Teenager's day routine: template and expert recommendations

Does a teenager need a daily routine? And what exactly is meant by this? The daily routine is already present in life, because classes in educational institutions begin at the same time. Does it make sense to organize the rest after school and visit various sections, circles of the part of the day?

Often, parents do not consider it important to limit their growing children in any way. Meanwhile, organizing a day is crucial in adolescence. The mode allows you to cope with stress and go through a transitional age period without any special psycho-emotional problems.

Are the child and teen regimes different?

The daily routine of a teenager, of course, has differences from the routine and organization of free time of young children. In fact, it is transitional, combining elements that are characteristic of both the children's daily routine and the regime necessary for adults.

Teens on a walk

The main differences between children's and teenage modes relate to the following points:

  • frequency of meals;
  • duration of sleep;
  • duration and volume of physical and mental stress.

Of course, the time that is intended for relaxation is also different.

What should be included in the daily routine?

In the regime of the day of the teenager, moments such as:

  • recreation and entertainment;
  • food;
  • sleep;
  • charging;
  • hygiene procedures.

Of course, the daily routine is based on the level of workload. The more activities, the more time should be given to rest, not entertainment.

What should be the daily routine for a teenager?

The average day mode template looks like this:

  • awakening - 7:00;
  • hygiene procedures, gymnastics - 7:00 -7: 15;
  • breakfast - until half past seven;
  • road to school, study - until one in the afternoon;
  • a walk or other rest - until 14:00;
  • lunch - up to three;
  • classes in sections, circles - until 17:00;
  • homework and other types of preparation for the next day - until 19:00;
  • dinner - until 19:30;
  • free time for entertainment, hobbies and other things - until 21:30;
  • evening toilet - until 22:00;
  • sleep - until seven in the morning.

Of course, the pattern in the question of time organization is a relative concept. The daily routine is influenced by classes for adolescents both in a general educational institution and beyond, other individual nuances.

What do experts say about the organization of the regime?

Doctors and psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that a universal template of the day regimen, suitable for everyone without exception, does not exist. All requirements regarding the organization of time and prioritization are only advisory in nature. That is, they act as a kind of memo, necessary in order to have something to start from when compiling your personal schedule.

activities for teens

The daily routine of a teenager consists of a combination of many nuances. The most important are:

  • age, because at 12 years and 16 needs are different;
  • physical condition and development, priorities in the daily routine for those involved in sports and those who do not attend such sections are different;
  • experienced mental stress;
  • degree of employment at school and circles;
  • health;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • traditions accepted in the family circle.

All these factors have a decisive influence on how much time will be allocated to a particular lesson. But they in no way change the list of what is included in the concept of “teenager’s day regimen”. This means that every person growing up must perform certain actions daily - sleep, monitor hygiene, eat, study, exercise, and relax. That is, if a teenager is passionate about drawing or writing poetry, then this does not completely cancel the presence of morning exercises. And a large number of classes or a significant amount of material specified in the school are not a reason to reduce sleep time.

How important is morning exercise?

Morning exercise for adolescents is necessary, as well as for children or adults. But, unfortunately, this point is most often neglected in the daily routine. Of course, if it is not about organizing a day for teenagers who are seriously involved in sports.

morning exercises for teens

Light physical exercises performed in the morning, after hygiene procedures and before taking a shower or washing, are extremely important. They allow you to tone the body, as people say - "disperse the blood." In addition, charging is not accidentally called that. A few simple movements with your hands, body, and legs drive away the rest of your sleep no worse than strong coffee. They give energy and arouse appetite. This is crucial, especially for those who eat breakfast through power.

How to eat in adolescence?

The nutrition of adolescents, as well as the organization of the day as a whole, differs from adult and children's. Of most importance in meals is breakfast. Of course, it should be useful, contain vitamins and other elements the body needs, and not just fill the stomach.

As for the routine, it should also be followed in nutrition. Random snacks at different times of the day are not only the key to future problems in the health of the digestive system, but also adversely affect current life.

day mode template

As a rule, adolescent nutrition is organized as follows:

  • breakfasts - the first at home, the second at school;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon tea
  • dinner.

As for the hours at which the teenager eats, they must be the same. Of course, this does not mean the minute-by-minute accuracy of when you need to sit down at the table. If it is customary to have lunch between noon and one in the afternoon, then it is during this period of time that you should eat daily. This means that lunch, eaten, for example, at 14:00, is a violation of the regime.

How much sleep do you need?

How much should a teenager sleep? This question is of concern to all parents, without any exceptions. Growing up children often assert their right not to go to bed at the hour set by the regime, but instead to watch an interesting film, sit at a computer or read a book.

As a rule, many parents do not insist that their growing child go to bed on time, believing that if you lie down a couple of times later, then nothing bad will happen. However, this is not at all true. Violation of the daily routine quickly becomes a habit, which leads to the loss of self-discipline in all other spheres of life.

how much should a teenager sleep

As for sleep time, experts consider the following intervals necessary for a normal good rest:

  • 10-12 hours - until the age of twelve;
  • 8-9 - until the age of sixteen.

Of course, these numbers mean the minimum duration of sleep. In other words, a teenager may need more time to relax.

How to be on vacation?

Do I need to adhere to the regime during the holidays? Of course. The absence of classes in an educational institution does not mean at all that you do not need to sleep, eat, do exercises or go to bed on time.

nutrition of adolescents

During the holidays, you should adhere to the adopted daily routine. The only difference is that instead of studying at school there is the opportunity to go to the cinema, museum or otherwise spend time differently.

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