French Bulldog breed standard: colors, height, weight, character. Russian Cynological Federation

The French Bulldog is a very cute and charming dog. She has a calm and friendly character. Despite her decorative and very cute appearance, she is extremely strong. The closing force of the jaws can argue with shepherds. That is, with proper upbringing, this dog will be not only a nice companion, but also a loyal defender. The article presents the French Bulldog breed standard.

french bulldog black

Breed birth

The story of its origin is rather confusing. According to one version, its roots are from Molossians, who were known back in the Roman Empire. It is believed that the English Alans are also related to the origin of the breed. That is, the breed has come a long way, during which its appearance changed. More recently, the latest French Bulldog breed standard was officially adopted by the International Cynological Federation. It happened only in April 2015.

At the same time, the breed format that we know today is the result of long work and numerous mating. At the end of the 19th century, enthusiastic breeders in Paris did this. The breed standard French Bulldog was formed gradually. The ancestors of our favorites lived with movers and butchers. They warned of the approach of strangers and caught rats. But, thanks to the outward charm and complaisant character, the breed managed to gain popularity among the nobility. This was a turning point in the fate of the breed.

From a fierce warrior to a charming cutie

But the animals had a long way to go before they were considered cute and completely harmless sofa dogs. Their ancestors were excellent guards and took part in fierce dog fights. The recalcitrant character, powerful jaws and a stern look - you can’t spoil a pet with such a pet. But the times of popularity of fierce battles in the arena are gradually fading into the past, and the person’s heart is more drawn to a true friend. Therefore, the breed standard of the French Bulldog begins to change.

Russian cynological federation

Instead of a cat

For the light to see this creature, it was necessary to take it out of the homeland. In the middle of the 19th century, the charm of dogs in England died down. But at this time, another important event occurred. They began to use machine labor in production, and a huge number of people were left without work. Some of them went to try their luck on the mainland and took their favorite dogs with them.

It turns out that immigrants from France returned to their historical homeland, but their appearance was already different from those animals that had come out earlier from Paris. And here a new job was found for animals, they perfectly caught rats. Europeans were superstitious about cats, so they gladly accepted the Pied Piper Bulldogs.

Demand creates supply. The mass export of animals from England to France has begun. Soon the livestock on Foggy Albion was completely exterminated. But in the new homeland the breed received a new look and new life.

The black French bulldog appeared due to the crossing of the dog with the Spanish Alans. Today this breed has almost disappeared. After that, breeders were actively working on crossing the bulldog with terriers and pugs.

Thanks to a long selection, a decorative dog appears, a charming creature with big ears and smart eyes, as well as a huge variety of colors. It was in this guise that bulldogs quickly won the love of people all over the planet. The Russian Cynological Federation has adopted the standard of this breed, and since 2015 has been actively conducting exhibitions on its territory. The number of breeders' clubs is growing day by day.

Return to England

As you can see, the story of the breed is quite complicated. By about 1870, the dog's appearance had fully developed, but it still remained a working animal in poor neighborhoods. She gained her fame thanks to the girls of easy virtue. Parisians were photographed along with charming puppies on their advertising cards. Thanks to this, the Upper Light also found out about them. The dog instantly became respectable and noble. Puppies jumped in price.

In 1880, the first club of bulldog lovers appeared in Paris. And already in 1898 the breed standards were adopted. Since 1903, FCI allowed dogs to be shown in separate rings as an independent breed. But the British for a long time did not recognize this amazing dog with such amazing features. The wide frog face seemed unaesthetic to them. Only in 1904 did bulldog nurseries appear in England. But this did not end the work on the appearance of the dog. For example, the tail was shortened, which made the body more square. It should be noted that the Russian Cynological Federation did not participate in breeding activities, but adopted numerous changes to the breed standard. Let's look at what a dog is according to this document.

french bulldog breed description character

Behavior and temperament

The French Bulldog is a complaisant, sociable and kind dog. Many breeders note that they fell in love with a long-eared handsome man as soon as they saw. And in the family where one bulldog lived his life, most often representatives of other breeds do not appear. In addition to the external charm, they are distinguished by good learning ability, that is, they are easily trained in elementary teams. Getting along with other pets is very simple, so if you have parrots or cats, you can not worry about their life and health. Of course, for this you have to raise a puppy.

They have a very curious character. Description of the breed French Bulldog gives us the understanding that this is not a sofa dog at all. Here is a perpetual motion machine that simply cannot sit idle. Up to 5-6 years old dogs are extremely curious and active. At maturity, they become calmer and quieter. But what can definitely be called a plus of this dog is the lack of aggression. This quality was excluded in the selection process. Therefore, today she has an extremely peaceful character.

The description of the breed of the French Bulldog would not be complete, if not to say about an exceptional mind and complaisance. The dog seems to be able to read the owner’s thoughts and is in a hurry to fulfill his wish.

French Bulldog breed standard


Today, dog breeders speak of her as a companion dog. But at first glance this makes it clear that animals have preserved the features of their ancestors. This is a classic fighting dog, only smaller. This impression is created due to the physique and structure of the jaw. This appearance of these cute creatures owe their origin. But despite the wide jaw, the black French bulldog does not look repulsive. On the contrary, it gives it a special highlight.

  1. Head and face. The head should be large and wide, representing a square. The skin should form wrinkles and wrinkles. The muzzle is very short and wide, covered with symmetrical folds.
  2. Body. Also almost square. The back is broad and muscular, straight. it should not sag. The loin is wide and slightly convex. Croup must have a slope. The chest is shaped like a cylinder thanks to curved ribs.
  3. Nose - shortened, wide, slightly bent towards the frontal part.
  4. Low-set eyes, large, rounded, slightly bulging. The color is dark.
  5. The ears of the French bulldog - this is his most amazing decoration. Straight, large, with the shape of a bat. At the base they are wide, and rounded at the tips.
  6. The limbs are strong and erect. The shoulders are short and thick, muscular. Hind legs with powerful and strong hips. They are much stronger than the front.

