The drug "Traumatine" for cats: instructions for use, reviews, price. "Traumatin" for kittens

Those with pets know how hard it is to watch when they are sick. I want to help and quickly rid the pet of suffering. The most common problem for cat owners is animal injuries caused by falls, thermal or chemical factors. In such cases, it is very important that

traumatine for cats instructions for use

the owner was able to provide the pet with first aid, managed to relieve pain and stop bleeding before visiting the doctor.

In this regard, the drug "Traumatin" for cats is very convenient. Instructions for use explain in detail and clearly how to use it. It has almost no contraindications and side effects, so you can use it even without a doctor's prescription.

The composition of the drug

This medicine was developed by domestic scientists specifically for animals, taking into account their physiology. The “Tramatin” remedy for cats is a complex homeopathic medicine, which contains natural substances that have been used as anti-inflammatory and analgesics for many years . The medicine belongs to the class of low-hazard and contains components in small homeopathic doses. For animals, "Traumatine" is harmless, and it is used even for kittens. What are the main components that make up the product and what effect do they have?

- Belladonna has anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. Helps with cramps, colic and increased sensitivity to touch.

- Arnica stops bleeding, treats diseases of the circulatory system and relieves shock.

- Calendula heals various skin lesions and heals wounds.

traumatine reviews

- Echinacea relieves inflammation and boosts immunity.

In addition, the effectiveness of the drug is largely determined by the fact that its composition includes a unique substance - ASD-2. Its properties are worth dwelling in more detail.

The healing properties of ASD

This substance has a strong anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. The natural components included in its composition trigger the regeneration and restoration of cells, stimulate natural immunity and help the body fight the disease. The drug is effective against viruses, skin parasites, heals wounds, heals burns and suppuration. The use of ASD inside or outward activates the processes of cell metabolism and cleanses the body of toxins. After its use, the effects of intoxication, exhaustion are removed and all functions are restored.

What effect does the drug have?

Such a unique composition makes the medicine indispensable in many animal conditions. In the first-aid kit of each cat owner should be a medicine "Traumatine". Reviews of him indicate that he quickly relieves pain, stops bleeding and has a strong anti-shock effect, which is very important for serious injuries. is he

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It is also an excellent antiseptic and prevents the development of edema and the inflammatory process. The use of the drug helps to recover faster after surgical interventions and serious diseases. It helps to cure the animal in the minimum time without the use of antibiotics.

When is Traumatine used for cats

Instructions for use of this drug show that there are many animal conditions in which it can help.

1. Most often these are various injuries of the skin: burns, frostbite, lacerations, punctured and bitten wounds.

2. Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system: bruises, concussions, sprains, bruises and even fractures. It also helps with degenerative processes in the joints and spine, arthritis and bursitis, hemorrhage and concussion.

3. The use of the drug after surgery is very effective. He is not only

traumatine for cats

prevents complications, but also accelerates the recovery from anesthesia and tissue repair. Its ability to enhance redox processes and activate cardiac activity makes any operations with it safe for the animal. The drug "Traumatine" also helps cats spend the postoperative period more painlessly .

What diseases is it still used for

1. Acute inflammatory diseases, especially in the initial stage. Even with abscesses, phlegmon, mastitis and periodontal disease helps the drug "Traumatin" for cats. Instructions for use note the possibility of its use during pneumonia, acute otitis media and even with viral infections, such as rhinotracheitis

for traumatine animals

cats. Moreover, the additional intake of antibacterial and other chemicals in most cases is not required.

2. Especially often, this drug is used to help animals during childbirth. It regulates the power of contractions, anesthetizes, helps the cat recover faster. In the event of tears, it helps them heal without problems and inflammation. In addition, it helps a lot with fear of the animal, soothes and relieves spasms of the birth canal.

3. The tool "Traumatine" eases the condition of cats with cancer, removes pain and inflammation.

4. This drug quickly removes a cat from a shock state and helps with heat stroke.

5. Its unique composition allows the use of medicine even in kittens from the very moment of birth, for example, in the absence of a sucking reflex or birth trauma.

The need for traumatine for pets

Veterinarians and dog handlers believe that this drug should be in the medicine cabinet of all

traumatine for cats

pet owners. In this case, it is possible to quickly provide first aid in case of injury or serious condition of the cat. After all, medicines intended for humans are contraindicated in animals, and most veterinary drugs are difficult to use. It is necessary to accurately calculate the dosage and provide for the appearance of side effects. A tool "Travmatin" contains natural ingredients and will safely help your pet. The drug is in the form of tablets or gel, but its most common use is for injection. The price of "Traumatine" for cats is not very high. A bottle (10 milliliters) costs from 250 to 350 rubles.

How to use the traumatine preparation for cats

Instructions for use should be studied by all owners. Indeed, despite the fact that this drug has no contraindications and side effects, you need to be able to correctly calculate the dose of the drug. Typically, the drug "Traumatine" is used as an injection subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Cats are prescribed from 0.5 to 2 milliliters of the solution 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment most often ranges from 3 to 7 days. It all depends on the severity of the disease, so after giving the pet first aid, you need to see a doctor. In severe diseases and complex operations, treatment can be extended up to 3 weeks.

Sometimes a medicine is administered orally - in the form of tablets or drops. For example, during childbirth, cats are given 5 drops every 20 minutes. This medicine is also available in the form of a gel. Therefore, with injuries and damage to the skin, it is better to use it. It is safe even if the animal licks it. And in severe cases, the gel can be used simultaneously with injections.

traumatine for kittens

How is Tramatin used for small pets?

As already mentioned, you can use the drug "Traumatin" for kittens. It happens that after birth, some babies are so weak that they do not suckle. The drug will help in this case. If after an hour the baby has not started to eat, drop a couple of drops of Traumatin solution onto his tongue. You need to do this every half hour until he comes to his senses. Injections of the drug help out weak and premature kittens.

Anyone who wants his pet to be healthy should definitely get this medicine. The price of "Traumatine" for cats is low, and its use can save you from larger spending on treating an animal.

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