Colorado cats. What are they like?

Colorado cats ... No, not beetles, namely fluffy pets adored by many. Have you ever heard of such animals? In principle, this name is considered more popular, and experts attribute these mammals to a special subspecies of British cats.

Section 1. Colorado cats. Tabby Group

colorado cats

In the world there are a huge number of these pets, and each of them is unique. But there are signs by which they can be combined into groups. You must admit that any British cats (photo above), in principle, will not leave anyone indifferent, but those with a coloring in the picture are unique, and they belong to the tabby or tabby group, as they are also called.

In the XII century, the inhabitants of India brought silk fabrics to England, which cost a lot of money. They depicted an intricate drawing - "tabbis". It is believed that the name "tabby" was formed from him.

In fact, each cat is a carrier of a certain pattern, and it turns out that initially all of them can be attributed to tabbiks. But this does not happen due to the presence of the agouti factor. It is he who affects the appearance of the pattern in color. A capricious factor may not allow the pattern to reveal, then the animal will have a solid color. A vivid confirmation of this - muyating kittens. Initially, spots or stripes are clearly visible on their fur, which disappear as soon as the kids grow up. A real tabby will succeed only if it allows agouti.

Section 2. Colorado cats: the hallmarks of tabbiks

cat breeds

Tabby cats can be distinguished by several characteristics that are present in the coloration. One of them is considered ticking. This is when the remaining hairs that make up the background of the picture are colored zonally. And the rest, from which the picture directly forms, are completely painted over in the main color.

A scarab mark must be present on the forehead of the animal. In appearance, this pattern resembles the letter "M". And if a cat on the back of the ear clearly shows a bright spot that resembles a fingerprint, then in front of you is definitely a tabby. Another sign of a patterned cat is the stroke of the eyes or nose in the color of the main color.

Now about the picture itself, if there is one, of course. It must contain certain elements. At least three closed strips, the so-called “necklace”, can be seen on the chest, and rings on the legs and tail. On the stomach there are certainly two rows of double spots, and on the cheeks - curls. A clear rich picture should contrast with the background of the main color. Another condition is deep color, down to the roots of the hair.

Mostly all patterned cats have orange, copper or golden eyes. The exception is silver tabbiki with green eyes.

Section 3. Colorado cats: structure of the picture

cats photo

In tabby cats with a marbled color, the pattern has a strictly defined shape. The continuous line that goes from the corners of the eyes forms a pattern on the cheeks. The stripes running from the back of the head to the shoulders form a butterfly pattern, parallel lines also run along the back. There are numerous necklaces on the neck and chest, and on the legs are rings in the color of the main color. Circles on the hips, and specks on the abdomen.

Brown tabby is distinguished by the fact that the pattern on his coat has a saturated black color. And the chin and lip area of ​​the animal are painted in copper brown. The nose is most often brick red with a black edging.

Due to their unusual color, these cat breeds are so popular both among Russians and residents, without exaggeration, to say the whole planet.

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