When viewed from the front, you need to make sure that the front of the chest is wide and fits into the square. The bottom line and stomach should be tightened, but it should not be as sharp as that of the greyhounds.

Dog sizes

This is another parameter that needs special attention. To date, representatives of the breed are much smaller than their distant ancestors. The height and weight of the French bulldog make it clear that the animal is distinguished by a dense physique. The growth of an adult male is from 27 cm with a weight of 10-14 kg. A lot, given the short legs. Bitches are usually a little less. Their height is 22-25 cm, and they weigh 8-13 kg. According to strict standards, the permissible deviations are 500 g. If the weight exceeds the established limits, then the animal is not allowed to the exhibition.

french bulldog ears

Color and coat

It is difficult to find another breed in which there would be such a variety of colors. The exception is only hunters, they also have not so many requirements for color. The coat of the French bulldogs is short and smooth, it fits snugly. It must be shiny and soft, without undercoat. For this reason, dogs cannot do without warm clothes in the winter. With any color of hair, the nose and eyelids should only be black. A brown, gray, or blue shade of the nose is a serious blemish.

  1. Black Bulldog is the most popular color. There are dogs that are completely black or black and white.
  2. Tiger - on a red or dark background. Tigers are black or brown, as sharp and contrasting as possible. Tiger French Bulldog is one of the most expensive and desired.
  3. Fawn uniform color on the body, lightening is allowed only on the lower chest and inner thigh. The presence of white marks is undesirable.
  4. White color. It is also not rare. Maybe a white-fawn French bulldog, white-black. There are combinations in which the entire surface of the body is white and only the ears and muzzle are darkened. A completely white color is acceptable if the earlobe, eyelids and nails are black. Such dogs are admitted to the exhibition, but not to reproduction. They can be carriers of the gene for congenital deafness.
  5. The red color should be clean, always with a mask.


If you are looking for not just a pet, but a future winner of the exhibitions, then you need to choose a pet very carefully. The dog training organization should provide assistance in this, since they have registered all mating and have information about the growing offspring. Any inconsistency with breed standards is considered a drawback. These may include:

  1. White spots with tiger color.
  2. White spots with a pale yellow to red color.
  3. A wide black stripe along the spine with a pale yellow or red color.
  4. The presence of white marks on the paws in any color.
  5. Light claws.
brindle french bulldog

Serious flaws

If the listed signs can be classified as undesirable, then below we will analyze those in which the animal can be removed from competition in the ring. In any case, it will not receive high marks.

  1. Too long or short muzzle.
  2. With a closed mouth, the tongue is visible.
  3. The eyes are light in color.
  4. The horizontal top line from the withers to the lower back.
  5. Straight bite.

Disqualifying signs

In this case, the pet is automatically removed from the exhibition, and the dog will not be allowed to breed. The main defects are:

  1. Hanging ears.
  2. Sprouted tail or its complete absence.
  3. Deafness.
  4. Labored breathing.
  5. Fluffy hair.
  6. Underweight or overweight.
  7. Fixed hocks.

Behavioral characteristics are also evaluated. Cowardly or aggressive behavior, excessive nervousness can also become a disqualifying sign.

Dog health

They are quite strong and live to 12-14 years. But this breed also has its own health problems that need to be considered.

  1. Allergy. Dogs are prone to various dermatitis and allergic reactions. To protect your pet, you need to adhere to an optimal diet.
  2. They have a weak liver. This is another reason why the dog must adhere to a strict diet.
  3. The difficulties include eye problems. They are convex and large, so foreign objects, dust and sand can get into them. As a result, the eyes become inflamed and fester.
  4. The French are afraid of drafts and can not stand the frost.
  5. These animals have problems with labor, therefore, most often offspring are born using cesarean section.
white fawn french bulldog

True friend

Black French Bulldog is a dog as close to a person as possible. Very smart, quick-witted, sociable. She knows how to establish contact with all members of the family, and not just with the owner. Guests and even passers-by on the street are also included in the circle of people with whom you can play. The family strictly understands the hierarchy and will try to be closer to its head.

These are animals that should be constantly next to the owner. It is not for nothing that the classification of dog breeds assigned them to companion dogs. Aviaries, closed rooms - all this is not for them. The French themselves must determine their location. In whatever part of the apartment they are located, their attention is still directed towards the owner.

With children, they get along fine. But to very small dogs it is better not to admit. During the game, kids can hurt the dog, and she grab them reflexively. In most cases, pets are very patient about the tricks of the kids, but you still need to be careful.

On a walk

As mentioned above, dogs are very sociable. On a walk, they are mobile and constantly study everything around. Meet people around you and your brothers. That is why they need to be constantly monitored. Do not leave your pet alone near the store. This curious creature will easily go away with playing children. A trusting Frenchman can be stolen.

Such dogs are suitable for housewives and senior citizens, for families with school-age children. But you need to choose a pet for yourself, because there are representatives of the breed extremely active, but there are, on the contrary, phlegmatic ones.

Instead of a conclusion

French bulldogs are very unusual representatives of their family. They are distinguished not only by their interesting appearance, but also by their erudition. Dogs are smart, funny and sociable, which gives them the right to be called the best companions. If a child asks for a dog, pay special attention to the Frenchman. It is quite easy to deal with him on a walk, he does not take up much space in the apartment, but at the same time the joy of its maintenance will be just the sea. Charming creation will become the center of the universe. Children will not leave him for a minute. Do not forget to visit the veterinarian on time and take preventive vaccinations. In some cases, this can save from deadly diseases.

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