Barbie houses are the dream of many girls

All parents are aware of the importance of role-playing games for the development of the baby. The child shows the first interest in them at the age of about two and a half or three years. Well, then the baby’s love for such games only increases, which means that appropriate accessories are needed: designers, puppet theaters, play houses and much more. The choice is huge, it’s easy and confused. Boys, as a rule, choose models of garages with cars or fire stations, and girls, even at a young age, follow fashion trends and often ask their parents to buy houses for Barbie dolls. Of course, they are suitable not only for them, but for anyone whose height does not exceed thirty centimeters (Winx, Bratz and so on).

Barbie houses - a tribute to fashion or a useful toy?

Barbie houses

At first, the baby is satisfied with only those toys that caring parents or other relatives buy him. But the child grows and begins to look at what peers have. At first, this is expressed in a request to buy up everything that he sees from other children. But as he grows older, he begins to learn to choose. The adoption of this decision is greatly influenced by seen advertising and vivid reviews of other children. What can I say, and this is typical for adults.

So, if the baby already goes to kindergarten, sooner or later her parents will most likely be faced with a request to go to the store and see the houses for Barbie. Indeed, all little fashionistas only talk about these dolls, their clothes and other accessories.

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Of course, the layouts of the houses are released not only by the well-known company Mattel - the manufacturer of Barbie dolls, but also by many others. As a result - a huge selection of colors, sizes and functions. This can be a modest one-story house with a standard set of furniture, a mansion with a swimming pool or a princess castle with several floors. As a rule, the packaging indicates for which standard dolls this game layout is suitable.

Barbie houses

Prices for houses for Barbie also vary significantly. There are inexpensive options for domestic production, which will cost a couple of thousand rubles, while the upper price bar is at the turn of about thirty thousand.

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Barbie doll houses

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And there are no restrictions here: any interior, colors and sizes. And as a basis, you can take thick cardboard or plywood. Parents will have to work hard, but after all, fond memories of the time spent together for an interesting lesson will remain with the daughter for life.

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