How to congratulate the boss on his birthday? Boss birthday script

Work is an integral part of our life, and relationships with colleagues significantly affect the mood of each person. A calm working day in a friendly team will allow you to relax in the evening and think only about loved ones. The most difficult thing is to build the right relationship with the leader, because the calmness of each employee directly depends on him. It is especially difficult for the team to congratulate the boss on his birthday. Nobody wants to take on such responsibility alone, so congratulations are usually prepared all together. This whole process can be divided into several stages.

happy birthday


The options for congratulating the boss on their birthday should be discussed with all employees in advance. Do not wait until the last week before the holiday, this threatens with an ill-conceived script and a spoiled mood for the hero of the occasion.

First you need to decide how large the congratulations should be. Some people believe that it is better not to congratulate a leader who does not focus his subordinates on the date of his birth and avoids talking on this topic. In most cases, such an opinion is erroneous, and general silence can be regarded as simple disrespect. It is better to organize a congratulation in any case, the main thing is to decide whether it will be a solemn event with a fun scenario or a modest wish from the whole team with a symbolic gift.

birthday card to boss

Congratulations to the strict boss

The way the congratulation will be depends on the particular team, the relationships in it and the role of the boss in the life of employees. If the leader visits his subordinates very rarely, mainly in order to report offenders, then, most likely, there is no need to prepare a magnificent holiday. The boss may not come to the office at all on his birthday. In this case, a small business gift and a postcard to the boss would be appropriate. On his birthday, his deputy can congratulate the head and pass on souvenirs prepared by the team.

If the boss is the soul of the company

If the boss is the soul of the company, participates in the life of each employee, helps with personal matters, then his subordinates can organize a fun holiday with a suitable script for the occasion. If the leader shares his concerns with subordinates, then they will probably know how he plans to celebrate the solemn date. After all, the preparation of the script largely depends on the venue of the event. Happy birthday greetings to the boss can be arranged at the office, at some entertainment facility, or in nature. This moment, as a rule, is determined by the head himself.

boss happy birthday

Role distribution

Whatever the scenario of congratulating the boss on his birthday, colleagues need to discuss who is responsible for what. It’s better to consider the scenario directly together. If there is a person among the employees who knows the leader better than others, freedom for creativity can be granted to him. At the same time, the team should not be detached from what is happening, because by joint efforts you can come up with a very original scenario. When assigning responsibilities, the abilities of each individual employee should be taken into account. An employee who performs the duties of a manager and communicates daily with a large number of people will be better off making wishes to his boss on a happy birthday than a mechanic working in the same department.

Script writing

No matter where the celebration takes place, the boss's birthday script includes the following points:

  1. Introductory part. This may be a brief congratulation to the deputy or one of the employees. You can prepare poems or wishes in prose and read them by the whole team. The main thing is to pre-rehearse this moment so that there are no hitches.
    boss's birthday script

  2. Entertaining part. This stage provides the most extensive field for creativity. When choosing interesting entertainment and contests, you need to focus on the hobbies of the boss, as well as the strengths of the employees. For example, if the leader is a big fan of fishing, you can arrange various contests with catching “fish” from large basins with tied hands. If someone in the collective sings well, a musical greeting can be included in the script. You can involve strangers in the congratulation, if appropriate. For example, the leader loves dancing. And one of the employees attends choreography lessons. She alone is unlikely to perform, and such a spectacle will not bring the desired effect. But if you invite to speak with an employee of her colleagues in a dance school, you get an original and unforgettable congratulation.
  3. Presentation of a gift. This stage can be combined with the entertainment part. It all depends on the scenario of the holiday. Typically, a gift to the leader is given by the general from the whole team. His choice is based on the preferences of the boss. If it’s difficult to decide, you can buy any valuable business souvenir. The main thing is not to do everything too officially. If the boss loves extreme sports, then it’s better to give him a gift for a parachute jump than an expensive diary.

words to the boss on his birthday

Office holiday

If you know that the team will congratulate the boss on his birthday at the office, it is better to bet on surprise. Such an event is usually held at the end of the day. Employees, having come to work in the morning, modestly congratulate their supervisor, without giving out an upcoming surprise. It is better to take festive clothes with you, because the chic outfits of the employees will immediately expose the upcoming action. Office decoration needs to be prepared in advance, so that it remains only to hang balls and ribbons. Specialist service companies will help to set the table. Specialists of these companies can be invited for a certain time. They will deliver all agreed meals and serve a table. At the end of the working day, under any pretext, it is necessary to take the leader out of the room where the holiday will be, and when he returns, everything should already be ready.

Event in a cafe or restaurant

If the celebration is planned in a cafe or restaurant, it is better to invite a professional presenter. It is possible to organize contests on your own, but in an unfamiliar environment it is quite difficult to do. And the atmosphere of the restaurant obliges to a wider congratulation than, for example, fun in the office space. The main thing is, in conditions of universal fun and a clear program of the presenter, do not forget to say kind words to the boss on his birthday.

happy birthday wishes to the boss

Nature greetings

There is nothing better than barbecue and songs around the campfire on a warm summer evening! If your boss has the same opinion, feel free to organize an outing to nature. True, this option is better to discuss with the leader in advance, because a trip requires a certain amount of time that he could devote to his relatives. After all, a birthday is a family holiday, you do not need to put the boss in front of an uncomfortable choice, which, most likely, will not be in favor of the team.

Celebrating the birthday of the boss in nature, you can arrange team competitions. If the action takes place at a camp site where there is another company of vacationers, you can invite them to participate in entertainment. Such competitions will not only cheer up everyone, but also help the team unite in the fight against a common enemy.

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