How to develop a baby in 2 months? The child is 2 months old. Educational games for a child up to a year

Each mother should understand that it is necessary to develop a baby from birth, and not just from the moment when he begins to speak or actively take an interest in surrounding things. So, in this article I want to talk about how to develop a baby in 2 months.

how to develop a baby in 2 months


A two-month-old baby remains still very small and not yet fully strengthened (this happens around the beginning to the middle of the third month of the baby’s life), but he is already actively mastering movements with his arms and legs, developing the muscular system and controlling his swings a little. A child at 2 months old is able to slightly raise his head in the “lying on his stomach” position, but he still lies asymmetrically on the back, bending alternately one or the other leg. The situation will change towards the end of the second month of life. As for the fingers, they will be clenched almost the whole time, if an adult puts a finger there, the child will squeeze it strongly. The baby already knows how to raise the arms up to the head and hold along the upper part of its torso. It is also important to remember to mothers that at this age the cry of the child is the main means of communication with others. So he signals if he is cold, he wants to eat or mom needs to urgently change the baby diaper. Also, the child can scream “talk” about various pain sensations that he can feel at that moment. At the same time, the baby begins to talk, or rather, babble, uttering various sounds. Such vowels as a, e, y o, her will prevail. The baby may also pronounce the letter “x” together with the vowels - “ho”, “he”, “ha”. It is important to say that at this time, the mother can see the baby’s first smile, which will thus thank her for her care and warmth. Well, this is the time to start working with the baby, developing it in various directions.


If a woman wants to know how to develop a baby in 2 months, she needs to remember that the first rule: pay as much attention to her baby as possible. In most cases, the child does not care what he will do or what kind of manipulations he will carry out, he needs his mother to be near. It is necessary as often as possible to take the child in his arms, practice contact “skin to skin”, tell a lot to the baby, even just saying his actions. So the baby will be more interested in watching others, plus he will always hear human speech and thus learn to understand the world. At this time, it is important that not only mom, but also dad is near the child. Thus, the child will perceive the world from different angles and identify himself in a slightly different way than when he is exclusively in the female, mother's company.

massage the baby 2 months


What is the regimen of a baby at 2 months? This is also an important question. It is important to say that there are no special instructions, as a rule, this is all individual, and at this time the baby himself regulates his time for games and rest. However, in general, we can say that it takes much longer to wake up than in the first month of life, and this period is gradually increasing. So, the baby sleeps about 3-4 times a day for one and a half to two hours, in total this is about 8 hours in the afternoon and 16-18 per day. During this period, it is already possible to single out a certain feature of the crumbs - he will be an “owl” or a “lark”. So, some children are more active in the morning, and someone is a lover of walking at night, and getting enough sleep in the morning. At this time, it will be almost impossible to change this situation, because the baby so far uses only the signals of its own biorhythms. The baby’s regimen becomes important (at 2 months). Here, mom should understand that, for example, you need to bathe the baby at the same time. It is also better to do walking, so that the child can navigate during the day, and in the late afternoon, understand that soon you need to go to bed for a long night's sleep. As for night sleep, if nothing bothers the child, such as colic, he can sleep soundly for about 6 hours, without even waking up for a snack. However, if there are any problems, it is necessary at the first cry of the infant to respond to his call: just come up or put it on his chest. So kids at this age are the best to calm down.


Often, mothers have a question about how to develop a baby in 2 months. It's simple, you can do it with the help of various toys. What could it be? Clearly various rattles. They should be bright, make a variety of sounds. However, not too large and heavy, because crumb while it is difficult to hold objects. Rattles can be hung over the child, and he will simply touch them with legs or handles. It is also good to stock up with various drawings on which large monochrome objects will be depicted. So the baby will be easier to perceive the pattern. It is also good to purchase a mobile car - a rotating carousel, which will also be interesting at the same time.

2 months old baby

Development: master the movement

So, how to develop a baby in 2 months? You need to do this competently, not dumping everything in a heap, but working with the child alternately with one or the other. So, now we will talk about how to help the baby learn the movements.

