The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is one of the few dogs that has been preserved almost intact. She underwent centuries-old natural selection, thanks to which she developed excellent protective qualities and developed the habit of performing her functions without the help of people. In today's publication, you will find a detailed description of the Alabai breed, known as the Turkmen Wolfhound or Central Asian Shepherd.
A bit of history
This is one of the most ancient breeds, in the origin of which there are still many unexplained moments. Experts to this day argue which country is considered the birthplace of the Central Asian Shepherd. Some are sure that this is Tibet, the second is China, the third is the Central Asian steppes, stretching from Lake Baikal to the South Ural Mountains. To establish which of these assumptions is true is almost impossible. The clarification of this point is hampered by the fact that Turkmen wolfhounds accompanying herders and nomads migrated to different parts of Central Asia.
Residents of several post-Soviet republics claim the right to consider Alabaev their native breed. Therefore, these dogs have several names at once. In different places, they are known as Kazakh Tobets, Uzbek Bourribosars and Turkmen Wolfhounds. Targeted breeding of these animals began in 1930. Initially, they planned to use them for the protection of military facilities and state enterprises. But all attempts to tame these dogs have failed. Freedom-loving animals did not want to sit on a chain and independently chose who to consider their master.
General characteristics of the breed
Alabai is a large, strong and stately dog with pronounced protective qualities and high performance. His appearance makes an indelible impression on the townsfolk and scares off intruders.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are characterized by a rough type of constitution. They have elastic, thick skin, which serves as an excellent protection against possible injuries in the fight against a predator. Their muscles are well developed and their sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Alabai boys are taller, more compact and massive than girls. A more extended body of bitches is due to the fact that they have to carry and feed offspring. And the final formation of representatives of this breed ends by the age of three.
Turkmen wolfhounds are large, muscular, harmoniously developed dogs. Alabai girls are slightly lower and lighter than boys. The average height of an adult male is about 70 cm with a mass of 50 kg. The height of the female reaches 65 cm, and the weight is 40 kg. Plus, in males, the shoulder girdle and lumbar region are more developed.
The powerful and strong body of the Central Asian Shepherd is excellently balanced. These animals have a well-developed, wide, slightly elongated chest and a smoothly rising topline. Dog croup is approximately on par with a pronounced withers. A high-set, thick tail at the base stops at an early puppy age. Under the body are straight, strong, even limbs with well-developed muscles and massive oval paws.
On a voluminous, proportional square-rectangular head with a protruding occipital protuberance, powerful jaws and pronounced superciliary arches, there are small, rounded dark eyes with dry thick eyelids and low-set, short-cropped ears.
Wool and color
Alabai - a dog with thick, straight outer hair, the length of which can reach ten centimeters. On the head and front of the limbs it is significantly shorter and fits snugly to the skin. Under the awn is a warm undercoat that reliably protects the animal from the cold.
As for the color, the standard allowed any shades, except for gray-blue and brown. Individuals having wool of one of the undesirable colors are considered defective. They are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and are not used for breeding.
Existing varieties
The characterization of the Alabai breed would be incomplete without mentioning its division into several types. Depending on the structure of the skull, they are classified into:
- Wedge-headed, with an almost indistinguishable foot, but with well-developed superciliary arches. Dogs of this type have a light skeleton and flat ribs.
- Brick-headed, whose skull has the shape of a parallelepiped. Such animals have a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle, well-defined cheekbones, a strong skeleton and a powerful body with a rounded chest.
- Bearheads with a rectangular skull, thick bryl and a distinct foot. Dogs of this type are distinguished by harmonious addition and correct proportions.
Depending on the geographical origin of the dog, Alabaev can be divided into:
- Mountain with a strong physique and thick long hair. Representatives of this type can be described as stocky and hardy animals that easily adapt to difficult climatic conditions.
- Oasis-desert with short hair and lightweight skeleton.
- Steppe with long skeleton hair and free, dexterous movements. The weight of the Alabaev belonging to this type will be slightly less than the mass of the Central Asian shepherd dogs living in the mountains.
Behavior features
The Central Asian Shepherd Dogs have long been used as assistants to shepherds. And this left an imprint on their character. They are distinguished by increased stamina, physical strength and mind.
Despite the fact that the Alabai, the size of which often cause unwarranted fear, seem clumsy and gloomy, they make excellent nannies for the master's children. They patronize and protect them in every possible way. These formidable dogs never go far from home and do not pursue enemies over long distances. They perfectly distinguish the boundaries between their own and foreign territory and clearly adhere to the established rules.
Since Turkmen wolfhounds have a certain conservatism and desire to protect their home, they often have problems with socialization. In order to avoid possible difficulties, an Alabai puppy should be introduced to the outside world from an early age, and not kept without a walk in the yard. Another feature of Central Asian shepherd dogs is the presence of a highly developed flocking instinct. They get along with the representatives of the opposite sex without any problems and live side by side with the host cats.
For those who plan to use these dogs to protect their homes, experts recommend buying a pair of heterosexual animals. An adult alabai male is more aggressive and will have to periodically remind who is the owner of the house. Bitches are more distrustful, cautious and flexible. They are better obeyed by the owner, but sometimes they show cunning.
