Many aquarists, both experienced and beginners, are well aware of the cockerel fish. Its main distinguishing feature is its surprisingly military character. Despite the outward refinement and beauty, they very often arrange real fights, inflicting an adversary and receiving serious wounds themselves. Therefore, before starting them, it will be useful to learn about the compatibility of males with other fish in the aquarium. Otherwise, you may encounter very unpleasant consequences.
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First of all, it is worth knowing that the cockerels are representatives of the maze family. Fish are not too large: females have a body length of not more than 4 centimeters, and males are slightly larger - usually about 5 centimeters. The color scheme is simply amazing. There are breeds of different colors: green, orange, yellow, red, blue - and not to mention the numerous shades. In good light, the males will demonstrate all their splendor. They are especially beautiful during breeding - males do their best to attract partners and become even brighter, more attractive.
Content Issues
It would seem that no problems with the content should arise. Fish are not too whimsical, they may well live in a small aquarium with 40-50 liters. They enjoy eating not only live food, but also ice cream, as well as dried. Nevertheless, serious problems that can cloud the content and breeding of these fish may well arise. The main source of problems is the compatibility of cockerel fish with other fish.
There is nothing surprising here. For many generations, breeders worked on males, who selected exactly the most aggressive individuals to continue the species. They come from Thailand, where there is even such entertainment as cockerel fighting: numerous spectators are happy to root for their favorites, and put a lot of money. Therefore, once in an aquarium with inappropriate neighbors, the males will probably arrange a fight. They can come out victorious, inflicting serious injuries to an adversary who is not expecting an attack, or they may die themselves.
But still leave the aquarium, especially if it has a volume of 100 liters or more, for one flock of half a dozen small fish is not the best solution. Therefore, it is worth trying and picking up those neighbors with whom there will definitely not be problems.
Inappropriate neighbors
Talking about the compatibility of aquarium fish cockerels with other fish in the aquarium, it is first worth noting which neighbors will definitely not be suitable.
Immediately it is worth abandoning the idea of settling males with aggressive fish. For example, once in the same aquarium with barbs, they will certainly become an object of aggression, or, conversely, they themselves will provoke it. But the result will be one - fans of fights will seriously suffer, or maybe the aquarist will completely lose one of the fish, which is very unpleasant.
Just big fish are also not the best choice. Neighbors, significantly larger than the cockerel in size, seem to provoke him to aggression, even if they themselves are very peaceful. So, it is better to abandon the idea of settling them with cichlids right away. Surely, despite the large size, the latter will seriously suffer.
Too bright fish with chic veil tails get along very badly with males, as they quickly become the target of an attack. Maybe fighting fish will not kill them, but the fins and tail will tear unequivocally - it will take more than one week, or even a month, to recover the unfortunate victims.
In no case should you keep goldfish and cockerels in one aquarium. But this is due to inappropriate conditions. Experienced aquarists know that the optimal water temperature for males is + 26 ... +28 degrees Celsius. And goldfish feel good at + 22 ... +24 degrees, and usually spawn at all at + 18 ... +20 degrees. So, one of the neighbors will be uncomfortable. In warm water, goldfish will suffocate due to a lack of oxygen, and in a cold cockerel they will fade, their immunity will weaken and the risk of illness will increase sharply.
Finally, do not settle the cockerels with other cockerels. Remember that there can only be one male in an aquarium. Otherwise, fights will be regular. The only exception to the rule is the presence of a very large aquarium. If its volume is 500-700 liters or more, then the males may well arrange a short fight, after which the loser will simply run away to the far corner and sit there - the winner usually does not pursue the loser and treats him tolerantly until he wants to return to him half.
The difference between males and females
As mentioned above, females in males are noticeably smaller than males — about 1 centimeter. Their fins are significantly shorter, and their character is much calmer. Such aggression between them, as between males, is not observed. Although, if the number of females in one flock becomes too large, then fights between them are also possible. That is why experts recommend starting flocks consisting of one male and 3-4 females. Then they will feel most comfortable, which means that the risk of collisions is significantly reduced.
Now it’s worth talking about the compatibility of female males with other fish.