Turns: at this time, you can help the baby learn to master the coups from the tummy to the back and back. First, it’s better to see how older children do it and, by their example, help their child. First: you need to put the baby on his stomach and help him roll over onto his back - it’s a little easier than turning over from the back to the tummy. But you need to train both options. You also need to put the child on the back, grab his arms around the sides and, as it were, swing him from side to side, showing that this is how he will later turn over. After a while, you need to let the crumbs try to repeat all the movements themselves. It doesn’t matter if the first time it didn’t work out, you need to do it daily without quitting this activity. An important point: it is better if the baby all the time will turn to her mother, and not turn away from her, this will be an additional incentive to perform the tasks perfectly.

On the handles: it is also important to take the baby in her arms as often as possible, but not in the same position, but in different ways. You can either vilify it while lying on your hands on the back or on your stomach, then hold it a bit for a little while. You can also twist and twist as a child, no need to be afraid of this. Moreover, children often like it.

Head: if the child is 2 months old, you need to help him work with the muscles of the neck, learn to hold the head. To do this, you need to put the little one on his stomach so that when he lifts his head, he is directly in front of his mother. You can attract a child by various methods: showing toys, pictures, just talking to him. It is necessary to do what the peasant likes, and then he will slowly begin to independently learn to raise his head in order to better see his mother or what she shows.

Muscles: if the baby is 2 months old, it can already be lifted by the hands. How to do it? When the baby lies on his back, the mother gives him two of her fingers, which the child grabs, and slowly sits the child. If everything goes well, you can raise the child further into a standing position. And if the child’s hands are quite strong, and the baby does not throw his mother’s finger, you can also try over time to understand him above the mattress. You can not be afraid to do it, especially since the kids really like it. Another exercise that will help the baby in the future: in the "lying on his stomach" position, you need to squeeze his legs under his tummy. And if he doesn’t do it yet, for the future these trainings will come in handy.

Development: pens

We study subjects. What can be classes with a child (2 months)? Everything is simple, you can begin to study by touch all the objects that are at home. To do this, for a short period, take the crumbs on the handles in the “column” position and carry them around the house, holding his palm in various objects. The kid will feel that they all differ from each other not only in color, but also by touch: some cool and hard (furniture), some soft and warm (pillows or plush toys). It is important to say that everything that the baby sees is necessary to comment, tell him what it is and what it is for. It is also necessary to begin to develop small and large motor skills of the baby's fingers (this will be needed, especially for the development of the baby's speech center). So, he needs to put various objects in his palm and tell what it is and what it is for. Once, for example, it can be a thick knitting thread with a knot at the end, another time a felt-tip pen and so on. You can also make toys at home to develop fine motor skills . To do this, you need to sew a small bag of dense bright fabric, which is filled with beads or, for example, millet. Everything is sewn up well so that nothing falls out and is put into the hands of the baby. Touching such a pillow, the little one massages its fingers and promotes its own development in such a simple way.

2 months baby regimen

Development: Speech

It is at this time that the baby begins to "walk", i.e. talk in your own way with the outside world. No need to be afraid to speak the baby in his tongue. So he will understand that everything said can be repeated, and will try to do it. When communicating with him, at the age of 2 months, the child should exclude various pronouns from his speech. It’s better not to say “I”, but “mom”, not “he” or “she”, but “dad” or “grandmother”. Also, the baby should be called by name as often as possible so that he gets used to it: "Sasha woke up!" or "Sasha will eat now." When you want to say something to a child, you need to call him by name so that he understands when and how he is addressed correctly. However, the baby will consciously respond to his name only by the half-year of his life.

Hand massage

It is also very important to do daily massage to the child. 2 months crumbs - this is the time when it needs to be actively developed. There are situations when a doctor prescribes massages according to one or another indication, however, a mother must also knead her child at home independently. It can be a simple hand massage. You need to put the baby on the back and stand at his feet. Then, the mother needs to put her finger in the baby’s pen and stroke the baby’s hand first, and then the whole hand. The movements should be light, smooth, no need to click anywhere. This is done with one hand and with the other. Further, the handles are slightly bent, unbent, and also mom can easily massage her crumb palm.

