Kashi is one of the best types of food for an adult and a child. One of the varieties is pearl barley. It is made from barley and introduced into the child’s diet after the other types of cereals, including corn, rice, oatmeal. From pearl barley, you can cook many different dishes, such as soup, pilaf and others. Many mothers ask at what age barley can be given to children. The article will discuss the features of introducing porridge into a child’s diet, its advantages and disadvantages.
The composition and calorie barley
The composition of pearl barley includes such nutrients as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water and dietary fiber.
Moms are interested in how many months you can give barley to children. Despite the useful composition, with its inclusion in the diet should be postponed.
The composition of porridge includes complex carbohydrates.
Barley contains vitamins E, PP and group B. It is rich in minerals, among them such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and others. The energy value of pearl barley (100 g) is 315 kcal.
The benefits of pearl barley
Porridge affects the children's body positively, which is associated with its composition:
- Dishes from cereals can be called energy sources due to complex carbohydrates and the presence of amino acids. Lysine synthesizes antibodies to viral infections, which prevents acute respiratory viral infections and exacerbation of herpes.
- Amino acids are involved in the production of collagen, which strengthens the ligaments and promotes the strength of the skeleton.
- Teeth strength is enhanced by phosphorus and calcium.
- B vitamins are needed to maintain the normal state of the brain.
- Thanks to dietary fiber, porridge improves the digestion process and prevents constipation in the child. Helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This helps prevent allergies, improve kidney and liver function.
- Minerals regulate the acid-base and water-salt balance.
- Vitamins PP and group B are involved in metabolic processes.
How many barrels can be given to a child, many mothers ask. It has many advantages, but it can also harm the baby's body.
The disadvantages of pearl barley
The main disadvantage of pearl barley is the presence of gluten in its composition. This is a special vegetable protein of cereals, which in some people can cause allergies. The absence of an enzyme for the breakdown of gluten in the body is a hereditary pathology. Most often, a baby is diagnosed, but sometimes the disease is diagnosed at an older age.
Moms ask when barley can be given to children without fear. She has some drawbacks, so rushing is not recommended. It is contraindicated for children with gluten intolerance to eat dishes with barley. The disadvantages also include the following:
- Pearl barley requires a long time to cook. And heat treatment leads to a partial loss of nutrients.
- Porridge is difficult to digest, so there are restrictions on the use of barley dishes.
- It is a high-calorie product and is contraindicated in overweight children.
- With caution, they give porridge from pearl barley to children with a tendency to flatulence and diarrhea.
Such a manifestation can be caused by large portions of porridge, therefore, barley should not be given to children suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
When to give barley to a child
Porridge refers to indigestible dishes. Therefore, there are features to include it in the diet of babies.
Moms are interested in when you can give a child pearl barley. Experts recommend starting to take her to the child’s diet after they reach the age of 3. Over time, the digestive system will be more formed, the provision of enzymes to the digestive tract will improve.
From how many years you can give a child pearl barley, ask a mother's question. Usually this can be done no earlier than 3 years. Like any new product, cereals on the first day give no more than one spoon in the morning. During the day, parents watch the child to exclude an allergic reaction. In the absence of undesirable symptoms, the portion of porridge can be increased to 100 g per day.
What barley to take for children
There are various ways to handle barley. Normal barley is obtained after removal of the outer shells of the grains. It requires continuous heat treatment. In the process of cooking, nutrients are partially lost.
Deeper cleaning of the grains with removal of the spine makes the cereal a spherical shape, called the "Dutch". The nutritional value of such porridge is slightly lower, but it digests faster. The dish is obtained with a delicate texture.
Moms are wondering at what age barley can be given to children. To get healthy porridge, you need to choose the right product. When buying, the quality of cereals is evaluated by its appearance and smell:
- in pearl barley there should be no rubbish and pebbles;
- dry grains can be white, yellow and somewhat greenish;
- cereals should not have an unpleasant odor.
When buying, pay attention to the production time. Although it is more than 2 years, it is advisable to use cereals for children earlier. Store barley in a closed container.
How to cook barley
Before use, croup must be sorted out. To do this, remove the garbage and thoroughly rinse it with running water. To obtain crumbly porridge, you can use the following methods:
- The first way. Pre-soak the cereal in water for 10-12 hours, which reduces cooking time and reduces the loss of nutrients. To soak a glass of cereal pour a liter of water. In the morning, pearl barley is drained and placed in a cooking container. The volume of cereals increases several times, which must be considered when choosing a container for making cereal.
- Another option. Pour cereals with one liter of water and cook for an hour and a half. Then remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes. If you pour the cereal with hot water for an hour, then the cooking time is reduced to an hour. The readiness of the porridge is checked by the consistency and type of grain, it should be swollen and soft. Butter is added to taste. It can already be put in the finished porridge. Eating pearl barley is best in the warm, so it tastes better.
- The third way. Porridge can be cooked in the oven. Pour boiling cereal for 1 hour. After draining the water, it is placed in a heat-resistant dish. On a glass of cereal - 600 ml of water. Then put in a preheated oven for about 40-45 minutes. And after turning it off - for another 30 minutes.
- Porridge in milk or water is perfectly cooked in a slow cooker. This will save a ton of time. You need to soak the cereal in cold water overnight, strain and place in the crock-pot. For 200 g of cereal, add 400 ml of water, salt and add butter. The mode "Milk porridge" is selected, regardless of whether it is boiled in milk or in water. After finishing work, butter or sugar is added to the porridge if desired.
Moms ask at what age barley can be given to children. After 3 years, kids can cook first courses with cereal. Barley is used instead of rice in the preparation of cabbage rolls.
The article described the age at which barley can be given to children. Croup has a rich composition, it contains minerals and vitamins. But it is poorly digested, therefore it is better to introduce it into the children's diet after 3 years. This is due to the fact that the digestive system of the child becomes more mature, and he goes to the general table. In addition, barley contains gluten. And therefore, it should not be given to children if they have intolerance to it (celiac disease).