In general, they are much more peaceful than males. Usually they calmly perceive fish, which their warlike spouses attack without hesitation. However, there may be exceptions. Some of the fish listed above can become targets of attacks if they themselves provoke aggression. In addition, female males become more excitable during spawning. Taking care of their offspring, they can also attack other inhabitants of the aquarium, with whom they usually get along quite peacefully and calmly. But this happens quite rarely - most female males do not cause problems to the owner.
Neighborhood rules
Of course, the breed plays a very important role in the compatibility of males with other fish. But this is not the only factor. Also, a lot depends on how well the aquarium is equipped, and other indicators. It is worth telling more about them.
First of all, you should consider the size of the aquarium. If you try to plant a flock of 4-5 males (1 male plus 3-4 females) in an aquarium with a volume of 50 liters, and then put a dozen other fish in the same place, then conflicts will be necessary - simply because of crowding. Therefore, the larger the aquarium, the lower the likelihood of unpleasant incidents.
We must not forget about age. If males from childhood are accustomed to side by side with representatives of other species, then they will surely reach puberty and will treat them at least tolerantly, without making a weld. You will have to observe a completely different behavior if you put in an aquarium with an adult cockerel who has never seen other breeds of fish, new neighbors - they will be unusual, and therefore potentially dangerous.
Do not forget about nutrition. Hunger is always a source of additional tension and aggression. Correctly, fully and quite abundantly (but not too much!) Feed all the inhabitants of the aquarium, and they will surely be happy, which means they will not arrange fights.
Finally, try to properly equip the aquarium. It should be not only large, but also replete with shelters. Thick algae in one of the corners, driftwood or several shells, two or three large stones laid next to each other - such interior details will not only make the aquarium more beautiful, but also allow the fish not to call one another's eyes. If conflicts arise, they can blur in different directions and calm down. In an empty aquarium, they will not have such an opportunity.
Now we will consider the most successful neighborhood with different types of fish and give a brief description.
Scalar compatibility
Males get along pretty well with scalars, but only if there is a fairly large aquarium. The fish will simply ignore each other. The only exception is spawning.
At this time, scalars show unusual aggression and begin to chase peaceful neighbors. But with the males this definitely will not work - a conflict is inevitable. Therefore, at the time of spawning, the scalar should be planted or at least equiped with many shelters and dense thickets of algae in the tank.
Neighbors gourami
A very good neighborhood - cockerels and gourami. They are quite close relatives, therefore their lifestyle is similar. The same living conditions, diet, habit of breathing atmospheric oxygen and algae - all this creates very good relations between neighbors. The main thing is that the volume of the aquarium be at least 70 liters, and better - more. And of course, do not populate it too tightly.
Divide Mollies
The neighborhood with mollies can become very successful, again because of the similar parameters of water and the peacefulness of the latter. The main thing is not to lower the temperature below the optimum - about +26 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, representatives of both species will be sick, since immunity, which directly depends on external conditions, will be significantly shaken. Well, of course, females of mollies should be planted for spawning - otherwise newborn fry (and they are viviparous) can be eaten not only by males, but also by the parents themselves.
Life with corridors
Quite calmly, males perceive life with corridors. These are very calm neighbors, and fish live in different layers of water. If the males prefer to live on the surface, then the corridors stay near the bottom. Very convenient - the remnants of food that the first ones will miss will be happy to pick up the second.
The habit of corridors to rise sharply from the bottom to the surface to swallow air can frighten some neighbors. But not the cocks: being labyrinth fish, they themselves breathe in exactly the same way. Therefore, the neighborhood will not cause problems for any of the parties. In this case, the compatibility of males with other fish will be one hundred percent.
Guppy and Danio Neighborhood
Finally, familiar to many beginners, not to mention experienced aquarists, zebrafish and guppies. The males get along with them just fine, completely not noticing them or at least completely ignoring them. Guppies and zebrafish are very small, while not at all aggressive. Even veil tails and fins usually do not cause hostility among neighbors. In content and reproduction, they are very simple and do not cause any difficulties. And the comfort temperature range is large enough to not have to adapt to them. There is only one advice, the same as for mollies: to plant pregnant females separately if you are not going to donate most of the offspring.
This concludes our article. Now you know more about the compatibility of the aquarium fish and its content with different neighbors. Surely this will allow you to create the perfect aquarium - beautiful, well-groomed and allowing all residents to feel comfortable.