Foot massage

Following the same principle as hand massage, a foot massage is performed. It is necessary to put the baby on the back, stand at his feet, first take one foot in his hand, stroking it from foot to hip, but bypassing the knee and front of the leg. Further, everything is done with the other leg. You can also massage the foot.

educational games for a child up to a year

Back massage

How else can you massage your baby (2 months old)? So, it can be a light back massage. First, you need to easily carry out the back of the hand from the buttocks along the back to the head, while the back stroking massage movements are already done by the palm. So you need to repeat 4-5 times. It is also good to develop crumbs and spine. To do this, you need to put it on the barrel, with one hand fix the legs, and with the other draw along the spine from below, from the sacrum, up. According to the reflex, the child will arch back. Having done such manipulations on one side, the baby needs to be turned over to the second and the same thing repeated.

Tummy massage

Also important is the massage of the belly of the crumbs. This is especially necessary for children who suffer from colic. So, first of all, you need to stroke the baby’s tummy clockwise, this is done about 5 times. Next, the mother puts her hands on each other’s tummy and strokes the baby one by one with downward movements, doing this five times. It is important that these movements coincide with the work of the intestines, helping the child easier to tolerate the processes of digestion of food. It is also good to stroke the oblique muscles of the abdomen crumbs, holding the palms from the sides to the center of the tummy.

2 month baby's life

Games: Ball

There are also educational games for a child up to a year old. In such a situation, it is good to use various auxiliary items. One of them is a big ball, a fitball. On it you need to put the child (if the baby is tiny, it is better to lay the ball with a cloth) on the stomach and roll so slightly in one direction or the other. This not only develops the muscles of the child, but also makes a small massage of the abdomen, which is very useful for such a baby.

Games: a look

What are the developmental exercises for children? So, why not train your baby’s eyesight? To do this, you need to take some bright object, you can flashlight, and drive it in front of the eyes of the child, first from one side to the other. As the kid will confidently follow the subject, you can continue the game further, leading them from top to bottom. When this is already confidently obtained, you can move the object in a circle. However, it is worth remembering that if the crumb quickly got tired of this occupation, it is better to stop it and move on to something else.

Games: Poems

The development of the child (2-3 months) already allows the baby to clearly hear everything that adults say. This is the best time to introduce the little one to rhymes, because almost all children really like rhyming lines. You can recite children's (and not only) verses, or you can simply improvise, rhyming everything that happens around and in this way communicate with the peanut.

baby development 2 3 months

Noisy games

How to develop a baby? To do this, simply attach bell bells to the booties. And with each movement of the legs, the baby will hear a distinct sound. And if he likes the little one, the child will move as much as possible, thus training his muscles.

The game "Where am I?"

To develop hearing and vision of the crumbs, you can play with him a simple game called "Where am I?" For this, it’s enough for mom to just move around the room at the moment when the baby is lying, say, on the bed. So, the child will try to find his mother with a look, while training. It is worth saying that this is a great game, because along the way you can do a lot of useful things.

The game "What is this?"

In order to develop a child’s sense of touch, he can be allowed to touch various objects. They can be hard and soft, warm and cold, smooth and rough. You can also pick up various flaps so that the child understands that everything in the world is different not only in appearance, but also by touch.

Neck muscle development game

For this game, mom should lie on her back and lay her baby on her tummy down. When the baby is comfortable, you need to call him by name and try to ensure that he at least slightly lifted his head and looked at his mother's face. Do this until the baby refuses to raise the head.


It is worth noting that today there is a huge amount of various literature on the topic "Developing a child at home." There you can find various types of tips, which, by the way, may even contradict each other. So, some experts will say that at this age the child needs to be braked as little as possible, while others, on the contrary, will recommend elements of dynamic gymnastics for newborns. Therefore, parents need to competently approach the choice of those activities and exercises with which they want to develop their own child, focusing on the recommendations of the pediatrician and their own experience and opinion.

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