Beats by dr Dre - headphones that are positioned as the highest quality product. This is a kind of "iPhone" in the market for acoustic equipment for listening to music. Are they as good as they are said? Do they correspond to the declared value? And what are Monster Beats by Dr. headphones in general? Dre? This is what we will consider in this article.
Beats Electronics (Bits Electronics)
The brand by which Beats by Dr. Dre is known is the headphone manufacturer Beats Electronics, founded by Andre Romeu Young, a rapper and hip-hop artist who acts under the pseudonym Dr. Dre. The co-founder of the company was Jimmy Iowin.
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Half of the excise packages "Bits Electronics" belongs to HTC, which have the right to release headphones. The brand name includes the company name. Thus, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation based on bilateral "PR" of one corporation of another.
Features of Beats by Dr. Headphones Dre
Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre, the price of which is sometimes terrifying, based on what the Monster marketers claim about them, has the following advantages that distinguish them from the rest:- extra size speaker and high power digital amplifier, an incredible combination of this equipment;
- the ability to play both very low and very high frequencies, a clear sound of instrumental accompaniment and vocals without distortion;
- noise cancellation.
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Despite all the praises that sing to the headphones, and indeed to the entire Beats Electronics audio equipment, there were some shortcomings. Some users complain that the headphone cable is short, which causes inconvenience to use. Bending parts are, of course, an original and excellent solution, at first glance, but at the second you unwittingly start to wonder how many “bends” the metal will withstand before it becomes worthless.The tendency of Beats from "Dr. Dre" to overestimate the bass of any composition may not be to everyone's taste, because, after all, such equipment requires a clear transfer of musical material, without a "gag".
And a little more about the price
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