To make any event more fun, it needs to be diversified with contests. Even if this is not a party of friends, but a festive dinner with your family, you can write a script and come up with entertainment. Options family contests read below.
Poetry reading contest
When there are children in the family, one involuntarily has to adjust the holiday to their needs. After all, little men do not always have the opportunity to take part in general competitions. They still lack savvy, imagination, and sometimes knowledge, so that noisy fun somehow might interest them. Therefore, planning family contests you need to include several competitions for children. A great option would be reading poetry. By the way, adults can take part. Variations of the competition can come up with a lot. For example, you can compete in whose repertoire of poems more. Or arrange an expressive reading. You can tell poems on a specific topic. The winner is optional. If children compete with each other, friendship can well win. But if the competition was held among adults, then it is quite possible to award a person who loves poetry more than others.
One of the most popular family contests Is a word game. But since such games are designed to develop the intelligence of the child, it is desirable that the game has certain rules. For example, you can limit yourself to not pronouncing all the words in a row, but only the names of the cities. Probably everyone knows how to play this game. One of the participants calls any city, for example, Moscow. The next one must come up with a word in A, for example Arkhangelsk, and so the game will continue until one of the participants has difficulty in inventing a city. In this case, he is eliminated, and the move proceeds to the next player. The most intellectually developed member of the family wins.
"Guess the melody"
Such a game can be completely remade into competition for the family . For this, it will be necessary for all participants in the festive event to break into two teams. Then you need to identify the rules. For example, you can agree to include only the introduction of popular songs, or use music from famous movies. If the family has many children, then you should use mainly soundtracks to cartoons. You can play music from your phone. Finding the right songs is easy. You can even upgrade the rules, and if the team can not only guess, but also sing a song, then it will receive additional points. And for example, you can give extra points for songs performed in a foreign language. Whose team guessed more songs, she won.
Such a game may be played in the form New Year's contest for the family . The members of the feast collective are divided into two or three teams, depending on the number of people. Then the right of the first move is played out, for example, the leaders of each group can "get stoned." Now the team whose participant won wonders a word. A person needs to portray him without the help of a voice and without pointing to any objects in the room. A team that guesses the word gets one point and sends their representative to show pantomime. If the word is not guessed after three minutes, then the team whose member participated in the pantomime wins. But you can’t intentionally show the word in such a way that it is incomprehensible.
This game can also be used as one of New Year's contests for the family . How to play "Contact"? The family is divided into two teams. From them one leader is selected. He makes a word. For example, "cat." The host announces the first letter of the word K. One of the representatives of any team must quickly take the initiative into their own hands. He says: "An integral part of the house." Now, if someone from his team realizes that this is a brick, he says “contact”. From this moment, everyone else starts to count 30 seconds. During this time, the presenter and the other team must guess what is at stake. If they do not, then those who had a “contact” get 1 point, and the moderator says the second letter of his hidden word. Now the family has the syllable “ko.” It is on him that the next word with the explanation is invented. Moreover, anyone from any team can make it up. But only his allies will guess, and opponents should prevent the successful outcome of the “contact”. The team that quickly guesses the leader’s word wins.
One of the successful New Year's contests for the whole family can be done thanks to all the familiar Alice game. What are her rules? The family is divided into two teams. Two playing chips are mounted on a cardboard box. Now the right of the first move is played out and the game begins. Each of the team representatives takes turns drawing cards and completing the task, according to the playing field. There are only three variations of such tasks: you should either depict a word with the help of pantomime, as in Crocodile, draw a word or tell about it without using root concepts. If the family has small children, then you can play a simplified version of Alice. The team that gets to the finish line first wins.
Contest of memories
What could be nicer than sitting and talking about the best events of the past year? Especially nice to do it in family circle. Competition , which we bring to your attention, will be precisely connected with recollection. It is best to spend it on New Year's Eve or directly on a festive night. There can be many variations of such a contest. For example, each member of the family tells his memory. And then, together, the best is chosen. Or you can hold a contest for the best memory. Each member of the family takes turns recalling a pleasant memory, and this is done until someone can say nothing. Then the person leaves, and the game continues. The winner is the one who was able to accumulate the most pleasant events in his memory in a year.
Competition script for family can be written based on the well-known game of assignments. It will be a lot of fun if the members of your entire team are active and agree to do little stupid things. How to come up with a suitable scenario? This will require a responsible person - it can be dad or mom. They will be the ones who will announce various contests during the evening and give out tasks to their households. What might such a scenario look like?
Presenter: "Hello my beloved. Today we are here to celebrate a festive event. Let's wish our beloved daughter a happy birthday. We wish her all the best, kindness and light. And now the time has come for the first contest. Who will participate in it? Let’s collect one thing from each member of our family. "
Everyone hands in a hat of the leading ring, earrings, pendant, bracelet, etc. All this is mixed up and one of the things is pulled out. Its owner will participate in the competition.
Presenter: "We have decided on the first participant, he will read a verse in honor of his sister's birthday."
Presenter: "Well done, now is the time for another assignment."
Another item is pulled out of the hat, and its owner sings a song, dances, improvises, at the discretion of the host.
"Surprise Ball"
A very fun contest that can surprise and amuse the household is a wish draw. It can be held both for birthday and at New Year. Fun contest for the family need to prepare in advance. This will require balls and beautiful paper. We cut the sheet into thin strips and write pleasant wishes on them. Now you should roll the strip into a tube and place it in a balloon. Then we inflate the ball and tie it with a beautiful ribbon. We prepare such surprises for each of the guests. During the evening, you can draw balls by lot, and then arrange a contest, who will burst them faster, without using sharp and cutting objects. Lovely wishes will surprise and be sure to delight the household.
Selfie contest
New Year's contests for the whole family at home can be trivial, but you can come up with something modern. For example, arrange a competition for the number of selfies taken. But it should not be just photos of a cute face or a group of people. The presenter must come up with original ideas for the shots. What selfies will be relevant on New Year's Eve? Well, of course, a photograph with the president, with a Christmas tree, under a Christmas tree, with sparklers and Olivier. The moderator announces which photo to take and counts the minute. During this time, all participants must take pictures and run back. One who has time passes to the next stage, and the rest drop out. Accordingly, the person who made the most successful selfies wins. It’s not necessary to replenish your Instagram with these photos. You can leave them for the family archive.
Most popular contests at the table for the family are various games with questions. Simply put - quiz. At a family celebration, they will not only be able to entertain guests, but will also help to get to know each other better. Yes, it seems to many that when you live with a person under the same roof, you know everything about him. But this is not so. A great way to check how well you know your children is to have a quiz. Your task is to make a list of questions that you can ask your child. What can they be? For example, the name of your favorite fruit, your favorite color, a hobby, your favorite subject at school, the name of an idol, the name of your last acquired friend, etc. Parents will be interested to know more about their child, and children will be pleased that their parents decided to spend their leisure time so interestingly. By the way, such a contest can also be held with friends of a child who will be invited to a family celebration. You can even divide those present into two teams. One of them will include relatives, and the other - friends. It will be interesting to see who knows more about the birthday.