. . . "" "". - . . , - . , Firefox Chrome. ? ?
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-. . . .
Mozilla Firefox Chrome? ?
. , -. .
. , Firefox Chrome, . , , "".
- Mozilla.
- , . , .
- " ". "".
- ""-"...".
- . .
- .
, Firefox Google Chrome. . .
, . -.
Firefox Chrome? :
- "". .
- , . 3 .
- " ".
- ""-"". .
- Select a pre-generated HTML document. This is an archive with pages saved in the Mozilla.
- Click on the button that confirms the procedure.
It remains only to wait a while. Bookmarks are imported into Google Chrome in a few minutes. Fast, easy and very convenient.
Now it’s clear how to transfer bookmarks from Firefox to Chrome. If you want to import pages in the reverse order, there should be no problems. Will have to act in a similar way.