Gauze diapers: will a parental desire bring some benefits to the baby?

Young mothers often hear from their own mothers something like “Oh, you’re doing well now, I bought a package of diapers - and that’s all: you don’t have to wash it, you don’t have to bother with ... (this implies childhood surprises, although in everyday life, of course, we call “this business” otherwise). ” Despite this, gauze diapers continue to be popular. Why so? After all, it would seem that every family can buy diapers now, and there really are much fewer problems with them.

Advantages and disadvantages of gauze diapers

gauze diapers

Let's start with the main disadvantages. Firstly, gauze diapers are not too moisture-resistant, after the child goes to the toilet, you will have to change not only them, but also the sliders, the sheet on which the baby was lying. Some parents get out of the situation by using a gauze or flannel instead of gauze: these fabrics themselves are thicker, absorb more fluid.

Another minus is that after repeated washing, gauze diapers for newborns lose their pristine white color and turn gray. It is clear that bleaching bleach tissue that touches the sensitive skin of the baby is not an option. Fortunately, most modern washing machines are able to cope with this task, and on sale you can find special washing powders designed for baby skin.

This cannot be said to be very significant. Moreover, they fully pay off with the advantages of reusable diapers: this, of course, is the cheapness and ability to “breathe”, which is extremely favorable for children's skin, which fashionable disposable analogues cannot boast of.

How to make reusable diapers with your own hands?

gauze diapers for newborns

Are you preparing to become a mom and want to save the family budget for something else, and when you chose diapers for newborns, gauze seemed to you the most optimal solution? Fine, then let's figure out how to make them at home.

The main thing here is not to lose the size. As a result of machine washing, gauze diapers will decrease several times. Therefore, if the just-sewn triangles seem gigantic to you, do not worry.

You will need a gauze cloth (width - 90 cm). From it we cut squares and fold them four times. After that, the free part of the square bends down diagonally on both sides. It turns out a right triangle. On the typewriter, the lower sides “a” and “b” must be sewn. And through the resulting "hypotenuse" the product must be turned on the front side.

We wash the finished diaper and iron it on both sides. Here you will see how much it has decreased in size.

Learning to wear gauze diapers

gauze for newborns

Put on gauze diapers in one of 2 ways:

1. Fold in three layers and put under the child’s ass.

2. Turn the finished diaper into a triangle, raise the lower corner between the legs of the baby and fix it with two other corners. After that, you need to fix the product: you can attach ribbons from the same gauze to the diaper, tightly swaddle the child, or put on tight pants over this entire “construction”.

Almost all encyclopedias for young mothers are equipped with illustrations that clearly demonstrate both of these methods. Be sure to check whether the child feels comfortable: gauze diapers are an excellent and comfortable solution, but you need to get the hang of it in order to put them on correctly.

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