A few tips on how to understand that children’s teeth are being cut

People say: little kids are little problems. Young mothers can argue with this, because you can’t ask the baby what bothers him so much when he sleeps badly, is naughty and just refuses to eat.

how to understand that the teeth are cut in children

The timing

Moms may be interested in how to understand that the teeth are cut in children, especially the first two teeth. So, it’s good to pre-determine the timing. The first teeth can begin to break through from 4 months to the first year of life. And when exactly - it is already very individual and depends on each individual organism.


How to understand that the teeth are cut in children? The very first sign is increased salivation. If the baby's mouth is drooling, his hands or toys are in his mouth and the baby is trying to chew everything with his gums - wait for the little tooth. It is important to remember that certain hygiene and sterility of toys is necessary so that the baby does not catch any infection.


Still how to understand that teeth are cut in children? You just need to look into the baby crumbs and look at the gums. Before the appearance of a tooth, they swell, turn red. Also under the gum itself you can see a white speck - the tip of the future tooth. The kid will strive to scratch his gums all the time, so it's good to buy him a special teether, which the child will be pleased to chew. In addition, most often such teethers fill with water, which can then be cooled and thus help the baby relieve toothache.

the child’s teeth are cut photo

Bad mood

The following signs that the teeth are being cut: the baby’s moodiness, reluctance to play, lack of mood. And this is understandable, even an adult who has something hurts, becomes evil. Also, the baby, he is not interested in anything, I do not want to play and have fun. Here the main thing for mom is not to yell at the child and not scold him. Frequent hugs, kisses and more bodily contact with the baby are the way out of the situation. Moreover, this period will not be so long, you will have to suffer a maximum of a couple of days. In addition to whims, the baby may sleep poorly at this time. Well, mother will again have to endure, because you can’t do practically anything with this.

signs that teeth are being cut

Disease symptoms

Still how to understand that teeth are cut in children? Some babies may experience various symptoms that can be mistaken for colds or an upset gastrointestinal tract. So, a child may have snot before teething a new tooth, the temperature rises. Diarrhea may also occur. This is because during teething the baby’s body throws all its forces into these processes, somewhat weakening the immune system. So the baby becomes quite vulnerable. But what is interesting: immediately after the tooth appeared, all these symptoms can disappear as dramatically as they appeared.


How else can a mother determine that a child’s teeth are being cut? The photo here is a great helper. You can see examples of photos of children whose teeth were cut: consider how the gums swell, how the kids pull everything in their mouths and how plentiful salivation is. This is necessary for mom first of all for complacency. "My baby is normal, the same as all the kids, cheers!" - the woman will think. And it will be right.

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