To date, terrariums in Moscow are quite popular. There is nothing surprising here - it’s much easier to care for him than, for example, for an aquarium. In addition, you can play with the turtle, and not just look at it through the glass, which is highly appreciated by children. How not to make a mistake when buying terrariums in Moscow? We will tell you more about this.
Why do we need a terrarium?
Some people do not understand why it is needed, especially when it comes to the maintenance of a land tortoise. After all, she can perfectly crawl throughout the apartment, and the hassle with caring for the terrarium is less, and the pet is well - she has several rooms at her disposal, and not a tiny corner.
This is a common and very dangerous mistake. The fact is that the turtle will freeze all the time. Even if it seems to you that the room is quite warm, keep in mind that the floor is always colder than at the level familiar to you. In addition, people and turtles have a different idea of a comfortable temperature.
A person can always get dressed if it freezes. But the reptiles are cold-blooded, stably low body temperature leads to illness and death.
Therefore, it is worth providing them with a suitable place to live - in the city of Moscow, a terrarium for a turtle can be bought for a relatively small amount. And as a result, your pet gets a small corner of nature with ideal conditions for her.
Choosing a suitable terrarium
To begin with, we will determine what kind of pet you are going to start. For example, if you need a terrarium for a land tortoise, Moscow will offer many stores selling plywood and glass products. They cost much less, rarely fail and have less weight.
The turtle will be comfortable here - of course, after you create all the conditions.
But if you are interested in a terrarium for red-eared turtles, Moscow will be able to offer only models made of glass. After all, they will have to pour water, so any unpressurized terrariums will definitely not work.
When you have decided on this issue, it is worth considering the dimensions. Height is absolutely not important here - 15-20 centimeters are enough for both land and aquatic turtles. But the area - the larger the better. But in most cases, you have to find a compromise between the comfort of a turtle and the saving of useful space. Try to keep the area not less than 0.5 square meters - otherwise the grown-up turtle will be simply crowded here.
Open or closed?
Another very important question is to choose a terrarium with or without a lid?
Open ones usually cost less because of a simpler device - there is no lid, and additional devices for heating and ventilation are not installed. But be prepared for the fact that your turtle may well escape from such a terrarium. In addition, it is more difficult to provide her with protection from other domestic animals or young children, who find it difficult to explain why the turtle should not be touched.
Another disadvantage is the inability to create the right ecosystem. If you want to plant suitable plants, increase humidity to the desired level, heat the air and, in general, recreate the most familiar living conditions for a turtle, then this will not work in an open terrarium. Therefore, this option can be called the choice of beginners.
But professionals or experienced amateurs should look for closed terrariums in Moscow. The cover is usually equipped with two lamps - incandescent and ultraviolet. In addition, some also have fans installed. Inside, you can install a thermometer, as well as a humidity sensor, to regulate these indicators, to create a small ecosystem in which the turtle will feel extremely comfortable. This is especially important for cities with a harsh climate, where winters are cold and summers are rainy. Such weather can cause considerable harm to leisurely pets.
We arrange housing for pets
It is easier to equip a terrarium for a land tortoise. It is enough to pour large pebbles in an even layer over the entire surface, as well as install several snags or other objects for beauty - otherwise the terrarium will look empty and not too beautiful. Several large stones can be pictorially inscribed in the design - the main thing is that they do not have sharp edges that the turtle could hurt.
With a water turtle everything is a little more complicated. There should be both water and land. Therefore, in one corner (approximately 1 / 4-1 / 3 of the total area), pour large pebbles, a layer of 7-10 cm with a smooth slope, and fill the empty space with water. You can plant plants and algae (but not poisonous) and decorate it with decorative elements to your liking. Surely in such a cozy place the turtle will live for many years, not knowing the disease.
The article is drawing to a close. Now you know how not to make a mistake when buying terrariums in Moscow, as well as easily deal with their beautification. Therefore, the pet will bypass all diseases, he will feel great and delight you and your family.