ВсСроссийский дСнь ΠΏΡ€ΠΈΠ·Ρ‹Π²Π½ΠΈΠΊΠ° - ΠΏΠ»Π°Π½ провСдСния

All-Russian draftee day is an event that everyone knows about. Young people, preparing for military service, of course, turn their attention to this holiday. Every year on November 15, the All-Russian day of the draftee reminds men aged 18 to 27 about their civic duty. Many different customs accompany this date.

All-Russian Draftee Day

All-Russian Draftee Day - holiday traditions

This event has been celebrated since 1992. The All-Russian day of the conscript was recognized as an official holiday by Boris Yeltsin - to increase the prestige of military service and improve the patriotic education of young people.

This event is quite young, but some traditions have already been entrenched in it. Various celebrations are organized in many cities by military registration and enlistment offices. For draftees, they often organize excursions to military units, meetings with WWII veterans or participants in other military operations.

November 15th All-Russian day of the conscript

Young people also visit museums, monuments to warrior heroes, and places of famous battles.

In addition, parades of soldiers of the Russian army are also held on this day, as well as demonstrations by fighters of various units.

Holiday of real men

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All-Russian draftee day script


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Initially called there were people from a wide variety of classes. But still, after some time, the king freed the nobles from this duty, and after some time the merchants and the clergy. As a result, only peasants and philistines remained in the army. The service life was twenty-five years.

Under the Soviet Union, they joined the army voluntarily. It was necessary to restore military service in 1918 with the outbreak of civil war. The army was simply necessary for the country.

But the most terrible war was the Great Patriotic War. Our country has suffered a lot of human losses. Nevertheless, it was thanks to our army that we were able to survive and win. This is exactly what you can remind the guys on the All-Russian day of the draftee.

All-Russian event conscript day

The scenario can be developed by clarifying the various details of our story. In a word, this day should be bright and memorable.

Draftees are our stronghold

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All-Russian congratulation conscript day

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