Maintenance and care
Immediately warn that the Central Asian shepherd is not intended for life in a city apartment. Alabai, the description of the breed and the nature of which cannot be fit into a few concise paragraphs, should be contained in the courtyard of a private house, enclosed by a high fence. The dog should be able to move freely around its protected territory. And for a comfortable stay, the dog needs to build a spacious indoor aviary with a warmed booth.
For the correct and harmonious development of the Turkmen wolfhound, he needs to ensure regular long walks outside his yard. In general, an adult Alabai is an unpretentious dog that does not require complicated care. Its short hair sheds once a year. During this period, the dog is recommended to comb out daily with a special brush. It should also be remembered that the coat of a healthy animal has the property of self-cleaning. Therefore, the dog, which has fallen out in the mud, dries out in the sun an hour later and takes on a neat appearance.
Feeding recommendations
The diet of the animal largely depends on its age and on the conditions in which it is contained. Alabai puppy feeding begins with scraped meat or a soaked starter. Experienced breeders introduce these products from the age of three weeks, and gradually expand the diet of babies. After transferring the puppies to new owners, each of them has the right to decide for themselves what to feed their pet with. Central Asian Shepherd Dog can be given both industrial and natural food. In the first case, it should be high-quality super-premium food or class holivik produced by a trusted manufacturer.
Those owners who plan to give their wards a so-called naturalk should remember that meat should prevail in the dog's diet. It can be beef, poultry or lamb. Several times a week, the meat component must be replaced with low-fat marine fish and offal. In addition, the dog periodically needs to be given eggs, cottage cheese, kefir and vegetables. As for cereals, they can be added in small quantities. Rice or buckwheat groats are best for dogs.
Since Asians live on the street, in the winter they are transferred to increased nutrition. During this period they are fed warm liquid food with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. This will mitigate the loss of moisture, since eating snow does not fully contribute to quenching thirst.
Disease tendency and life expectancy
Since the Alabai, the breed characteristic of which is presented in today's article, has undergone natural selection for several centuries, it is deprived of many health problems. But, like any other creature, these dogs are prone to a number of diseases. Most often, representatives of this breed are diagnosed with arthrosis, digestive disorders and conjunctivitis.
To avoid serious problems with the musculoskeletal system, the dog needs to provide proper nutrition and many hours of walking in the fresh air. To prevent malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, the animal should be regularly given antiparasitic drugs and exclude salty and sweet foods from its diet. Those who are interested in how much Alabai live at home should understand that this figure depends on many different factors. On average, it is from 12 to 15 years.
These huge self-confident animals need serious training. Therefore, if this is the first dog in your family, it is better to use the help of a professional dog handler. It is advisable to start raising a puppy immediately after he is a little comfortable in a new house. After all, it is at this age that a model of his future behavior is laid.
As soon as post-vaccination quarantine is over, you can go for a walk with your puppy. This will help not only to socialize the growing Alabai, but also to establish a closer contact between him and the owner. In addition, long walks on rough terrain will help the puppy learn to track its owner faster.
Since the Turkmen wolfhound is large in size, it must be forbidden from an early age to jump on people in a fit of joy. It is also important to work out with the dog an unconditional approach to the “To Me” command and quiet walking on a leash.
Puppy Tips
Since alabai is a very large and strong dog that requires some attention, the decision to buy it should be balanced and well thought out. It is advisable to get a puppy in a specialized nursery or at a professional breeder. Since only in this case you will receive a guarantee that you will grow a purebred alabai. As a rule, babies begin to be sold after they turn one and a half months old. By this age, the puppy must necessarily have documents confirming its origin, and a veterinary passport with marks on the planned vaccination.
In addition to checking the papers, you need to pay attention to the appearance and behavior of the puppy itself. By the time of purchase from the baby, ears and tail should already have been stopped. Do not get a puppy with a swollen belly. This may indicate the presence of helminths. Your dog must have clean eyes and ears.
It is important that the baby is not afraid of loud sounds and strangers. He must be active, curious and non-aggressive. If you want to get a reliable guard, then stop the choice on the most mobile puppy, who will not be scared and will go to an abandoned keychain.
Alabai: owner reviews
According to people in whose houses these strong beautiful animals live, their excellent protective qualities are noted. At the same time, outside the territory of the Alabai, they do not show aggression to outsiders. They are very smart, freedom-loving and loyal to children and puppies.
The Turkmen wolfhound has a pronounced shepherd’s instinct, adapts perfectly to any conditions and is extremely rarely ill. It perfectly adapts to the enclosure and tolerates temperature fluctuations. With the right upbringing, reliable guards are obtained from them, furiously protecting the territory entrusted to them.
However, the Central Asian Shepherd has a number of disadvantages. Experienced owners draw the attention of beginners planning to buy such a dog to the fact that these animals need early socialization and long walks. Also, one cannot ignore the fact that they can be intolerant of their relatives and get along badly on the same territory with individuals of their gender.