Cockerel fish: how much they live in the aquarium, life expectancy, maintenance and care

Siamese cockerel came to us from Thailand. A born fighter, for he was bred specifically for fighting, no matter how it sounds. Fish fight - it sounds kind of weird. However, the facts do not escape.

Males are completely unpretentious to their own "life." An ideal fish, it would seem: it easily adapts to any conditions, beautiful. And how many cockerel fish live? Now let's find out.

Cockerel story

Where did this pugnacious but beautiful fish come from? History says that back in 1800, males did not at all resemble their modern descendants. These were nondescript fish having a brown color. It would seem that there is absolutely nothing to pay attention to. However, the inhabitants of Siam (present-day Thailand) were not attracted at all by the appearance of the small inhabitant of the reservoirs. And her character is aggressive and daring. Even in relation to their own relatives.

And the inhabitants of Siam decided to engage in the breeding of these fighters. They crossed wild forms among themselves, and already got a more or less attractive fish, called "biting".

For over a hundred years, work has been ongoing on breeding individuals of representatives of this type of labyrinth. And as a result, in 1910, American breeders received the first fish of a different color than the brown specimens familiar to everyone. The character traits of this beauty have not changed at all.

How many cockerel fish live? Is their life expectancy very different from wild ancestors? In their natural habitat, these impudent hooligans can see the world for no more than a year.

Siamese Cockerel


About the nature of male males we can say "sugar with glass." The appearance is beautiful, but the temper is such that it becomes scary. At least those fish that are forced to live with a brawler in the same aquarium.

By the way, how many cockerel fish live in the aquarium? It all depends on the capacity, power and conditions. But more on that later. Now it is worth considering in detail the nature of this comrade.

As indicated above, the fish has always been characterized by increased aggressiveness. Both in the natural habitat and in the artificial.

One type of Betta


Keeping males in the same territory with other fish is fear and horror for the latter. Especially for loving guppies. That's who the fins and tails will suffer in the first place. And the slowness of these viviparous babies will only inflame the fighting cock.

Keeping males a pair is almost impossible. The male and male will certainly arrange fights not for life, but for death. And one of them will not come out victorious from the battle, the fight will not stop. As for the life of a male and a female, this is a difficult question. The male is able to kill a young lady who is not in his taste. Therefore, two or three ladies always sit down to him.

Cockerel is a bad neighbor


How old is the cockerel fish? With decent maintenance, the aquarist will be pleased for a long time. And what is this content?

  • The volume of the aquarium. There is an opinion that the cockerel feels great in an ordinary cup. Interestingly, the person who decided this would like to sit all his life in a small pantry, eat there, sleep, leave waste products? Creepy prospect. Why should a fish suffer? The minimum amount of water for an adult is 5 liters. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy very small round aquariums of 1, 2 and 3 liters. Now there are some, but how many cockerel fish live in them and what is their life? Definitely smaller and worse than in a spacious tank. So, if the future owner of the fish decided to purchase a 5-liter round aquarium for him as housing , this is the very minimum. Ideally, it is better to take 10 liters, squared.
  • Filter and heater. Not really required. More precisely, not so. The filter is not needed, but the heater can be installed in the aquarium. Again, given the size of the latter. The water temperature for the ideal existence of a cockerel is 25-28 degrees. When lowered, the fish can hibernate.
Aquarium Option

Soil selection

Soil for a small aquarium is a beautiful multi-colored pebbles. And preferably artificial. Why? Because it is necessary to clean the natural soil. And how to do it in such a small amount? Artificial stones are simple in that they can simply be washed.

Choice of decor and plants

If the aquarium is equipped with both a filter and a heater, if it is large enough and good, then you can think about living plantings. And a few decorations. When it comes to a small volume of a house for fish, then you should not squeeze out an already small volume of water with numerous decorations. Cockerel, in principle, they are not needed at all. As for plants, artificial ones look no worse than natural ones.

Water change

The answer to the question of how many years live cockerel fish also depends on this. With volumes of 30 or more liters, water is replaced once a week, 1/3 of the entire aquarium. In small aquariums, from 10 to 30 liters, this procedure is best done 2 times a week. As for very tiny containers, from 5 to 10 liters, then everything is individual. More precisely, the water is replaced 3 times a week, and the general cleaning with the replacement of 90% of the water is done once a week. What is spring cleaning? This is primarily a replacement for water. As well as thorough washing of the aquarium, artificial soil and plants.


What does this sweet but fighting fish eat? There is a special feed designed for males, from the category of dry. It can be purchased at the pet store.

If it wasn’t possible to buy just such food, it is quite possible to pay attention to food in the form of small granules. They are great for a small mouth of a cockerel fish. It should only be borne in mind that the granules should be mixed, plant and protein.

What else can be said about the diet of an aquarium inhabitant? Pampering him with a live bloodworm is not forbidden. Before giving the bloodworm a cockerel, the food is thoroughly washed. And they give one bloodworm, if the fish ate, you can offer another portion. Store bloodworms in the refrigerator, in a container of water.

For those who are going on vacation, the question arises: how long can a cockerel fish live without food? Up to a week. But it is advisable not to experiment, but to buy a special "weekend food". It is a tablet that does not dissolve in water. And the fish can eat it for more than a month.

Life span

So the turn came to the answer to the question: how many live cockerel fish? About three years. But this is the maximum period. As a rule, these daring aquarium inhabitants live 2-2.5 years.

Good looks, terrible character

Disease resistance

Males are pretty healthy fish. They are susceptible to low temperatures, as mentioned above. But fish diseases "catch" rarely.


In order to become a happy owner of small "chickens", you will have to make an effort. How does this process occur in males? The male and female are planted in a container of 6-7 liters. You can do without soil, but plants and dim light must be present.

The aquarium is filled with water by about 15 cm. The temperature of the water in it rises to 30 degrees. The male builds a nest from air bubbles fixed by his saliva.

By the way, the future dad is sent to the aquarium for spawning first. Then a female with caviar is planted. How to recognize her? On the rounded abdomen. After she finishes spawning, the head of the family takes care of the offspring. Mom is seated and they feed intensively with a bloodworm.

36 hours after the birth of the "chickens" dad is also planted. So that in a fit of care he doesn’t kill his kids.

The miracle of selection


From this article we learned how many cockerel fish live. Their life expectancy in captivity is about 2-2.5 years.

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