Intestinal cramps during pregnancy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pregnancy is an important stage in the life of every woman. At this time, significant changes occur in the body, which often cause malaise. One of the causes of poor health during pregnancy is intestinal colic. The nature of their occurrence can be very different. In the article, we consider what causes intestinal cramps during pregnancy, what it is important for the expectant mother to know, in order to take appropriate measures in time.

Causes of discomfort

Colic is a spasm caused by severe bloating and muscle tension in the colon. Most often, its cause is gastritis not completely cured, impaired digestion and poor intestinal motility.

Bowel spasm what to do

If we talk about intestinal cramps during pregnancy, this phenomenon is due to the movement of the egg into the uterus. The first symptoms of colic can be observed one to two weeks after conception. It is worth remembering that many changes, including discomfort in the abdomen, are provoked by hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Active growth of the fetus can be the cause of systematic stitching pains in the lower abdomen, as well as be manifested by small spotting.

In rare cases, pregnancy is accompanied by a constant feeling of anxiety, anxiety, stress and excitement. This condition causes physiological problems: colic, insomnia, digestion.

In case of persistent bowel spasms during pregnancy, it is important to notify the consulting doctor about them. If colic accompanies the process of nutrition, bowel movements, and discomfort lasts for a long time, the doctor may recommend in-patient observation.

How does it hurt?

If a woman has pains and spasms of the intestines during pregnancy, it is necessary to find out what specific feelings the expectant mother experiences. As a result of a thorough diagnosis, the presence of pathologies associated with the intestine is revealed. Perhaps the reason lies in increased gas formation or an altered hormonal background.

Intestinal cramps symptoms

If intestinal colic occurs, you need to pay attention to such nuances as:

  • spasms or pain;
  • weak, moderate or acute severity;
  • focus area: in the hypochondrium, navel, in the side or in the lower abdomen;
  • sudden and short attacks or long and regular pains.

To understand the nature of discomfort, pain and intestinal cramps during pregnancy, it is important for the doctor to conduct an internal and external examination. It is necessary to determine what exactly causes the pain and how to eliminate them without harm to the child.


During pregnancy, starting from the first trimester and ending with the last days before childbirth, hormonal changes occur in the body. Against the background of increasing levels of estrogen and progesterone, the muscles and ligaments relax, which causes discomfort.

intestinal cramps with multiple pregnancy

The digestion process deteriorates, due to the stressful state for the body, the muscles contract, which causes colic and intestinal cramps during pregnancy in the early stages, usually in the right or left side. Pain occurs after stabilization of the hormonal background. In such a situation, it is advisable to consult your doctor and drink a vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant women.


Drawing pains with cramping in some cases indicate premature birth or miscarriage. A more accurate diagnosis depends on the gestational age. Premature birth, as a rule, is accompanied by bloody discharge, pain symptoms giving to the lumbar region, an increase in the tone of the uterus and the opening of its neck. If a bowel spasm does not go away during pregnancy for a long time, only the attending physician can decide what to do in this case.

If you do not start timely treatment, the result can be extremely deplorable up to an involuntary miscarriage. Abortion in some cases causes a risk of thrombohemorrhagic pathologies and infection in the woman's body. Therefore, you should be careful about health, in the presence of pulling pains, immediately consult a specialist.

Exfoliation of the placenta

When injured by a future mother, toxicosis or acute viral disease, the placenta may partially exfoliate. As a result, the blood supply to the fetus is disturbed, nutrients enter to a lesser extent, the life and health of the child are in danger.

Exfoliation of the placenta is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced pain in the abdomen and uterus;
  • intestinal cramps in early pregnancy;
  • the discovery of mild or severe bleeding;
  • deterioration of the fetus;
  • if the placenta exfoliates in the center, there will be no visible bleeding, since the discharge penetrates the walls of the uterus.

Most often, this kind of pathology occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. If measures are not taken in time, the deviation will progress and the fetus will die in the womb.

Bowel disease

Colic in the gastrointestinal tract may indicate a disease of the organ itself. This is usually associated with infectious or inflammatory pathologies. Failure to comply with the diet of the expectant mother causes disturbances in the digestive tract, accompanied by colic and intestinal spasm during pregnancy, the 2nd trimester is especially indicative - discomfort in the abdominal cavity is especially sharp. If, before conception, a woman suffered from a stomach ulcer or gastritis, this can also cause an exacerbation of the disease. Chronic inflammatory process is observed in the presence of Korn's disease and colitis.

