How to celebrate a year old child so that everyone has fun?

For parents, the very first and most important anniversary in the life of their baby is always a cause for excitement. Without a doubt, everyone wants this holiday to be remembered, to become bright and unusual, therefore the discussion on how to celebrate a year old for a child in the family begins long before the celebration. We would recommend to beautifully design the room where the celebration will be held, filling it with toys and balloons. The emphasis should be on the number one, which should proudly inform everyone present that it is not just a birthday that is celebrated, but the First Year!

how to celebrate a year old child

It is not always advisable to hold such an event in a cafe or restaurant - the baby may simply be afraid of the presence of strangers, people new to him, who will be the attendants and artists participating in the congratulation. Although each situation is always individual, therefore, you should choose how to celebrate the year of the child, taking into account the level of development and the nature of the birthday. Do not forget that at this age, children get tired quickly, so try to break the show program into parts and give it a break in between.

The most winning option for celebrating a year old child is a home holiday. A familiar environment will relax him. In the morning you should be affectionate with him and congratulate him, even if he still does not quite understand what a birthday is. Prepare an outfit for the birthday person, it is best that he choose it. The house should be decorated, the option with balls and toys is quite suitable here. When setting the table, do not forget to add elegant napkins; you can buy special dishes with themed patterns. You can add enthusiasm by filling out dishes in the form of animals or insects, the baby will really like it.

how to mark a child 1 year old

To make the holiday real, be sure to consider the option of photo, video. After all, how to celebrate a year old for a child without capturing such fabulous moments? But do not forget that he is the main character, in each frame his presence is simply necessary. For guests you can stock up on holiday caps. Make a large poster with photos of the baby during his first year of life, let everyone leave their wishes on it.

Take care of a beautiful cake. Order or bake it according to the most neutral recipe, with a little cream. Be sure to decorate it with a little one and help the baby blow out the fire. He will remember such a ritual and cheer him up. To decide how to mark a child 1 year old, you should not build ambitious plans. He is still too small, do not bore him too much. It should be fun first of all to him, so play, dance, turn on children's music, but do not forget to periodically give him a break.

how to celebrate a year old baby at home

Think in advance of a gift. Remember, maybe the child liked some kind of toy in the store or with a friend? Be sure to try to please him, this is very important. How to celebrate a year old child - at home or in a cafe - you decide, you can start the fun at home, and then go all together to the amusement park or to specialized children's play complexes. The main thing is that the birthday party is fun and comfortable.

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