How to tell a child about the war of 1941-1945?

How to tell your child about the war? What is it for? Parents often worry that scary tales of war can cause nightmares. Indeed, it is not worth the kids to explain all the details of the fighting. Information should be dosed, taking into account the age of the child. Moreover, knowledge of historical events, pride in the country is the basis of patriotic education. Children must remember the heroism of their ancestors, their exploits.

Why should children talk about war?

Knowing the history of your country is the main stage in the development of a child’s personality. The story about the fighting will help the boy to form the image of a courageous and courageous hero. Girls are more interested in female roles during the war - caring for children, wounded soldiers.

how to tell your child about the war

Stories about feats of arms help to develop a sense of patriotism, pride in your country and people. It’s difficult to tell a child about World War II at a time. Therefore, it is best to divide the conversation into several parts.

How to tell your child about the war? It is necessary to take into account age-related features when drawing up a conversation plan. The smallest can read small poems about the war, talk about medals and awards. Older children will be interested in equipment, weapons, heroic deeds.

For clarity, parents should take their child to a museum or monument of military glory. Visual perception will strengthen understanding of the heroic deed of the country, will help to realize the inadmissibility of hostilities in the future.


How to tell children about the Great Patriotic War? How not to scare a child with the horrors of battle? Talking about the Patriotic War, it should be explained that fascist Germany attacked the Soviet Union. The insidious plan of the enemy was to destroy the sleeping, unsuspecting people as quickly as possible.

In a conversation with a child, it must be indicated that the whole country has united against the invaders. Fighting took place not only in specially designated places - on military fields. Military action arose wherever enemies appeared. In every city or village, residents defended their freedom, not wanting to obey the invaders.

So the partisans appeared. These are people who did not serve in the army, but conducted underground activities, protecting their people. They hid in the forest, destroyed the enemy, incapacitated military equipment.

The soldiers who went to the front fought in whole detachments, divisions. These were the most ordinary citizens who wanted to help their country.

tell children about the war of 1941 1945

How to correctly tell children about the war of 1941-1945 years? At what age should they start conversations? By the age of 3, the child already understands who these enemies and friends are. At this age, do not go into details. It is enough to tell that our country has won this war. May 9, citizens celebrate their triumph. On Victory Day, veterans put on orders, war songs are sounded, a festive salute is arranged.

Why did the war begin?

How to tell children about the Great Patriotic War? How can they explain why it started? Such questions worry parents, young teachers in kindergarten. Before the Victory Day, pre-school institutions talk about war heroes, learn poems and songs.

It should be explained to children that interstate conflicts can occur for various reasons. For example, country leaders quarreled, or the enemy wanted to seize a rich and prosperous region. The war with Nazi Germany had completely different reasons.

The fascist ruler decided to kill people based on their nationality. Only the Aryan race had the right to live and dominate the planet. All other nationalities (Russians, Poles, French, Armenians, Jews) had to be destroyed or completely subordinate to the fascist regime.

In this regard, it should be clarified that people of different nationalities also lived in Germany. This country was the first to suffer from the Nazis. In order not to become slaves of the Nazis, the Russian people decided to defeat the enemy.

How to tell your child about the war? How to explain its name? Fatherland is the native side in which the house, family is located. The soldiers fought for their country, children, wives, parents. Therefore, the Patriotic War got its name.

Military equipment and military professions

How to tell children about the war? Where to begin? You can recall that each person has his own profession. There are doctors, workers, teachers, sellers. And there are military professions. People are specially trained in the basics of tactics and strategy. Even in peacetime, military equipment is being developed - aircraft, weapons, tanks, rocket launchers.

During the war, people in military professions become commanders. These are generals, marshals, who on the map determine where the enemy will go, where it is better to catch and neutralize him.

how to tell children about the great patriotic war

Pilots, signalmen, doctors - during the war they were in the hottest spots. Tanks, ships, artillery, aircraft - all military equipment was controlled by trained people. Fighting took place not only on the streets of cities, but also in the air, at sea.

Women who were in the rear worked in factories, fields, sewed military uniforms, prepared weapons. Many of them went to the front as nurses. Devastation and sorrow brought The Second World War. You can tell the children how in the rear the children worked with their mothers in the factories, how they lacked food, how the enemies blew up houses, how people hid in bomb shelters.

Poems, Stories, Songs

Tell children about the war of 1941-1945 will help poems and stories written specifically for preschoolers. S. Alekseev has miniatures about the blockade of Leningrad ("Fur coat", "First Column"). The story of A. Mityaev “Bag of oatmeal” tells about the relationship of the soldiers. V. Bogomolov has a sketch “The Eternal Flame” about the defenders of Stalingrad.

L. Kassil, A. Gaidar wrote on military topics. You can include poems by A. Twardowski, V. Vysotsky in the conversation. Songs of the war years ("Cranes", "Katyusha") after listening to can be learned with older preschoolers.

You can tell the children that in between battles, soldiers rested, wrote poems, talked, remembered relatives, wrote letters. Songs of the war years helped to survive in an unequal struggle. This is the “Holy War”, “In the dugout”, “Dark Night”, “Alyosha”, “Dark-skinned”, “Blue Handkerchief”, “Oh, the roads”, “The Road to Berlin”.

Stories, songs, verses should be selected taking into account the age of children. After listening, you can arrange a conversation on the contents of the thumbnail. Photos of the war years, famous reproductions will help to enhance the impression of the story.

Hero Cities

When talking about the war, you must remember that there are hero cities. This honorary title is awarded to the village for the courage and heroism shown by its inhabitants. Such cities are located in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.