Bowel cramps 2 trimester

Problems of an infectious nature arise due to the ingestion of viruses or Escherichia coli. They are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • stitching pains in the side or around the navel;
  • flatulence and pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rise;
  • excrement excreted with bile formations, blood or mucus.

If this is only irritation of the intestinal mucosa, then there will be no disturbances in stool, as well as discomfort during sleep.


The presence of pathological processes in the genitals of the expectant mother is most often indicated by pain in the lower abdomen and intestinal cramps. During pregnancy, the symptoms of such diseases appear as follows:

  • aching, pulling pains radiating to the intestines;
  • pain during examination by a gynecologist and palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • temperature rise.

Pronounced abdominal pain in some cases indicates peritonitis - a serious inflammatory disease. Therefore, at the first manifestations of malaise, it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination and begin treatment in order to avoid complications.

Pathology of the genitourinary system

Often intestinal cramps and abdominal pain are caused by problems in the urinary tract. In this case, pain and discomfort appear in the genitals. Acute pain can occur against the background of the ICD, with the development of cystitis.

Early bowel cramps

Pathologies of the genitourinary system can be identified by the following signs:

  • clouding of urine, the appearance of small particles or disseminated blood;
  • frequent urination, accompanied by pain.

Often, cramps and colic speak of pathological abnormalities, so it is urgent to take tests and undergo an examination, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe therapy.


Therapy of the expectant mother should take place strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since the risk of harming the fetus increases many times. First you need to consult with a gynecologist and gastroenterologist, undergo an examination to determine the cause of intestinal cramps during pregnancy. What to do in such cases, only a specialist can decide.

Intestinal spasm during pregnancy

After making a diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe medications that are allowed to be taken by a woman in her position. All medicines are used without fail according to the instructions and in the prescribed dosage. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease are usually prescribed:

  • “No-shpa” - as an anesthetic.
  • "Espumisan" - to relieve spasms.
  • Antibiotics and drugs that restore the intestinal microflora.

At what dosage to take the medication should be determined by the consulting doctor.


During the bearing of the baby, it is very important for the expectant mother to eat properly and balanced. Foods must be healthy, high in nutrients and vitamins.

The diet for pregnant women includes the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to observe the body's water balance, drink healthy drinks: freshly squeezed juices, smoothies and tea.
  2. It is required to limit the use of salted, spicy, fatty, smoked, fried foods and semi-finished products. If a woman really wants some of the listed products, that is, they are preferably not more than twice a week in small portions.
  3. The number of flour products and sweets also needs to be reduced. It is allowed to consume a minimal amount of marshmallows, marmalade, dark chocolate.
  4. It is advisable to remove foods that cause increased gas formation from the diet: cabbage, grapes, legumes and others. They cause intestinal cramps during pregnancy. With multiple pregnancy, this is especially important, since the organs inside are strongly compressed, and the gases, expanding, cause pain.

Food should be steamed or baked in the oven, stewed or cooked. Pregnant women are forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol and drugs. During this period, it is especially important to drink vitamins, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It is better to refuse citrus fruits for a while. During the day, food should be taken 5-6 times, in small portions. The last time is allowed to eat no later than two to three hours before going to bed. At the same time, food should be light and quickly digestible. It is also important to prevent intestinal cramps during pregnancy in the later stages, when the gases can have a very strong effect on the compressed organs.


You can prevent the occurrence of intestinal colic and not harm the child by regularly performing a massage of the abdomen. Simple manipulations improve digestion, reduce gas formation in the stomach. To do this, every day, the stomach is massaged in circular stroking movements clockwise for ten minutes.

Late bowel cramps

Every two weeks it is recommended to arrange a fasting day to cleanse the intestines. At this time, they eat only porridge, fresh fruits and vegetables, drink as much water or tea as possible. It is useful to perform acupressure body massage. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates discomfort, improves well-being.

To reduce gas formation during the period of gestation, you should abandon the use of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as well as coffee. Among other things, recommended diet for pregnant women, walking in the fresh air, an active lifestyle. In this case, the risk of intestinal pathologies decreases, the child develops correctly, pregnancy proceeds well.

Bowel cramps are a fairly common problem for expectant mothers. As a rule, it arises due to malnutrition, changes in the hormonal background or a sedentary lifestyle. Before panic, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and determine the causes of ill health. To avoid health problems, you need to fully eat, establish a strong and calm sleep, spend more time in the fresh air.

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