Since ancient times, cats have surrounded humans. They have the status of the most common pet. Pets relieve stress, give affection and warmth, amuse and make you smile. With a purr, published in a certain range, treat your favorite owners. But it so happens that cats themselves get sick. And then there may be a need for surgery.
Sterilization is also carried out by surgical intervention. Anesthesia is indispensable. What is the worried owner thinking first? Of course, about the risks, complications of anesthesia and surgery. Questions arise: how long does the cat move away from anesthesia, is it harmful to the animal?
What are the types of anesthesia
They are as follows:
- Inhalation. A mask is put on the animal's face, gas flows directly into the lungs. It is considered the safest for the animal. The drug is administered through the lungs, excreted in the same way. Do not load the liver and kidneys. If it is not possible to apply anesthesia through a mask, you have to insert an endotracheal tube into the cat's throat. If necessary, anesthesia is used. How long does a cat go from anesthesia? Wakes up almost immediately.
- Parenteral. Anesthesia is injected into a vein through a pre-installed catheter. It is convenient in that the dose of the drug can be accurately calculated and the volume of anesthesia administered to the cat can be controlled. Also, this method allows you to remove the animal from anesthesia smoothly, gradually reducing the dose. In this case, there is a load on the kidneys and liver, it is these organs that will have to remove the remnants of the drug from the body. Technically, it is easier to perform, because not all clinics have equipment that allows them to operate under inhalation anesthesia. The animal can sleep for several hours. In this case, after a complex operation, and after sterilization, the cat moves away from anesthesia for a long time.
What are the disadvantages of these types of anesthesia
When using inhalation anesthesia, the blood vessels of the animal expand, saturated with gas. The risk of a sharp drop in blood pressure is likely. You need the presence of a specialist who monitors all indicators. In addition, if not an mask, but an endotracheal tube is used, there is no possibility of direct access to the respiratory system. Therefore, for lung operations, this method of anesthesia is not suitable.
Parenteral anesthesia is dangerous for its unpredictable effect on the respiratory system. The cat is intubated. This means that during operations on the respiratory organs it is fraught with the occurrence of dangerous situations. In addition, the drugs give a load on the liver and kidneys.
Both types of anesthesia individually are more suitable for light operations. If serious surgery is ahead, anesthesia is likely to be combined or mixed. At the first stage, different substances are used in stages. In the second, more than two drugs are used at once.
What drugs are used for anesthesia?
The myth that anesthesia is harmful to animals is very common. This is due to the fact that back in the nineties of the last century, operations with animals were carried out using heavy preparations, from which the pet could not wake up at all. Medicines were from the list of narcotic substances. Ten operations accounted for at least one accident. Complications happened often. Therefore, the attitude towards anesthesia is still wary.
Nowadays, modern drugs are successfully used that do not give such severe consequences:
- Propofol, it is diprivan and a foul. A lightweight drug that is more suitable for simple operations. The animal instantly falls asleep, sleep lasts about thirty minutes. How much cat leaves after anesthesia with propofol? Answer: after about an hour it is already quite adequate.
- He flew, he is a dominator. It is safe, causes deep sleep, there are no pain.
- Butorphanol. The drug is for strong, prolonged anesthesia.
Attention, this is important
Approach the choice of a veterinarian and clinic with all responsibility. A good doctor when choosing anesthesia will take into account all the features of the animal. This weight and age, the state of the cat's body. Problems usually occur with improperly selected anesthesia. An experienced veterinarian will answer all questions and dispel fears about how long the cat goes from anesthesia. Remember: cheap anesthesia is never good.
Preparing your pet for surgery correctly
Before the operation, the veterinarian will examine the animal. You will need to take blood and urine tests, in addition, the cat will be weighed and measured. It will be necessary to indicate the age of the pet, the presence of any congenital diseases. You may have to visit the ultrasound room and do an ECHO of the heart.
Lighter and scheduled operations are scheduled for the morning. The owner of the cat will have to reconsider his daily routine in order to ensure proper care after the operation. This is especially true in the first day. Everything will depend on how long the cat leaves after anesthesia.
Before surgery, food is removed for 12 hours, water is excluded 10 hours before anesthesia. This is necessary so that vomiting does not occur. In principle, the same requirements are presented to people before surgery. Surgery is safer in the clinic. Take care of transporting the animal in advance. If the cat cannot be delivered to the veterinary clinic, veterinarians can come home. However, you cannot bring all the equipment, and the sterility at home will not be up to standard.
What do you need to cook?
- Carrying is good before surgery. After that, you cannot place the animal there without harming it. Useful box. The bottom needs to be covered with diapers, better absorbent.
- During the operation, the cat lies with his eyes open. Do not worry, she does not see and does not feel, just her body is so arranged. Special drops for the eyes are useful, preventing the mucous membrane from drying out.
- If the season is cold, prepare a blanket. Wrap them a box when you go home.
Be sure to ask the veterinarian how long the cat has been moving away from anesthesia in your particular case!
It is believed that after the operation, it is advisable to leave the pet in a veterinary clinic for the night under the supervision of specialists. But if doctors are sure that everything is in order, and the animal feels more or less normal, after a few hours you can go home. The veterinarian will give advice on care.
How much the cat departs from anesthesia and what it depends on
In principle, depending on what is meant by this. The animal wakes up after surgery, or almost immediately, or sleeps for several hours. Why such a time spread? It depends on the complexity of the operation, the type of anesthesia, weight and age of the animal, as well as the individual characteristics of its body.
If we keep in mind the effects of anesthesia, then they can occur from a day or longer.
What to be prepared for
After the operation, a blanket is put on the cat. It serves as a protection against infections and prevents the animal from reaching the seams. Bodycloth restricts movement, the cat is already weakened by the operation. Therefore, do not allow the pet to be on tall objects - chairs, sofas and so on. Trying to jump, the cat can hit the floor and damage the seams. Place a basket or box on the floor, let it be there.
The animal may be aggressive. Mood swings are common, no matter how long the cat takes away from anesthesia. Provide peace and quiet to your pet so as not to provoke aggression. Children should not approach an animal - you don’t want to look after a bitten and scratched child, too?
Treat and lubricate sutures, give injections, do whatever the veterinarian has prescribed. Non-compliance with recommendations is fraught with unpleasant complications.
A cat may refuse to eat or drink. With food, you can wait, maybe the pet will even feel sick. But a prolonged lack of water in the diet can result in dehydration. Try to drink the cat through a syringe in small doses.
Proper care and compliance with the doctor’s prescriptions will help you and your pet cope with the postoperative period. Let your pets not get sick and will always be healthy!