When kittens appear in a cat, there is a special feeling of responsibility for the well-being of these little creatures. At such a moment, many questions arise, and one of them is related to when the kitten opens its eyes.
The kitten, just born, is really defenseless and really needs the warmth and care of its mother. His body, especially in the first days of life, is exposed to the environment, which means that the kitten can easily catch a cold. Also, given the fact that while he still does not see anything, he, of course, is completely dependent on outside help. Fortunately, although the kittens do not see, and do not hear, they perfectly recognize smells and already have a well-developed sense of touch.
So, when does a kitten open its eyes and begin to see? This happens around 10-16 days of their life. But if this happens a day earlier, or, conversely, a few days later, then you should not worry at all. Interestingly, the time at which kittens open their eyes depends even on their breed, including whether it is a short-haired kitten or a long-haired one. In shorthair breeds, eyes open earlier. As for the hearing organs, they begin to function from about the 15th day of life.
When a kitten opens its eyes, it is important to ensure maximum comfort for him and his mother. Their place of residence must always be warm and clean. If a cat begins to drag its kittens to another place, this indicates that something is bothering her, which means that it is important to take a closer look and eliminate the causes of discomfort.
But if a kitten was born with open eyes, then what should I do? Some say that such a kitten will not be able to live or remain blind. Therefore, there are supporters of euthanizing such kittens. Of course, birth with open eyes is not very good, but not deadly. The problem is that the kitten, whose eyes are already open from birth, is not yet able to reflexively close them, which means that the eye is in danger of drying out and causing infection. Also, the lacrimal glands are still not fully formed. But to protect the kitten and his eyesight is quite possible. Firstly, it is necessary that the first time the kitten remains in a darkened place, because the light, especially bright, will negatively affect. You should also monitor the length of the claws of the kitten and all other kittens. Well, of course, it is necessary to regularly wash your eyes. This can be done both with saline and special artificial tears. Also, if necessary, you can use antibiotics in the form of ointments (tetracycline ointment 1%).
What else can be done when the kitten opens his eyes ahead of time? Alternatively, you can try to connect the eyelids and glue a patch with cotton wool on the eye. Thus, the eye will be completely safe. In addition to everything, of course, you can go to the veterinarian, who will give even more specific recommendations.
Indeed, caring for a pet that is special and still needs our care is a pleasant and joyful affair.