If we talk about the uselessness of something, then we will talk not about any specific thing, but about the subject area as a whole. The most useless things in the world can be divided into different categories. And we begin, oddly enough, with professions.
Let me be taught
So, imagine that there are professions that are not necessarily unnecessary, but at least funny. The ordinary hard worker will say: "Hack!". However, such professions do have a place to be.
Perhaps the most sought-after item in this area is the nose. And if the sommelier profession is still considered prestigious, what can you say about such a position as a deodorant tester? Sounds decent, but it’s your responsibility to smell someone’s armpits. And how do you like a special position in a restaurant for a person who by smell determines the freshness of eggs? Pedicure masters can hire a farm to apply their skills on cattle. Pedicure and manicure cheer up cows and increase milk yield. At least that's what they say.
Perhaps the simplest profession, but not useless anymore (especially if you recall the Soviet era), is the "queer worker". Entire companies are committed to providing such services. They stand for you in a long line while you go on business. Of course, for a fee. Can you say that this is an absolutely useless thing? Unlikely.
And so it goes
Probably, everyone remembers the fairy tale "In the country of unlearned lessons." The main character loved to use this phrase. How do the most useless things in the world relate to this tale? Some architectural solutions stupidize the imagination of any person.
The first place can be safely awarded to the doors located under the ceiling. No one (including the workers themselves) will be able to say why the builders decided to install them there. Perhaps they were guided by the thought "what if they want to make a balcony." Another refinement is the fences set in the “right” place. The gate that blocks the path to the house is good. But why is it needed if there is no rest of the fence? Or one section a meter long at the edge of a cliff? Probably saved from the death of many.
Stairs that lead from nowhere to nowhere on the side of the building or abut against the wall are also unlikely to be needed. The most useless things in the world are the fruits of a painful architectural fantasy. Completely glass houses or toilet cubicles, flat buildings or dwarf rooms, all this can become the sights of the city, but the "cat cried" benefits from them.
Is a book the best gift?
As you can see, useless things are found at every turn. Not all of them are such initially. Giving someone a gift, think about it, but does this person need this thing? The most useless things in the world are meaningless gifts.
A rather original present is jeans made of metal threads. Yes, it’s fun, but they simply can’t be worn anywhere, metal detectors will react, and they will know about themselves. A smart present for your boss is gold clips. This is just absolutely wasted money.
If your friend is not a collector and a fan, then fridge magnets, various figurines and souvenirs that will only accumulate dust are useless things. For most adults, a soft toy will be a useless gift. Speaking of books. Presenting a book is not always the best move, unless you are sure that the person was looking for it. In the modern world (with everyone having the Internet), access to almost any information is very simple. Therefore, a book should be presented only when the person himself wanted to have a printed edition of the work, and not just read it.
Mad professor
Everyone knows the proverb "A sick head does not give rest to legs." In order to fulfill their goals, people try to surprise the world. Thus the most useless things in the world are born, which can be called the height of ingenuity.
The most famous useless invention is a flashlight that works from light. And only in sunny weather. We will never understand the mysterious Asian soul. The Japanese are rightfully considered masters to invent useless things. A portable “zebra” in the form of a rug, allowing you to cross the road anywhere, will probably surprise anyone. Another Japanese know-how is the mini fan, which is mounted on chopsticks or a fork to cool the food you take from the plate.
They say that it is a sin to cash in on children and use them for profit. However, some enterprising people create useless things for the newborn and try to shove their young parents. But there is another option. For example, relatives who want to help new parents can, with good intentions, present completely useless things. Let's consider some of them:
- Envelope for extract. Just like a wedding, a baby’s discharge from the hospital is an event that happens once in a child’s life. Costly envelopes that have become a tradition are used and safely forgotten.
- Canopy over the crib. This thing can be not only useless, but also dangerous. Not only does it block access to fresh air, but it is also a good dust collector.
- Clothing for growth. Experienced parents will agree that buying clothes and shoes for the future is a very difficult task. A child develops in “jumps” and can easily miss the season. Absolutely useless things are shoes for babies. The baby does not know how to walk, and on the street in a stroller will lie wrapped up.
- Thermometer for water and room. If you do not have an air conditioner, but only central heating (and you can not influence the temperature in any way), then why measure it? And the warmth of the water can be checked by simply dropping on your wrist.
- Little bath. If there is a big one, then why spend a lot of space also on the nursery? No one bothers to draw as much water as the baby needs. Yes, and he will be where to roam.
All these things can be called useless. They are unlikely to be useful, but will only take a place in the house, which is better left for something really needed.