What affects the formation of leadership qualities in a child? What educational institution will teach to win in everything? Are teachers interested in child attendance at circles and sections outside school hours? The answer is much simpler than was commonly believed.
Who will help with the choice?
How to take the child’s free time? Where is it better to give it - in a circle or section? And in general, what is a section and how does it differ from a circle? Such questions can be heard from parents who are actively involved in the lives of their children. Preschool and school teachers can act as assistants to parents. They usually advocate extracurricular activities. In their opinion, such classes can positively affect the formation of the child’s personality. Children develop the ability to make decisions, leadership qualities are formed, the will to win appears, and self-esteem increases. Children engaged in extracurricular activities grow up faster and in the future they decide more quickly on the choice of profession. Informational sites that are linked to the locality where the family lives can also help parents. On them you can often see advertisements of continuing education institutions and get acquainted with the basic information.
How to determine the direction of activity?
For help in determining the activities, you can contact the staff psychologist of the educational institution that the child is visiting. He may have already talked to a child. If the specialist has not yet had time to meet him, it is possible to conduct an ability test. But best of all to the question "What are sections?" teachers of additional activity will be able to answer, because this is their job. To select a direction, such experts advise more to observe what the child chooses in entertainment, more often to communicate with the child on various topics. So the child is better revealed.
What should be considered?
In addition to determining the type of activity for extracurricular activities, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of age and health. For example, they will not take gymnastics and boxing before four years, and professional ballet before ten. In heavy sports, it is better to undergo a full examination and be sure that all the organs and systems in the child work well. It is worth paying attention to the financial issue. Many sections and circles require a special form, inventory. Departures to contests and competitions are also paid from the pocket of parents.
Selection after selection
It doesn’t matter where the child goes to the section or the circle. Neither of these will make a leader or a winner out of your child. This is only fertile ground for a successful future. Only with the joint efforts of children and parents can results be achieved. If parents support children in difficult moments, do not let them retreat and quit what they started, then children — sooner or later, in this type of activity or in another — will certainly show high achievements.