During pregnancy, a woman's body experiences certain loads. It is especially difficult for the back. To improve the situation a bit, special exercises for pregnant women for the back were developed. In this case, water aerobics and swimming, as well as various complexes that relieve stress and stress, help a lot.
The benefits of exercise for pregnant women
Everyone knows the benefits of exercise. Scientists have long proved that moderate exercise during pregnancy has a good effect on well-being and mood. Therefore, you do not need to give up physical activity during pregnancy. They will not harm the baby, and the woman in this case will feel much better. Conventional physical exercises relieve toxicosis, normalize weight, and prepare the body for childbirth. And special exercises for pregnant women for the back will help to avoid pain and discomfort.
Pregnant women doing gymnastics also come into shape faster after giving birth. Women with a passive lifestyle during pregnancy often suffer from overweight, hormonal surges, and a deterioration in mood. Also in this case, lumbar pain appears. Both regular regular gymnastics and special exercises for the muscles of the back for pregnant women will help to avoid them. They are quite simple, but you should consider the basic level of physical fitness.
Thus, the benefits for pregnant women from exercise are great, namely:
- the body after such exercises is more toned, the skin is smooth, and immunity is strengthened, the body's resistance to stresses, various diseases increases;
- accessible and effective exercises strengthen the muscles, remove the clamps in the back, unload the spine and lower back, form the correct and beautiful posture;
- if you do exercises throughout pregnancy, then after giving birth to a woman it will be easier to restore harmony;
- Do not forget about the psychological and emotional health of women; it is proved that adrenaline and hormones of happiness are produced from physical exertion in the blood, which prevent the onset of depression and bad mood - active mothers do not have postpartum depression;
- in addition, regular training is a way to strengthen the cardiovascular system, they improve blood circulation, are the prevention of edema and hemorrhoids, normalize the digestive tract.
Contraindications for exercise during pregnancy
However, physical activity is not always beneficial. There are contraindications in which pregnant is better to abandon the exercises. Or you need to deal with the supervision of specialists
Refrain from classes:
- with miscarriage and a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage;
- in the presence of toxicosis, gestosis;
- with various pathologies of pregnancy;
- with exacerbation of chronic diseases or if the body has an inflammatory process;
- with poor health, general weakness, high or low blood pressure;
- with anemia;
- when carrying twins or triplets.
Rules and recommendations
The exercises themselves should be a pleasure for pregnant women. The most important rule of all activities: stop them if there is pain, discomfort and discomfort in the body. Alarms can be as follows:
- sharp pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of secretions;
- weakness, dizziness;
- difficulty breathing, increased heart rate;
- strong activity or calming down of the child during exercise.
It is no secret that far from all exercises are suitable for pregnant women, and some of them are generally strictly prohibited:
- contact and game sports;
- rollers, skates (can cause injury to the pregnant woman);
- exercises for the press, fitness equipment, as well as jumping and somersaults.
- Before starting classes, you need to consult with your doctor. He will choose the most suitable exercises in accordance with the duration and course of pregnancy.
- Before occupation, the room needs to be well ventilated. It is also useful to carry it out in the fresh air.
- You should not do it immediately after eating, it is better to do it 1-2 hours before eating.
- When performing exercises, you need to take into account the level of your physical fitness, do not overwork, monitor breathing, and do not jerk.
- It is better to choose clothes from natural fabrics, one that will not constrain movements.
Exercises for the Back During Pregnancy
Particular attention should be paid to exercises to strengthen the back. For pregnant women, this is important. After all, it is the muscles of the back and spine that experience the greatest load when the tummy begins to grow. Such exercises help prevent the appearance of pain in the back:
- Posture exercises. When the tummy grows, the center of gravity shifts. Therefore, a pregnant woman involuntarily arches the lower back region forward. If a woman stands straight and straightens her back, it will ease lumbar soreness due to muscle relaxation. To perform this exercise, the posture must be perfectly flat. The shoulders are pulled back, the chest is raised, the ears are on the same level as the shoulders. It is necessary to tighten the stomach and simultaneously reach up. Thus, you need to control your posture as often as possible.
