Each parent, of course, knows that the child needs to undergo a medical examination periodically. Indeed, many diseases do not “declare” themselves, but harm can be significant and even irreparable. It is important to monitor blood counts, and if the analysis indicates increased hemoglobin in children, measures must be taken. Panic is not worth it, but to take care of an additional study of the state of health is simply necessary.
What you need to know
Before treating your baby, find out why it is so important for his health. Hemoglobin is a complex protein containing iron. It is able to create bonds with oxygen. Thus, it transfers O 2 to each cell of the body. It is found in red blood cells and gives them a bright red color. The hemoglobin protein attaches to itself oxygen from the alveoli of our lungs and carries it throughout the body. At the same time, the “smart carrier” is able to make up for O 2 cells where necessary. And an excess of carbon dioxide takes it and removes it from the body.
Tests confirmed increased hemoglobin? What does it mean? In fact, in some cases, these are simply age-related changes and even increased physical activity. Well, if all the banal does not fit, high numbers indicate an increased blood viscosity in the baby.
How analysis is performed
As a rule, a study is included in a general blood test taken from a patient's vein. The result is evaluated in the laboratory. It is worth considering that the level of platelets in children is constantly changing, and this is due to age-related changes. Therefore, before raising a panic, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the norms of hemoglobin in the blood (g / l):
- At birth - 140-225.
- The first week of life is 130-215.
- 1 month - 100-180.
- 3-6 months - 90-135.
- From 6 months up to 1 year - 100-140.
- 1-2 years - 100-145.
- Up to 6 years - 110-150.
- Up to 12 - 115-150.
- Under 15 years old - 115-155.
- At age 18 - 150-160.
If the tests showed a deviation from the norm by 20-30 units, it can be stated that the baby has increased hemoglobin. For a one-year-old child, the marginal norm, for example, is 145 g / l, but 165 g / l signals the accumulation of red blood cells in the blood. A thorough medical examination is necessary. Elevated hemoglobin in children can indicate the presence of many diseases.
How to recognize signs of a change in platelet count in a child? Observe the baby’s behavior. If he begins to quickly become tired, constantly annoyed, cries for no reason, you should consult a doctor. Pallor of the skin or, conversely, redness and even small bruises can occur.
Sometimes in small patients dizzy and sore head, in especially severe cases there is a sudden loss of consciousness. Listen to the pulse - sometimes tachycardia or arrhythmia is the first sign of the disease. Blood passes through the vessels more slowly and supplies the heart with oxygen inadequately. Increased hemoglobin in children often causes insomnia and general exhaustion of the body.
What can high red blood cells signal?
In most cases, the results of a high level of hemoglobin indicate the presence of concomitant diseases. That is, some organs are not working properly. The main "culprits":
- Improper blood coagulation.
- Erythrocytosis is an abnormally high level of red blood pigments, sometimes cancer causes this phenomenon.
- Congenital heart defects.
- Burns.
- Dehydration
- Intestinal obstruction.
- The child lives at high altitudes (relative to sea level), the less oxygen the body receives, the more diligently he accumulates it and produces red blood cells.
- Lung problems.
Increased hemoglobin - what does it mean? The danger is that a sharp increase in red blood cells increases the amount of blood, it is quite viscous, and its passage through veins and arteries is much more difficult. If this situation is not corrected, the child may have blood clots. And this is deadly.
How to make up iron
As you already know, hemoglobin is a special protein that "does not work" without iron. First of all, it is necessary to fill the deficit in the baby's body of this metal. Or just let it function properly. Doctors say that sometimes the use of additional drugs containing the necessary substance does not help. So what's the problem? Most drugs contain 3-valent iron, but this form is difficult to absorb by the body. May cause constipation, heaviness in the abdomen.
But dairy products contain casein protein, which "sticks together" with iron and does not allow it to be properly absorbed. Therefore, it is so important to exclude all products in this group. Also, the increased acidity of the child’s stomach prevents metal from being absorbed.
Proper diet
Why does the child have increased hemoglobin? Only a doctor can expertly answer this question. The problem is that the usual treatment for this disease is not suitable for children. After all, liquefying blood is very dangerous! Therefore, it is necessary to create the right conditions in order for the blood to become thinner and easier to pass through the veins and arteries. Proper nutrition will help you with this:
- It is necessary to reduce the intake of animal fats. They increase cholesterol and can lead to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Offer your child only lean white meat, fish, various seafood.
- Be sure to eat greens. They dilute blood well and make up the level of vitamins.
- Eliminate dairy products; casein interferes with the absorption of iron.
- Try to give the child as much water as possible. The liquid itself can thin the blood.
- Fresh fruits and juices.
- Cereal cereals.
- Raw unprocessed vegetables.
But increased hemoglobin in children, the causes of which are strictly individual for each patient, cannot be restored without consulting a doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe an adequate diet and the necessary vitamins. In no case do not offer your child medications containing iron and folic acid, without the recommendation of a doctor! Otherwise, the consequences can be very depressing.
Walk with your baby in the great outdoors, maintain optimal humidity indoors.
Official treatment
Patient age is an important obstacle to treating elevated hemoglobin. It is impossible to thin the blood. Doctors prescribe both proper nutrition and special vitamin complexes that normalize blood viscosity. The use of leeches, the so-called “bloodletting” effect, is considered to be a rather effective way. Also, this method allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the formation of blood clots. After 5-7 sessions, hemoglobin returns to normal, the effect persists for six months.
Older children may be prescribed an erythrocytapheresis procedure. This event removes excess red blood cells from the blood, but the plasma and all other elements are returned to the patient’s body. Remember that elevated hemoglobin levels in children must be brought back to normal. Doctors say that advanced cases are much more difficult to treat.
Dear parents, your main task is to monitor the health of the child. Do not ignore the symptoms, regularly undergo medical examinations. Elevated hemoglobin in children is quite rare and can be caused by malnutrition or dehydration. But do not forget about the danger of blood clots and various diseases. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment on time. In children, the recovery of the body is faster than in adults.