The Brest Hero Fortress was the first to take the blow of the enemy. The soldiers resisted to the last, trying to gain time. Almost all the defenders of the fortress fell in an unequal battle. The whole month continued the struggle. All this time, a red flag developed over the fortress - a symbol of courage and unity of the people.

how to tell a 4 year old child about the war

The hero city of Odessa is a beautiful port on the Black Sea. The Nazis gradually took over the streets. The trenches and barricades no longer helped - the army of the enemy was so great. But the inhabitants of Odessa did not give up: they left the city and hid in the catacombs. This is the name of the huge space underground. Tunnels several tens of kilometers long shelter the local population from the Nazis. And then the subversive war began. Odessans, getting out of the catacombs at night, set fire to houses with fascists, incapacitated trains.

The hero city of Leningrad was in the enemy ring. The Nazi troops surrounded the northern capital - they did not let people out and did not allow the carts with food to enter its territory. The blockade of Leningrad lasted almost 2 years. People were starving, heating did not work. But the residents passed the test. They did not surrender to the enemy. They were not frightened by the winter cold, hunger, exhausting labor, diseases. Their courage to this day serves as an example to posterity.


How to tell children about the Great War? You can try to motivate the child to independent thoughts. For example, ask the following question: "For what do you get medals and orders during the war?" Children in older preschool age can already tell themselves what kind of courage, exploits, courage, soldiers received awards.

tell a 5 year old child about the war

During the Patriotic War, fighters and commanders were awarded medals (“For Courage”, “For Military Merit”), orders (“Red Banner”, “Red Star”).

For the defense of hero cities, special awards were issued: “For the Defense of Moscow”, “For the Defense of Sevastopol”, “For the Defense of Leningrad”.

The orders of Kutuzov, Nevsky, Suvorov received commanders for success in the management of detachments, divisions. Ordinary fighters, partisans, the commanding staff of the Red Army and the Navy were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War.

Hero children

Preschoolers are more aware of the image of the same children as themselves. How to tell your child about the war? Tell about the children-heroes who, not afraid of reprisal, helped the country win.

Vitya Khomenko learned excellent German at school. He got into the dining room with the Nazis, where he washed dishes, served the officers, listened to conversations. Often the Nazis, not knowing that the boy understood their language, blurted out military secrets. Vitya Khomenko reported information to the partisan detachment. And also delivered underground weapons, explosives. He was executed along with other partisans.

Lara Mikheenko was far from home. During the summer holidays, she went to the village with relatives, where she was caught by the war. The village was captured by the Nazis. Lara decided to help the partisan detachment. Dressed in rags, a little girl walked around, begging for food. But in fact, Lara vigilantly looked out for the guns and headquarters of the enemies. She participated in military operations, blew up trains. No one would have guessed that a girl could be a partisan. She was shot after the traitor gave Lara to the Nazis.

Museum of Military Glory

Before Victory Day, children of kindergartens and schools come to monuments or the Eternal Flame. They lay flowers at the graves of fallen heroes, promising to preserve the memory of their exploits.

An excursion to the Museum of Military Glory will help children see the uniform of soldiers, awards, grenades, helmets, flasks, and raincoats. There are also photographs of the war years, letters of soldiers, their biographies are stored.

The story of the kindergarten war

In kindergarten, there is a wide range of opportunities to tell children about the war. This includes conversations, and learning songs, dances, and reading poetry, and participating in military relay games, and the opportunity to try on tunics and caps.

how to tell children about the war

How to tell a 4 year old child about the war? You should not say the words “kill”, “injure”, “blow up” at this age. Suffice it to say that the enemies captured the country. But the heroes defended the city, defended their families and won.

Before telling a 5 year old child about the war, You can read a story or poem, show a reproduction, a photograph from the places of hostilities. It is necessary to convey to the child's consciousness that war is bad. These are ruined cities, lack of food and a quiet life. You should also introduce the child to military equipment (guns, tanks).

In older preschool age, one can already draw attention to the fact that adults and children did not spare their lives. They risked themselves under bullets, trying to bring victory to the country.

Parents about the war

In kindergarten (closer to Victory Day), educators explain to parents how to tell their children about the war. Almost every family has its own stories about grandfathers and grandmothers who participated in hostilities or worked in the rear. You can show family photos, orders of veterans.

Tips for parents on how to tell children about the war

The main thing in this conversation is sincerity. It should also be explained to the baby that wars have always happened. Even on the example of fairy-tale heroes, one can talk about the essence of hostilities.

You can go with the child to the Eternal Flame or to the museum, lay flowers in memory of the dead heroes, watch the Victory Parade on television, express in your creativity the rejection of war.

Children's creativity

On the eve of May 9, in kindergartens, schools, pupils and students prepare crafts, draw paintings on military subjects. At home, you can continue to work together: make a craft and give it to grandfather, grandmother. It can be a tank, plane, ship. Or you can draw a picture and hang it in the apartment.

Do not scare the child with the fact that the war can begin any day. Better to give him a sense of stability. Explain that victory gave us the opportunity to live in peace, learn and work, walk quietly and not be afraid of enemies. Thank veterans for this.

When a child asks about war, he is more willing to hear that he is loved and will not be offended. Parents should help the baby cope with anxiety, anxiety.

Tips for parents: how to tell children about the war

  1. Talk about the war should be simple, concise language. The younger the child, the clearer and more accessible the information should be.
  2. No need to try to tell everything at once. It is better to divide the conversation into several parts. Talk about weapons in the museum, about heroism at the monument, about gratitude - creating a gift for a veteran.
  3. Older children must necessarily truthfully convey information about some of the nuances of the war. The parent should be prepared for unpleasant issues. If there is no desire to answer immediately, warn the child that he will find out everything, but later.

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