The cutest cats in the world: breeds, description, characteristics, photos

Cats are one of those animals that evoke extremely positive emotions. They all differ from each other in the structure of the body, the shape of the muzzle, the length and color of the coat. But each of them is good in his own way and can compete for the right to be called the cutest cat in the world. In today's article, you will find a brief description of the real applicants for this honorary title.

Scottish lop-eared

We owe the appearance of these animals to nature itself, since they were the result of a gene mutation in British Shorthair. In 1961, a cat from a Scottish farmer gave birth to an unusual baby with bent ears. He became very interested in breeders and subsequently became the ancestor of the new breed. Work on fixing the desired gene was continued by American breeders who achieved success in the 70s of the last century. Interestingly, the second name of the cutest kittens in the world, whose photos cannot fail to provoke a storm of positive, sounds like Scottish fold, and in translation means “Scottish fold”.

the cutest cats in the world

Representatives of this breed are not among the large animals, since their weight ranges from 4-8 kg. The rounded head with prominent cheekbones, a short nose and a well-defined lower jaw has huge eyes and wide-set small ears with hanging corners. The soft body with a short dense neck is covered with thick plush hair of almost any color. Scottish fold can safely claim the title of the cutest cats in the world, not only because of their amazing appearance, but also because of their character. They are very good-natured, gentle, complaisant and not capable of aggression.


These animals, whose name is translated from English as “rag doll”, were bred by an American named Anne Baker. They appeared as a result of crossing a white long-haired cat with a Siamese male. The breed standard was developed in 1965 and was filed almost immediately for registration with the CFA.

photo of the cutest cat in the world

Ragdolls are one of the cutest cats in the world. They do not belong to large representatives of their family, since their maximum weight does not exceed 8 kg. On the wide head in the form of a modified wedge there are blue oval eyes and middle ears slightly rounded forward with rounded ends. The muscular body with a fatty fold on the abdomen is covered with a half-length soft two-tone coat. Regarding character, ragdolls are social creatures that need constant communication with their owners. They are very patient, playful and completely non-aggressive.

Persian cat

The homeland of these animals is Iran. The first mention of them dates back to 1626 and is found in the work of the Italian traveler Pietro della Valle. Of course, the appearance of cats of that time was very different from the exterior of modern Persians. They had larger ears and a straight long nose. Breeding work aimed at consolidating the necessary qualities was started by British breeders in the XIX century.

breed of the cutest cat in the world

Persians are amazingly beautiful creatures. Photos of the cutest kittens in the world to tears touch even not too sentimental people. The main features of the representatives of this breed are a luxurious fur coat, a massive rounded head, a short flattened nose and small ears. Due to this, they are easy to identify among other cats. In addition to a pretty appearance, the Persians are endowed with a wonderful character. They are extremely calm, affectionate, peaceful and sensitive.


The modern history of the representatives of this breed began in 1983, when an American named Sandra Hochendedel picked up a pregnant black and white short-footed cat named Blackberry on the street. After a couple of years, the new breed was officially registered in the United States and quickly gained popularity.

Munchkins are one of the cutest cats in the world. Their breed is easily identifiable by short legs and a relatively long body. This feature will make them look like dachshund dogs and stand out from the rest of the cats. The average weight of an adult manchkin does not exceed 4 kg, because it looks very elegant and miniature. And his whole body is covered with short or long hair of any shade. These cats are very sociable, intelligent and good-natured. And the incredible accuracy and cleanliness makes them ideal for maintenance in urban apartments.

Burmese cat

The homeland of these animals is East Asia, where they were considered sacred. In 1934, they were introduced into the United States and aroused some interest among local breeders. One of them, named Joseph Thompson, seriously engaged in their breeding, surging Siamese cats to the breed of blood. Four years later, the first standard was approved, which was subsequently amended several times.

the cutest cats in the world and their breeds

Burmese cats are one of the cutest cats in the world. Due to their light weight, they give the impression of light and very elegant animals. On the wedge-shaped, slightly rounded head with widely set cheekbones there are large beautiful eyes and ears slightly inclined forward. The whole graceful and strong body of the representatives of this breed is covered with a thin short shiny hair of sable, tortie, lilac, blue-gray, red, chocolate or platinum hue. Complete with an attractive appearance, a burmese comes with a playful, unobtrusive and slightly jealous character.

Neva Masquerade

The exact origin of these animals, claiming the right to be called the cutest breed of cats in the world, remains unknown. Experts still have not decided which of the two existing versions is the most plausible. According to one of them, the Neva masquerade appeared as a result of crossbreeding of Siberians and Himalayan cats, according to another - their ancestors were Siamese.

photos of the cutest kittens in the world

Representatives of this breed have a memorable appearance and relatively large sizes. Depending on gender, the weight of an adult varies between 7-12 kg. On the trapezoid wide-mouthed head are large slanting eyes and middle ears. A muscular body with a strong skeleton is covered with long shaggy hair, the coloring of which recalls a close relationship with the Siamese.

Maine Coon

These are the largest contenders for the title of the cutest cats in the world, photos of which can be found in today's publication. The United States is considered their homeland, and the exact origin is still unknown.

photos and names of the cutest kittens in the world

Maine Coons are impressive in size. Their growth is 30-45 cm at the withers, and the mass varies between 8-10 kg. On a large elongated head with high convex cheekbones are oval eyes and triangular ears decorated with tassels. Maine Coon's entire body is covered with a thick, fluffy, waterproof coat of uneven length. As for the color, it can be almost anything, with the exception of purple and chocolate. Despite the severe, impregnable appearance, these cats are endowed with a friendly, patient and affectionate disposition. They easily adapt to changing conditions of detention and are good at training.

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