Abdominal pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and possible consequences

The female body is very complicated, and sometimes some processes in it do not proceed as usual. Most often, pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg has fixed in the uterus. But sometimes it is beyond its borders, i.e., in the abdominal cavity. This is not considered a disease, but not a completely normal phenomenon. In this case, a woman has an ectopic pregnancy in the abdominal cavity.

With this type of egg fixation, there is a high risk of any health consequences. This article will discuss abdominal ectopic pregnancy, its signs, symptoms and diagnosis. And also we will talk about what the consequences may arise and how to treat.

Abdominal pregnancy

can do abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy

This species occurs when the embryo enters not into the uterus, but into the abdominal cavity. According to statistics, the number of such pregnancies is less than 1%, which means that this happens infrequently. If a woman has any pathological changes in the body, then she may be at risk. Of course, this will harm the body, but how severe the consequences will depend on many factors, for example, where exactly the egg will penetrate, whether there are large blood vessels nearby, endocrine system disorders. Abdominal pregnancy is a good reason for surgical intervention if there is a threat to the woman's life. And the treatment will be handled by an obstetrician-gynecologist.


The occurrence of this pathology can occur in 2 cases:

  1. Before fertilization, the egg was in the abdominal cavity, and then attached to the organs. This pregnancy is primary.
  2. The embryo appeared in the fallopian tube, which rejected it, and it fell into the cavity. Here the embryo was again implanted. This is a secondary abdominal pregnancy.

To identify which of the two reasons has become the main one is practically impossible even for doctors.

signs of abdominal pregnancy

Other factors

Other factors that determine the development of the fetus in the abdominal cavity are:

  1. Diseases of the female reproductive system (ovaries and uterus).
  2. An increase in pipe size (they become longer) or their mechanical damage as a result of injuries.
  3. Benign tumors (cysts).
  4. In vitro fertilization, because a woman is unable to conceive on her own for any reason.
  5. Abuse of contraceptives such as an ectopic spiral.
  6. Diseases of the internal organs, namely the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland.
  7. An increased level of the hormone progesterone, which has a direct effect on the menstrual cycle, ovulation, the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the future fetus.
  8. Violation of any important processes in the body of a woman.
  9. Bad habits are alcohol and smoking. Cigarette lovers are twice as likely to have an abdominal pregnancy. And alcohol adversely affects the whole body as a whole. Both habits significantly reduce the immunity of women, contribute to the deterioration of the reproductive system - the conduction of the fallopian tubes becomes lower, and ovulation occurs late or completely absent.
  10. Constant stress and nervous state of a person. This leads to improper contraction of the fallopian tubes, in connection with which the embryo remains in them, and after rejection it enters the abdominal cavity and is fixed there for further development and growth.
  11. Women in adulthood. Ladies who are no longer in their young years, in recent years, most often have an abdominal pregnancy. This is due to the fact that over the years the body wears out, the hormone changes in the lady, the fallopian tubes perform their function not as actively as before. Therefore, there is a great risk that the embryo will linger in them, and then it will be torn away and end up in the abdominal cavity. Women over 35 years old are more at risk of abdominal pregnancy than those who are between 20 and 30. This is also why the woman’s age at conception is very important.

Will pregnancy be beneficial?

symptoms of abdominal pregnancy

How favorable abdominal pregnancy will be depends on where the embryo is attached. If he lacks nutrients, then he will quickly die, and if he finds himself in a place where there are many small blood vessels, then his development will become similar to the usual in the uterus. With such a pregnancy, there is a very high probability that the unborn child will have any diseases or pathologies. Because in the abdominal cavity he does not have the proper protection. In the uterus, fetal safety is ensured thanks to its walls, and outside it, it is at risk of damage.

During abdominal pregnancy, a woman is very rarely able to give birth to a baby on time, usually the babies are premature, are born several months earlier.

Often, surgical intervention or an abortion may be necessary to avoid the occurrence of internal bleeding.