- Exercises for the muscles of the back. The back muscles and abs work to maintain an enlarged tummy. This exercise will strengthen them and prevent the onset of pain. Need to get on all fours. At the same time, stretch the right arm forward, and the left leg back. The stomach at this time does not need to be strained. In this position, freeze for a few seconds, then take the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your left hand and right foot. In total, you can do 10-20 repetitions.
- Pelvic sway. This exercise works for posture and prevents back pain. You also need to get on all fours, straighten your back, bend your elbows a little. Belly does not strain, but tighten. Make movements with the pelvis, describing the figure eight.
- Kitty This exercise is quite common, aimed at relieving stress from the spine. You need to get on all fours, initially keep your back straight, then lower your head, bend your back (round up). Hold on like that for ten seconds and return to the original position.
Pregnant back pain
Back pain in pregnant women appears for various reasons:
- loss of elasticity of the intervertebral discs;
- increased load on the spine, as a result of which cracks appear on the fibrous ring;
- often pains appear in the lower back - this core is compressed by the vertebrae. And when cracks appear, its nuclei get stuck in them;
- when the cracks become larger, it leads to an intervertebral hernia;
- sometimes pains appear due to spasms of the paravertebral muscles or because of their tension.
Such pain is characteristic of all pregnant women, but a hernia appears in some rare cases.
Exercises and recommendations for back pain
Exercises for pregnant women from back pain are selected individually. Of the general recommendations, the following can be noted:
- Swimming. During swimming, the load is removed from the spine, the pressure on the joints and back is reduced.
- Exercise dog. You need to get on all fours, focus on the elbows, lower your shoulders, put your head in your hands. Relax your back, leaving her straight. Stand in this position for no more than 2-3 minutes. It can be performed up to 35 weeks of pregnancy.
- Create comfortable conditions during sleep. Sleep on a comfortable side with a special pillow for pregnant women or put a small pillow under your stomach and between your legs.
- Wearing a bandage to support the tummy and relieve stress from the back.
- Yoga for pregnant women. It helps to relax the necessary muscles and relieve pain in the back.
- Hiking
Exercises to strengthen the back muscles in trimesters
At different stages of pregnancy, a woman feels differently, so the training system must be selected depending on the trimester.
In the 1st trimester, exercises for the back of a pregnant woman should be as sparing as possible. During this period, a woman often suffers from toxicosis and overall poor health. Performing any load, you need to be very careful. It is better to consult a doctor first. Exercises in the first trimester relieve fatigue, strengthen the muscles of the back and generally support the body in good shape. Home exercises for the first trimester are as follows:
- Walking (at home - walking on the spot). One minute is enough on a full stop and one minute on toes.
- Torso rotation. Making smooth circular rotations with the pelvis in both directions.
- Performing shallow squats, always with a straight back.
- Exercise "Cat" (technique described above).
- The bridge with the raising of the hips. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Raise your knees up without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold in this position for one minute.
What to choose exercises for pregnant women for back in the 2nd trimester? This period is considered the calmest. The tummy in these months is still small, the back pain practically does not bother. Therefore, physical exercises are aimed at maintaining muscle tone and stretching, and at preventing low back pain. The following exercises are recommended:
- sitting on the floor with a straight back, turn the body in both directions;
- sitting on the floor with outstretched legs leaning forward, trying to reach the palms of the feet;
- from a standing position to perform tilts to the sides;
- swinging legs from a position on all fours.
In the 3rd trimester, exercises for the back for pregnant women should not be too active, the load is only sparing. Fitball lessons, swimming, shallow slow squats are suitable.
Prevention of back pain during pregnancy
Exercises for pregnant women for the back help to cope with the appeared pain, but their prevention is no less important. It’s better to prevent any problem than to solve it later.
During pregnancy, it is not recommended to wear heels, stand or sit for a long time. Sleep at night should be made as comfortable as possible: sleep on a good orthopedic mattress, in a comfortable position. It is recommended to wear a bandage and refuse to lift weights. It is important to monitor the diet so as not to gain extra pounds, because overweight increases the load on the spine, provokes back pain.
During pregnancy, the back is very painful. This has been especially common in recent months. Pregnant exercises for the back have many positive reviews. According to future mothers, they help a lot, relieve tension, relax muscles. And regular exercise from the first months of pregnancy is an excellent prevention of back pain.