How to correctly calculate weight during pregnancy

Very often, women perceive the period of pregnancy as a time of permissiveness in the gastronomic plan. But this is absolutely not the case, because busting, like underweight, in this state is not a very good indicator for a lady. In this article we will talk about how to correctly calculate weight during pregnancy and keep fit in this wonderful time for every woman.

calculate pregnancy weight

About doctor visits

All representatives of the fair sex should know that during pregnancy they will definitely visit their gynecologist with an enviable frequency. At first, this will rarely happen: about once every three weeks, in the last months more often - once every seven to ten days. And every time a woman will be weighed. After all, these indicators can tell a lot about something. Shortage, like weight gain, is a problem during such a special condition.

First trimester

So, how to calculate weight during pregnancy. It is worth saying that in the first few months a woman can even lose a few pounds. The toxicosis that often accompanies the expectant mother and prevents her from eating normally is to blame. However, this is not scary, because the fruit itself weighs very little and does not particularly affect the total weight of the lady. The maximum weight gain, which at this time is not alarming, is 1-2 kilograms.

calculate baby weight during pregnancy

Second and third trimesters

How to calculate weight during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters? Here it is worth saying that a woman will significantly increase from about the 28th week of pregnancy, when the baby begins to grow actively. At this time, the expectant mother will recover about 250-300 grams weekly. If the weight gain is more rapid, it is better to seek the help of a doctor, because this can be an alarm.

About norms

So, how to correctly calculate the rate of weight during pregnancy? If you look at the general figures, then a woman for all 9 months should add about 9-13 kg. According to doctors, every day, starting from about the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman adds 50 grams in weight, which is 300-400 grams per week and a little more than 2 kg per month. Gynecologists also have a certain weight scale for women, according to which they draw conclusions. According to her, the weekly weight gain of the lady should not exceed 22 grams for every 10 cm of growth. However, there are certain nuances here.

calculate pregnancy rate

Special cases

How to calculate weight during pregnancy if a woman was deficient? So, for all 9 months in this case, the lady has the right to gain a little more kilograms, it will not be scary. As a result, she should reach normal indicators according to the scale of gynecologists. But this problem is not as terrible as being overweight during a womanโ€™s special situation. As for busting, it is also important to decide why a pregnant woman is overweight. Several factors can affect this. So, this is a quick weight gain by the baby and the amount of adipose tissue (with initial weight deficiency). However, these are normal phenomena that do not affect the indicators too much. Of particular concern can be the amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios - more than 1.5 liters), as well as a delay in the body of pregnant fluid. This is fraught with edema, late toxicosis, gestosis.

calculate weight gain during pregnancy

About nutrition

Every woman should be able to calculate weight gain during pregnancy. If the expectant mother gained a few extra pounds, she should not go on various diets, because this can affect the baby. In this case, you must first decide on why this happens. If, on medical grounds, everything is fine, mother is better to refuse too frequent use of flour products, which mainly give excess weight. It is better to pay attention to healthy foods: fresh vegetables and fruits (required in moderation), as well as boiled foods, which are very useful for the body of a pregnant woman and a baby.

How weight is distributed

Many, perhaps, will be interested to know how those 10-12 kg that a mother can gain over the entire period of pregnancy are distributed. After all, the child himself does not weigh so much. So, the baby will take about 3300-3700 grams. About 1 kg of weight will go to the uterus itself, the same amount of amniotic fluid will be taken. The placenta weighs about 400 grams, the mammary glands gain about half a kilo. The volume of blood circulating throughout the body will increase to a kilogram, about two kilos will take on adipose tissue, and about 2.5 kg - tissue mass. That's all.

calculate weight gain during pregnancy

Mom's nuances

In order to correctly calculate the weight gain during pregnancy, it is also necessary to consider several simple nuances. So, for example, the older the woman in labor, the more she can put on weight. Also, the lady should know that if she lost weight with toxicosis, she will gain it a little later. Also, the constitution of a woman's body can affect weight gain. If a lady is inclined to be overweight, she is likely to gain a few more pounds. Well, and, of course, affect the increase in weight of the momโ€™s appetite. Very often, ladies in such a special period try not to deny themselves anything, motivating this with what the baby requires. However, this is not worth doing, because the increase in the weight of the mother will affect both the baby and the course of childbirth later.

About baby

You can also calculate the weight of the baby during pregnancy. So, there is a certain formula, which is the average of three calculations. To do this, you need to know two nuances: the circumference of the abdomen (A), as well as the height of the bottom of the uterus (B). First calculation: AxB, second: (A + B) x25. Third: (B-11 or 12) x155. 11 - if the circumference of the wrist is more than 16 cm, 12 - if less. The three results obtained must be added together and divided into three, i.e., to find the arithmetic mean. The fetal weight can vary up to 200 grams in any direction.

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