Today we will look at cheats (codes) on Spore. This is a simulator of the life of creatures. The game represents evolution. Moreover, it is a space simulator and strategy. It includes 5 stages.
The main rule bypass
To use your favorite cheat on Spore, first of all, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + C at the time of editing or creating a character. As a result, a codes window will appear. We introduce one of the following combinations into it.
help -. , –full. AddDNA – Spore, 150 . , Killallhints. Spore moreMoney 1 . , , refillMotives.
blocksmode. . evoadvantage. , freeCam. . freedom on. . freedom off. , refillMotives. spaceCreate. freedom. , levels.
evoadvanatge. «». 1.01. «».
, unlockSuperWeapons. setConsequenceTrait , . setConsequenceTrait . .
«». Spore cell_carnivore . , cell_herbivore. , cell_omnivore.
«». , creature_aggressive. , creature_social. , creature_mixed.
«». tribe_aggressive. tribe_social. , tribe_mixed.
, «». civ_military. civ_economic. civ_religious.
«». , space_knight. space_wanderer. , space_warrior. space_shaman. space_trader . space_scientist. space_zealot. space_ecologist. , , space_bard.
Spore . – , . . . . , . , .
, Windows. , Pentium 4 2,0 , 128 , 4 512 .