How to dress a newborn for a walk in the summer so as not to harm him

Finally, this exciting moment has happened, when you can pick up your long-awaited child. You return home with a newborn, and in front of you will find many difficulties, joyful moments, discoveries and questions. Now you get used to the role of parents, get used to the new regime of the baby and study it.

How to dress a newborn for a walk in the summer

Children born in the summer can be taken for walks the day after they were discharged from the hospital. And the first question that arises is: how to dress a newborn for a walk in the summer? After all, it is very important that the child does not freeze and does not overheat. Many parents make the most common mistake by overly wrapping their children. Due to overheating, they sweat and catch a cold. Remember that in summer the likelihood of overheating increases, so do not wrap them too much.

Summer clothes for walking newborns are required should be made of natural lightweight fabrics (linen, cotton). Pay attention that it allows air to pass through well, is easily ventilated (was not cramped) and protects the baby's delicate skin from the penetration of ultraviolet rays. It is preferable to choose clothes in bright colors. In any weather, do not forget about the headdress. A panama hat is ideal, which will protect children's ears from insects and prevent the head from overheating. As for socks and shoes, you can not wear them.

Clothing for walking newborns

If you do not know how to dress a newborn for a walk in the summer, then follow the “plus one” rule. Its essence lies in the fact that the baby should be only one layer of clothing more than it is worn on you. Make sure that he is not too hot, because excessive sweating can lead to colds. If you are going to go for a walk, first dress yourself, and then dress the child so that he does not have time to sweat.

Let's look at an example of what to wear a newborn for a walk. Children under 3 months are preferably n

what to wear a newborn for a walk

wear a diaper, light jumpsuit, bonnet or panama hat, t-shirt / vest. If possible, take a light blanket with you. Starting from 6 months, babies can be worn in panties and other clothes worn by children under three years of age. Of course, this is an approximate list of clothes, and yours may vary slightly. Before dressing a newborn for a walk in the summer, be sure to look outside, see what the weather is like. Take a warm blouse with long sleeves and a hood - in case a strong wind blows or it rains.

When going out with a newborn, use common sense. Indeed, in the summer, the child should benefit from walking in the fresh air. And absolutely nothing to sweat him. This can provoke not only a cold, but also dermatitis. How to dress a newborn for a walk in the summer if the air temperature is above + 30C? Walking with a newborn should be carried out strictly in the morning and evening hours, the rest of the time it is better to refuse to take sunbathing. Beware of direct sunlight and make sure that the skin of the baby is not burnt.

Have a nice walk!

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