Mysteries about animals for preschoolers should be interesting and entertaining.

Riddles for children are real logic challenges. In them, kids are asked a variety of questions, to which, having thought well, it is not at all difficult for them to give an answer. Animal riddles for preschoolers are a special category of such logical tasks. Kids love wildlife, because these tasks are especially interesting for them. They indicate the most diverse habits and external data of animals, their lifestyle, habitat, favorite food, etc. Their main advantage is the development of children's thinking.

Mysteries about animals for preschoolers - a great option for classes with kids

So, if you want to entertain your child with something interesting and useful at the same time, you won’t have to think long. Animal riddles for preschoolers will come to your aid. The kid will not only play and have fun, but also develop, grow as an intelligent and logically minded person.

Mysteries about animals for preschoolers require them not just an answer. First of all, children should think, remember what it looks like, where they saw it, what color and size it is. In a word, solving riddles is a powerful thought process. At the same time, the baby learns a lot of interesting things. Each riddle contains so much of everything ... And each of them is filled with meaning, requiring reasoning, conclusions, and defending one’s opinion. Here are some examples:

"I walk in a furry coat

And in the dense forest I live.

And in its hollow deep

All the nuts I gnaw "(Squirrel).

animal riddles for preschoolers

When to start solving puzzles?

Thus, this lesson will be an excellent entertainment for the child, while bringing a lot of benefit. However, when do you start asking animal riddles for preschoolers? Children need to be taught logic as early as possible. The approximate age is three years. At the same time, do not forget that any riddle is a question. Therefore, educational psychologists say that you can teach riddles to riddles earlier. You just need to simplify their form a little.

animal riddles for preschoolers children

Start with basic questions: “how does the chicken say?”, “Who has long ears?”, “Who loves honey?” etc. Older children pick up more complex puzzles. For example, at the age of four, a crumb can be asked about who such a "mustachioed and shaggy" Madame "who loves milk and sings songs." That is, puzzles must be selected in which color, shape, size, habits will be mentioned. In general, typical symptoms. For five-year-old children, the task needs to be complicated - add comparisons, comparisons, exceptions to it:

"I have two stomachs,

And then there are two humps,

Mine is the barns

Water in them and food! "(Camel).

Riddles must be about different animals

Activities with the child must, of course, be diversified. Do not get hung up on cats and dogs (the most common tasks). Children's riddles about wild animals are also incredibly interesting:

"Which of all animals

The tail is more luxurious and longer? "(Fox).

However, all representatives of wildlife can not even be listed. And each riddle is fraught with a lot of interesting and valuable information about our smaller brothers.

As a result, the child learns to compare images, revealing with you all the secrets of domestic and wild animals. Help your son or daughter initially. Tell and explain what exactly they can be. In the end, the baby will remember many animals at an early age, get acquainted with the vast world of various animals.

You can set riddles in English

And how can you diversify classes with kindergarten graduates? Mysteries about animals for preschool children of older groups can be selected not only in Russian, but also in English:

"A lot of spots,

A long, long neck,

A funny scarf.

It's a ... "(Giraffe).

These children already know the names of all representatives of wildlife. In addition, in most preschool educational institutions, children learn English. Accordingly, you can safely move on to riddles.

Start training them with pictures of animals. Just do not forget that such puzzles should be as simple as possible, so you do not need to use complex words and constructions. Show the picture and repeat the question again. The guys should correlate your words with the image.

children's riddles about wild animals

So, you can come up with a lot of ways to have an interesting and useful vacation with children. Mysteries about animals - one of them! Engage with your children, pay attention to them, develop them.

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