How to develop a baby in 1 month: tips for young parents

The appearance of a new family member in the house is always a great joy.

How to develop a baby in 1 month

In the first days and weeks, young parents get used to the baby, examine it, count their fingers, learn to communicate with it, take care of the baby, taking care of her physical health. Modern mothers know: the sooner you start developing a baby, the quicker it will be. Many begin to take care of mental health even when the baby is in the womb. They study literature, watch special films and programs and know exactly how to develop a child in 1 month, six months and a year.

The earliest development gives impetus to the development of important mental processes in the baby. In order to understand how to develop a newborn baby, you need to know what he can do at this age. In this early period, the child is dominated by unconditioned reflexes: he seeks and sucks a breast (a bottle with a pacifier), can grab his mother’s finger with a pen, turn his head to a source of light and sound, and can focus his eyes on a bright subject.

Before you begin the development of the baby, it will not be amiss to familiarize yourself with the exercises that can be performed with the baby daily. They do not take much time and do not take away the strength of the young mother. So, the rules that will tell you how to develop a baby in 1 month:

- Copy the facial expressions of the baby: looking at you, he learns to recognize emotions.

How to develop a child up to a year

- “Make faces” while the baby is awake. In this case, your face should be at a distance of 20-30 cm from the eyes of the child.

- Show your child bright objects, holding back and forth in front of the face so that the baby watches their eyes.

- Turn on various music in the room, adjusting its volume and tone: this is how the child’s hearing develops.

- Massage your whole body several times a day.

- Lay out the naked baby on fabrics with different textures: this is how tactile sensations develop .

- To develop coordination, carry and swing the baby in different directions, put it on a big ball (fitball).

When the parents received the necessary information on how to develop the child in 1 month, they will be interested to know about his further education. The baby grows up, his brain develops, the baby has new skills and abilities. For parents, it's time to learn how to develop a child up to a year. The development of the baby in this period can be divided into seven stages (see table).

Stage 1

0-5 weeks

Conversations with the baby, close tactile contact, listening to music, examining objects.

2 stage

5-8 weeks

Give the baby various objects in texture, show bright toys and things, develop an eye.

3 stage

8-12 weeks

The child understands that objects are moving, watches them with their eyes.

4th stage

12-19 weeks

Search for familiar objects with eyes, anxiety if mom is far away. Increase tactile contact with the baby.

5 stage

19-26 weeks

The baby has a fear of awareness of the vastness of the world. Create additional comfort: a soft toy, a diaper, comfortable clothes.

6 stage

26-37 weeks

Active knowledge of the world. Offer your child to study a variety of subjects, show how you can manipulate them.

7 stage

37-46 weeks

Knowledge of the properties of objects that need to be encouraged. Praise the baby, replenish his environment with games and new interesting items.

How to develop a newborn

Knowing how to develop a child in 1 month and up to a year, following all the rules, you can be sure: the baby will grow inquisitive and will surely delight parents with his successes.

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