You have a problem - cloudy urine during pregnancy? And you do not know what is causing this. This article will tell you about all the points related to the analysis of urine during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, a large number of different tests are performed to monitor its course and so that possible violations can be identified in time. Of the whole bunch of tests that are performed during pregnancy, urine tests are used most often - often with every visit to an obstetrician. In order to make the most accurate analysis, urine must be collected in the morning, since it is morning urine that completely characterizes the state of the body. Be sure to wash the genitals with warm water before collecting urine to prevent bacteria or other substances from entering it.
Thanks to laboratory analysis, the work of the kidneys, the state of the bladder, the state of the body of a pregnant woman as a whole are evaluated. Using this analysis, you can detect the content of sugar, protein, bacteria, red blood cells, white blood cells in the urine, which indicates violations.
Healthy urine can be either light yellow or light brown, but must be transparent. Turbid urine during pregnancy indicates the presence of all kinds of bacteria, salts, leukocytes, red blood cells and other elements in it, which are mainly a sign of the presence of an infectious disease of the urinary tract.
During the analysis, the acidity of the urine is taken into account, while the optimal pH of the urine is from 4.5 to 8. In most cases, the acidity of the urine depends on the specific nutrition of the pregnant woman. However, lowering or increasing the acid level for no apparent reason indicates serious violations. So, low acidity indicates dehydration, and high acidity may be a sign of kidney disease.
The presence of sugar in the urine is not at all a reliable factor that a pregnant woman is sick with diabetes. Sugar is often detected if a pregnant woman drank a sweet drink or ate tightly before collecting urine. However, a very high sugar content in the urine indicates gestational diabetes mellitus, which first occurs at a period of twenty weeks in some pregnant women. If you have a poor urine test during pregnancy, do not leave it just like that. Do more research if you feel increased tiredness, constant thirst, apathy, or lose weight.
Poor urine during pregnancy can also be due to an additional burden on the kidneys, so a small amount of protein may be detected in the analysis - it is considered normal if it is detected up to 300 mg per day, that is, in very small quantities. Although even with such indicators, more careful monitoring of the state of health of a pregnant woman is required. The increased proteinuria protein content in urine, which can also cause turbid urine during pregnancy, is primarily a sign of kidney diseases (nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, renal amyloidosis), hormonal disorders, and also urinary tract infections. In the later stages, the presence of protein in the urine in combination with edema of the extremities and with high blood pressure are symptoms of gestosis.
Also, turbid urine during pregnancy may be due to an increased number of leukocytes in urine, which indicates inflammatory processes in the urinary tract and in the urinary tract, such as urolithiasis, interstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.
If, in addition to tests, you find that you have turbid urine at home, do not delay it, but immediately consult a doctor for advice. Do not forget that during pregnancy you are already responsible not only for your life, but also for the life of your future baby!