to use special drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the baby’s restless behavior. One of such means is the medication “Little Bunny”. Syrup reviews and recommendations for use are very different. But first you need to figure out who it is intended for.Who is suitable for the rabbit syrup?
No matter how hard the parents try, it is impossible to completely eliminate stress, fears from the life of the child. Their reasons can be any events in the baby’s life, for example, the first days of visiting a kindergarten, the mother’s exit to work and the related changes in the child’s life.
Adaptation to school life also does not always go smoothly - an unusual environment, a new team, the first negative assessment in a notebook and many, many other events that can cause strong emotions in a child and even affect his mental state in the future.Children's syrup "Little Hare" can help in restoring the mental state of irritable, highly excitable, unbalanced children. If the child has sleep disturbances, he is haunted by fears, then this drug can be used here.
But a mandatory recommendation is a preliminary visit to the doctor. Only he can prescribe drugs to treat such serious abnormalities in the behavior of the child. The tool "Hare" (syrup) reviews of doctors has both positive and negative.
The composition of the drug
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It is consumed with food, dissolving 1-2 teaspoons in any liquid. During the day, you can take 3 times. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.The drug is contraindicated in children under three years of age. The syrup has the greatest effect on babies aged 3 to 6 years.
Syrup "little hare", the price of which is 150-170 rubles, is available to families and with low financial capabilities. Due to such a cost of the drug and effective effects on the body, it is very popular as a sedative.
Parent reviews
The drug "Hare" (syrup) reviews in most patients are positive. Parents note improvements in the condition of the children a few days after the start of taking the drug. The child becomes calmer, sleep improves, irritability goes away.
Means “Little Hare” (syrup) reviews of another category of parents won not very positive. And to be more precise, its neutral effect on the child’s body is noted.
When drawing conclusions about the benefits of a drug, drug, dietary supplement, you must always remember that the body of each person is individual. Therefore, fully rely on recommendations, reviews of other people is not worth it.
To visit a doctor, tell him about the problems of the child - this is the most correct decision of the parents.