Как убрать из черного списка в "Одноклассниках": советы и рекомендации

How to remove from the blacklist in "Classmates"? We will have to figure this out further. In fact, even the student can find the answer. Managing the blacklist in OK takes a minimum of time and effort. And the user will not need any special knowledge. Below we will consider all methods of removing a person from the so-called "ignore".

how to remove from the blacklist in classmates

About the blacklist

But before removing from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, the user should think about whether to do so. After all, adding a user to “ignore” implies some limitations.


  • the impossibility of visiting the page of the person who blocked the user;
  • lack of rights to send messages to a specific person.

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how to remove a person’s blacklist in classmates

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how to remove from the black list

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how to remove a friend from the black list

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