Thinking about pressing problems and reducing debits with credit, thinking about how to make payments, saving time, and at the same time not losing money, I came to the conclusion that electronic payment is the most convenient form of settlement with a service provider for me.
Having a regular bank card, I can make any purchases and pay for utilities, replenish my mobile phone and conduct business. And at the same time, do not stand in long lines at the bank cash desk or wait until I receive a receipt for payment with a note in the corner. It turned out to be the perfect solution for me. I took it into service, but a note of doubt nevertheless crept into consciousness. How beneficial is it to me? What is the probability of an error when paying by electronic payment? The stereotype is strong, "that without a piece of paper, you ....". And I heard about various cases of loss of payment or disappearance of money from a mobile.
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