Any MOBA game is a complex system for separating heroes and objects according to their properties and purpose. In Dota 2, there is a scheme for distributing players along several lines. Each line has its own characteristics, because of which you need to choose the hero and objects correctly. Below we will talk about hardliners in Dota 2 in more detail.
What is hardlane?
Since such questions about the choice of this or that hero are asked only by beginners, for a start we will consider the specifics of the line itself. We outline the main features, pros and cons, and then make a short list of simple characters with which it is best to start exploring this lane.
Hardline in Dota 2 is a complex line, as can be judged by the translation of the name. The players gave this designation to this direction of the card for a reason. For the side of the world, this line is the top, and for the side of the darkness - the bottom. Despite the fact that the features of the game are constantly changing due to the release of updates, the map structure and lines remain almost unchanged.
Hardliners in Dota 2 is the third position. The first is occupied by Kerry - a hero who will farm a lot and collect items in order to easily kill enemies in the future. The second role is the middle, which stands on the center line and acts as the leader in the game in the middle of the battle and at a late stage.
The third player goes into a difficult line and tries to get the most out of it. Usually enemy support prevents the hardliners, so farming is not so good. Especially in cases where the hero has to stand alone without support. This happens all the time, because one of the supports goes to the mid or on an easy line to help the first and second positions.
From these features, the division of heroes into those who do a great job with the hardline and those who are best off not appearing without support follows.
Is it possible to break the rules?
It should be said right away that the hero-heroes in Dota 2 are not divided into classes. Therefore, nothing prevents you from taking any character that you like. However, do not be surprised if your team loses quickly, you will die several times in a row, and your tower will be broken in a couple of minutes. It’s best to follow the general rules if you just started playing Dota 2. Now we’ll select a few characters that will be relevant in the role of Dota 2 hardliners regardless of the current update and features of the map, items, and so on.
Who to play for?
In each of the patches, the creators of the game improve or worsen the conditions for the heavy line. Because of this, the list of suitable characters periodically changes. Now you will get acquainted with the list of hardliners in “Dota 2”, which will be relevant in almost any environment because of their abilities:
- Dark Seer. This character will be relevant at all times, which is proved by its popularity both among ordinary players and on the professional stage. The hero has the ability Ion Shell - a shield that deals damage to enemies around him. So Dark Seer can farm forest creeps and keep enemies out of line creeps. It can easily “swim out” of a bad situation and farm minimal objects in the forest. It can also collect useful items per team and change the course of the battle with the help of its ultimate ability.
- Bristleback This hardliner in Dota 2 is one of the easiest to learn for beginners, as it has a passive skill of the same name. You just have to turn your back on the attack to take reduced damage. The skill Quill Spray can stack on enemies, and then do a lot of damage. There are also no restrictions on subjects. Killing Bristleback is very difficult, because even at level 2-3 enemy heroes themselves can "kill" on the back of the character.
- Centaur Warrunner. This character is also always on the list of the best hardliners in Dota 2. The hero has a useful passive ability, camp, magic damage, massive ultimate skill and good strength. If you collect team items, it will be an indispensable participant in every battle.
- Tidehunter. Another hero with increased durability due to passive skill. Easily stands on a difficult line against several heroes. A minimum of items is needed to survive and to press the ultimate ability in fights in time.
- Abbadon It’s even harder to die with this hero. When the character's health level drops to a certain minimum, the ultimate ability is activated. While Abbadon is in it, all incoming damage turns into a cure.
- Omniknight. This hero is completely independent. Can heal, impose invulnerability to magic, slow down the enemy or save from any incoming damage by ultimate. At the same time, it copes one-on-one with almost any enemy.
- Underlord. Another strong ally. In addition to strength, it can increase its damage with the help of "passivation" and easily respond to enemy carry.
More complex heroes
After you have learned simple hardliners in Dota 2, you can move on to the other list. The farther, the greater the selection of diverse characters. It all depends on your personal skill and desire. We can advise you of the hero Lich because of his unique ability Sacrifice. With its help, you can "eat" the allied creep and gain experience for it. So you lose the experience points of the enemy and pump your hero much faster.
We also recommend learning to play on more team characters. For example, Spirit Breaker can help allies on other lines by quickly moving around the map. Pangolier and Timbersaw can easily move around the fight, simultaneously causing huge damage.
We made out only a small list of heroes of the hardliners in Dota 2, which you can choose for a complex line. Do not forget to adapt to the situation and ask your allies.