A Russian bath, first built in Russia, is being built to this day. Even in those days, it was considered a place where the spirit is purified. Many residents of suburban villages seek to erect this extension on their site. And which bathhouse can be imagined without a broom? Few people know, but the preparation of bath brooms is a whole art, in which many details are required to be observed.
Features of the workpiece: every detail is important
To begin with, it is worth saying that this attribute is simply irreplaceable in bathing procedures. As you know, the air temperature in the bath is very high, and with a broom you can control it. In addition, under the influence of steam, the skin begins to breathe, the pores open, and therefore it is time to perform a massage just using this bath attribute. When harvesting birch brooms for a bath, it is assumed that it is this tree that can have a restorative, disinfectant, diaphoretic and diuretic effect. However, you can use the branches of any trees - it all depends on the preferences of each person. Linden, oak, coniferous, bird cherry and even eucalyptus brooms - any of them can be safely used both in the bath and in the sauna.
Many, when harvesting birch brooms for a bath, turn this process into a whole ritual. After all, the quality of the massage will depend on the right approach. Ideally, it is worth starting harvesting at the end of spring - the beginning of summer, most often the villagers are guided by the Trinity holiday. It is believed that it was at this time that birch was the best suited for making brooms. So that the product does not quickly lose all the foliage, it is worthwhile to cut the branches in dry weather, after lunch, because at this time the branches will be dry.
When harvesting birch brooms for a bath, only healthy trees that are located far from various enterprises are selected. It is clear that infected branches are unlikely to bring any benefit. For the manufacture of blanks, you should choose young shoots, carefully cutting them with a knife or secateurs. In length, the branches should be no more than 50 cm. Be sure to sort the branches, getting rid of the lower leaves and branches. The branches gathered in a bundle should not be squeezed tightly with a rope - it will be easier to store them.
When harvesting birch brooms for a bath, much attention is paid to the degree of their drying. In no case should you dry them in the open sun. The most practical option is to store them in limbo in a dark, cool place, such as in a barn. Brooms should not be close to each other, as this will interfere with their quality ventilation. This approach will save this important bath attribute not only an aesthetic appearance, but also all its healing properties.
Before harvesting brooms for a bath, it is worth exploring the features of their various types. For example, an oak bunch has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, while a linden bunch is useful for the prevention of respiratory diseases and colds. Juniper broom (by the way, quite rare) has a disinfecting and bactericidal effect, and bird cherry is incredibly fragrant. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is to skillfully use the gifts of nature so that a ready-made broom can benefit the body.