Determine the dates: when is Medic Day in our country?

The people of our country love various holidays so much that we have a huge number of them. Almost every day, it is customary to celebrate something: professional days, Christmas time, or big religious holidays. In this number of numbers it is easy to get lost. Therefore, for many, a reminder can be made when our compatriots celebrate Medic Day .

when is the day of the physician

About dates

As everyone knows, we often have many holidays just duplicated, because marked several times a year - in accordance with our rules and the schedule of the European calendar. So, for example, figuring out when Medic Day is celebrated in our country, you can find the following information: this is the third Sunday of the first month of summer - June. But do not confuse it with the International Day of the doctor, which, according to European dates, is set on the first Monday of the autumn month of October.

history of the holiday

In short, officially the Day of the Medical Worker in the Soviet Union was established in 1980. At that time, a date was simply needed when all health workers would be awarded for success and victory in various socialist competitions. Time has passed, but the holiday has remained. Today on this day congratulates all medical workers not only the management, but also the grateful patients.

congratulations happy physician


Without even knowing exactly when Medic Day is, you can find out about this from television news. Today, on a professional day, the country's leadership often rewards the most worthy representatives of this profession with diplomas and personalized gifts, this day is also widely celebrated at the place of work of the staff - within the walls of the hospitals themselves, as they say, without interruption from production.

Who to congratulate

If International Doctor's Day is somewhat narrow in its profile, then our Medic Day is a holiday for a wide range of people. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all representatives of the health sector - doctors, nurses, hospital management and even nurses.

medic day script

How to congratulate

How management will congratulate their wards is their business. But here's how to thank their doctors to patients who know exactly when the Day of the Medic - there may be some questions. In this case, giving money is not worth it, it can be considered a bribe and adversely affect the doctor’s career. But small presents - that’s it. A cake, a box of chocolates, a small souvenir or an office necessary for any doctor - this is the list according to which you can easily pick up something as a thank you. Also relevant are always congratulations on Medic Day in the form of poems or prose, sent by SMS or e-mail. If there is no way to personally congratulate your doctor, you can at least honor him with your attention.


It is also possible for non-working personnel to fully celebrate Medic Day. The scenario in this case is the first assistant. To organize a small concert for colleagues, a collective trip to nature, gatherings in a cafe - this is the scenario that is so common in our country. And there is nothing wrong, because there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that on such a day, medical workers communicate in informal settings on topics that are far from professional activities.

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