Most likely, if you came to this article, you are faced with the problem of mounting a disk image. What is a disk image? You will find the answer to this question in the article.
In general, any file in the .iso extension can be considered a disk image. By its nature, it is very similar to ordinary archives, in which the main function is to compress the file size for convenient and fast transfer. Only now the ISO-file can not be unpacked, but simply mounted on a virtual disk. This can be done with the help of many programs, about them, and about Daemon Tools, in particular, we will discuss the article, or rather, how to mount the image in Daemon Tools.
Using a disk image file
, Daemon Tools, , . , , . , , , .
, , , . , , , , .
, , , , , .iso.
, , Daemon Tools. .iso . " " . .
, , Daemon Tools, , .
- Daemon Tools ( ), , , . , , , , .
, :
- . "".
- . "".
- , , "".
, , .
, Daemon Tools ( ), , .
, :
- Alcohol 120%. , . .
- UltraISO. , . . .
- PowerISO. , .
- Alcohol 52%. Alcohol 120% , .
- WinMount Free Edition. This representative is very meager in its functionality, as it is intended only for mounting disk images. However, this is a great solution for those who require only this from the program.
Of course, it's up to you, but Daemon Tools remains the flagship on the market.