In general, we can conclude that this type of pregnancy is a very dangerous condition for a woman’s life, which very rarely ends with the birth of a viable child, therefore it is very important to diagnose it as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Abdominal Pregnancy

A woman cannot always understand that a fertilization process has taken place inside her and embryo development will soon begin. It is very important to know the symptoms of the above pregnancy. They practically do not differ from ordinary gestation. Pregnancy can be suspected already at an early stage.

abdominal pregnancy

Signs of abdominal pregnancy:

  1. The occurrence of nausea.
  2. Increased drowsiness.
  3. A sharp change in taste preferences.
  4. Aggravation of smell.
  5. Breast swelling.
  6. The most exciting symptom for all women is a violation of the menstrual cycle (complete absence of discharge in due time).
  7. The increase in the uterus, which was detected during examination by a gynecologist. Also, the doctor may detect the location of the fetus in an unusual place.
  8. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  9. Abdominal pregnancy is sometimes recognized in the diagnosis of other diseases.
  10. A woman may experience complaints of deterioration of health, abdominal pain, weakness, constant dizziness, excessive sweating, frequent urination, pallor of the skin, etc. may appear.
  11. If the fetus has damaged small vessels, then anemia is detected by analysis.


ultrasound during pregnancy

The sooner abdominal pregnancy is detected, the better for the woman and her fetus. Because this will help reduce the risk of complications and save the child if possible. Such a pregnancy can be recognized when visiting a gynecologist.


Can I do an abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy? The answer is yes. Because this is one of the main diagnostic methods. Ultrasound begins with an examination of the uterus and its tubes, and if an embryo is not found there, then it is sought in the abdominal cavity. Now you know the answer to the exciting question, is it possible to do an abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy. You can safely go to this examination.

is it possible to do abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy


If these two methods do not confirm the presence of the fetus in the abdominal cavity, then a decision may be made on laparoscopy. This intervention allows you to accurately diagnose pregnancy and, if necessary, immediately remove the fertilized egg. This procedure is carried out in the early stages. If the placenta will destroy the internal organs of a woman, then with the help of laparoscopy they remove it, and the damaged areas are gradually restored or sutured. Usually, laparoscopy is done through several punctures. But if you want to get something big, then they also make a cut.

Early diagnosis will help to avoid complications!

Diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy is very often carried out in the early stages. After that, a decision is made on the preservation of the fetus or its removal, as well as on the necessary treatment. The outcome of timely recognition is usually favorable. But in the case of diagnosis in the later stages, complications may arise in a woman. Until her death due to internal bleeding, severe disruption of the internal organs or their destruction.

Can a woman give birth to a baby with this type of pregnancy?

A woman can bear a child, but the likelihood of this is small. In the medical literature, only a few cases were given when patients with an abdominal pregnancy diagnosed in the later stages were able to safely give birth to a baby. The child in this case is rarely healthy and full. He has various anomalies.

There was a case when a woman was operated on urgently due to suspected appendicitis, and instead of an illness, a child was found there, about which the mother did not even suspect. The baby was born quite healthy.


Most often, abdominal pregnancy is interrupted due to a threat to the woman's life and the risk of a sick child. After diagnosis, a laparoscopic surgery is performed to remove the fertilized egg or placenta. After that, doctors are engaged in restoring the health of women, prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and special procedures.

Abdominal pregnancy cannot end favorably in most cases. Therefore, the best way out is its timely interruption. Sometimes the body itself rejects the fertilized egg and spontaneous abortion occurs. But if there was no timely diagnosis, then surgical intervention is necessary.

abdominal pregnancy


Complications after this pregnancy depend only on the degree of implantation of the embryo into the abdominal organs. It so happens that during the operation you have to remove the whole organ or part of it. In some cases, just stitching the wounds is enough.

The probability of technical errors and complications during the operation is very low. Therefore, the reproductive system basically remains functional.

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